13 Oktober 2009

Chinese Food - The Best Option For Good Health

The Chinese food is very good for health as it is cooked with the purpose of enhancing the health benefits, such as long life, healing powers and medicinal value. It requires a good knowledge and experience to prepare the Oriental cuisine. It is cooked with poly unsaturated oils and no milk based ingredients like cream, butter or cheese are used. Though meat is also used, it is not used in excess to avoid high amounts of animal fat and cholesterol. Such type of food is called genuine Chinese food, which is actually a perfect diet for good health. The traditional food must include rice, noodles and vegetables.

The way of serving the food is also very special. It is almost obligatory to cut the food into small pieces before serving, and there will be no knives at the dining table. The right combination of things like herbs and condiments is very important. The food should be tempting in color and texture and must be enjoyed in peace. You can choose from a wide variety of dishes having different nutritional value. Chicken or beef and vegetables are a good combination. One can have cashew chicken or beef and broccoli in place of fried dishes like sesame chicken. Such dishes are very nutritious while the traditional foods like lo mien having noodles soaked in oil, fats and carbohydrates are not good for health.

Take brown rice instead of fried rice to avoid high levels of cholesterol and carbohydrates. Soy sauce and other additives rich in sodium content are basically used in Chinese food. But as you know, a lot of sodium is harmful, avoid too much sauce and go for vegetables and steamed dishes or stir fried using little or no oil. To reduce fat calories, take a healthy diet containing vegetable based dishes having some sauces and steamed rice. Taking fortune cookies at the end of the meal would be great.

To conclude, a Chinese food with a lot of vegetables, snow peas, and low in salt is considered a healthy food. The quality of the food also depends on your choice of the restaurant, whether it is a low-priced one or a high end restaurant. The waiter or the manager would also be keen to guide you about the kind of dishes and their nutritional value. So, it is very important for your health to select the right place and the right things to eat.

Use the unique Chinese Food Locator to find some of the best Chinese Restaurants in your city.

Also, find more informative articles, Chinese food recipes, and tips on Cooking Chinese Food to experience the flavor of the rich Chinese Cuisine.

How Does the American Chinese Food Differ From the Native Oriental Cuisine?

American Chinese food is different from the native Oriental cuisine in many ways. In the former, vegetables are used to decorate the food, whereas in the Chinese cuisines, vegetables are the main ingredients. This is very obvious in the use of carrots and tomatoes. The use of Asian leafy vegetables and a lot of fresh meat and seafood is very common in the native Chinese cuisine on the other hand. Besides, American Chinese food is generally less spicy than the native Chinese food. Usually, local ingredients common in America but no often used in China, are used to prepare the dishes. For example, the use of broccoli is very common in the Americanized version, while it is rarely used in the authentic cuisine.

American Chinese dishes are very easy to prepare and take less time in cooking. Many dishes are cooked very quickly with a lot of oil and salt. Generally, low-priced ingredients and the most common methods of cooking, such as stir-frying, pan-frying, and deep-frying are used. All the cooking can be easily done with the help of a wok. American Chinese food contains high amount of MSG which is used to add flavor to the food. But many restaurants serve 'MSG Free' or 'NO MSG' options, because some customers may be glutamate sensitive. However, cautiously done scientific research has shown no such negative effects of glutamate.

Mostly, American Chinese restaurants have menus written in English or having pictures, as they cater to non-Chinese consumers. Some restaurants have separate Chinese-language menus also featuring treats like liver, chicken feet or some other striking meat dishes that might dissuade Western clients. In New York's Chinatown, the restaurants are infamous for saying no to provide non-Chinese Americans the "secret" menu that features the genuine Chinese dishes. Thus, American Chinese cuisine differs a lot from the native oriental food in terms of taste, ingredients and the way of cooking.

Use the unique Chinese Food Locator to find some of the best Chinese Restaurants in your city.

Also, find more informative articles, Chinese food recipes, and tips on Cooking Chinese Food to experience the flavor of the rich Chinese Cuisine.

12 Oktober 2009

Makeup Beauty Tips, Not Magic

Still another fascination of women is the use of the makeup. Makeup has been used for several generations to make women look more attractive and appealing to the eye. Beauty products are supposed to enhance your beauty, and yet not every woman is knowledgeable on how to apply them. To help, here are some tips that you should know to learn the basics about putting on makeup.

One of the salient makeup beauty tips that you should know is that you should always aspire for the natural look. The rule of the thumb is to hide imperfections and yet look natural. It is recommended that you should not attempt to exaggerate your makeup, especially in daylight. Just make sure that you apply just enough makeup to enhance your beauty, and not to create a clown face.

For your face, start with a basic foundation that matches your skin tone. If you are likely to be exposed to the sun, your skin tone will be a bit darker so choose a foundation slightly darker than your skin tone. If the foundation you have chosen does not make a perfect match, you can dilute it with water or moisturizer.

Another great makeup beauty tip that you can use is how to use the concealers. The concealers have been one of the most important beauty products for years, especially among artists since it can cover blemishes and dark spots around your eyes. It minimizes other imperfections in the skin that the foundation is not able to cover. The concealers come in different types: creams, sticks, pots and tubes. The rule of the thumb when you select a concealer is to select one lighter than your skin tone. Also, you should avoid putting on too much concealer, or you will end up with very cakey face.

There are many makeup beauty tips for your eyes, but what is of great significance to every woman is the use of the eyeshadow or mascara. For the eyes, use a lighter eye shadow if you have dark skin tone or a darker shade if you have very light skin tone to highlight your skin color. Waterproof mascara is best for all weather conditions. Ordinary mascara in dark black or brown is a perfect color for sunny days. Then aside from the eye shadows and mascaras, you need to shape up your brows with the right eyebrow stencil designs to match the shape of your face. Line your eyebrows with an eyebrow liner that is nearest your hair color.

Lastly, one of the most significant makeup beauty tips that you should know is all about the lips. The lips are definitely one of the most attractive parts of the body to look at. Hence, you should be able to apply your lipsticks well. When you apply lipsticks, neutrals, nude, frosted rose and pinks are the perfect colors for everyday look. Red lips are a classic look that is always in fashion. Put on a lip liner that matches your lip color for a fuller lip, or try lip plumper with collagen or lip moisturizer to avoid dry or sunburnt lips.

Candis Reade is an accomplished niche website developer and author.

To learn more about makeup beauty tips, please visit My Self Improvement Ideas for current articles and discussions.