6 Januari 2010

Simply the Best Honey Baked Chicken

With the economy today, it usually takes both spouses working to make ends meet. This leaves trying to prepare dinner quite a task at times. People are always looking for good, easy, economical recipes to prepare. Naturally, you want to serve your family a meal that is nutritious and filling at the same time.

In my home I have some very hearty appetites. I am always looking for meals to serve that are good and also will go a long way. I have found that my baked chicken and potatoes have proven to be a favorite of all . I would like to share my recipe with you.


1 lg. chicken
1 lg. bell pepper
2 lg. onions
6 lg.potatoes
kitchen bouquet
salt, red pepper, and black pepper


Start by washing your chicken(leave chicken whole). Next, season chicken with salt, red pepper and black pepper or if you prefer, you can season with season mix. Then I take Kitchen Bouquet(a browning liquid) and rub generously all over the seasoned chicken. I place the chicken in a large roaster pan (ungreased) and cut bell pepper and onions into large strips and place all around the chicken. Put covered roaster into preheated oven (400 ). Bake for 1 1/2 hours...while chicken is baking , peel and cut up potatoes into large bite size chunks. Add salt and about 2 tbsp. of kitchen bouquet to potatoes and set aside. After the chicken has baked for 1 1/2 hours, add the potatoes into the roaster with the chicken and mix with the chicken drippings and onions and bell peppers. Cover the roaster and cook for another 30 minutes (until potatoes are soft when poked with fork). Uncover roaster and put oven on broil and let it brown for 5 minutes or to your satisfaction.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Judy_Pike

Find More : Baked Chicken , Recipe Chicken , Restaurant Chicken , chicken recipes

Extra Income From Home - The Best Way to Earn Extra Income From Home

It really is possible, even for the average person, to earn extra income from home. With the vast reach of the World Wide Web, it is becoming easier and easier to do. Even "techno-phobes" can find simple ways to utilize the Internet to earn extra income from home.

Picture this - you, in your jammies and slippers, sitting in your own private, comfy home office (or on the couch), working on your computer and actually earning money! Sounds great doesn't it? Well, more and more people are doing it every day. Average people like you and me, are creating more time, more freedom, and more wealth in their lives.

One of the best ways to earn extra income from home is with Internet network marketing. Now, while it is a fact that 97% of individuals who enter into the network marketing industry will either fail or quit their businesses, there are steps you can take to experience true success with your MLM opportunity and become part of the top 3% instead.

And I am NOT talking about the "steps" you are encouraged to take by your upline. For the average person, following in their uplines' footsteps would be like marketing their opportunity using "stone-age" methods. There are better ways. There are smarter ways. There are systems in place to help you, not only to earn extra income from home, but to truly build a wealth-generating business.

With the right system to guide you and provide authentic, up-to-date training you can be successful. With the right system that literally walks you through step-by-step how to start generating up-front cash today, you can build a genuine business. With the right system that provides access to a community of some of the industry's top earners, you can learn and develop your skill sets.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Debbie_Donner

Find More : income extra , income stream , Partner Business , Income Extra , Business Opportunity

How to Rent Cheap Rental Cars For Military

There are some guides on how to rent cheap rental cars for military through the internet. Although it's a privilege for military personnel to get discounts from car rental agencies, they are not provided a list of what benefits they can get from each. There was a time when my uncle from the marines came to visit us. He wanted to rent a car for himself so he could easily travel around town. But he didn't know which agency to go.

That's where I came in. I told him that I would help him browse the internet to see each agency's offer for military members. Through the help of search engines, we found a number of sites that offered different types of promos for him. Because of this, he was able to compare the pros and cons for each company. It's very convenient because he didn't have to go to one car rental office at a time. All he had to do was stay at home, relaxed in a chair.

Eventually, my uncle found a car rental agency that gave a good discount for him which would enable him to save a good amount of money. With the money he was able to store with the promos, he took us to different theme parks where in he was also entitled to certain privileges. In short, for those people like my uncle who need information about how to rent cheap rental cars for military, you should use the internet since it's a great source of knowledge for these kinds of things.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Erika_Ayala

Find More : car rental , rental car malaysia , car rental kota , van rental , transportation services