25 Februari 2010

Cara Membuat Sukses Afiliasi Program Marketing

Afiliasi pemasaran sering disebut sebagai salah satu program marketing online yang terbaik yang tersedia untuk usaha kecil. Mengapa? Tidak ada risiko ketika datang ke pemasaran afiliasi, Anda hanya membayar setelah hasil yang disampaikan. Menggunakan sebuah program marketing afiliasi Anda setuju untuk membayar mitra afiliasi fee referensi untuk setiap lead atau penjualan yang dihasilkan.

Ada banyak program afiliasi yang tersedia di Internet hari ini, jadi penting untuk membuat Anda menonjol dan menarik perhatian pemasar afiliasi profesional. Begitu Anda selesai melakukannya dengan baik Anda jalan ke kampanye yang sukses. Berikut adalah beberapa tips mengenai bagaimana Anda dapat membuat program afiliasi Anda menonjol dari orang banyak yang tersedia:

1. Klaim ceruk pasar. Jangan mencoba untuk menjual segala sesuatu untuk semua orang. Ini adalah cara tercepat untuk gagal dalam petualangan Anda.

2. Cari ceruk mitra. Setelah Anda mengklaim riset pasar niche Anda dan menemukan situs web yang memiliki pemirsa yang tertarik pada ceruk pasar. Anda akan ingin mencari mitra yang telah dibangun lalu lintas dan akan memetik manfaat dari afiliasi Anda tawarkan. Anda harus menawarkan win-win bagi Anda dan mitra afiliasi Anda.

3. Mengembangkan menarik kreatif. Sediakan mitra afiliasi Anda dengan kreatif dan bahan promosi. Anda ingin membuat pekerjaan mereka pemasaran produk atau layanan Anda semudah mungkin. Semakin sedikit pekerjaan yang mereka harus lakukan dan lebih banyak konversi mereka melihat semakin besar kemungkinan mereka untuk mempromosikan produk atau jasa Anda.

4. Terus-menerus berada di tampilan luar mitra afiliasi baru. Jangan beristirahat di capai Anda hanya karena Anda memiliki beberapa mitra yang baik, Anda tidak pernah tahu kapan mereka dapat memutuskan untuk loncat kapal. Lindungi diri Anda dengan aktif merekrut mitra baru. Anda dapat menemukan mitra baru oleh iklan program afiliasi Anda pada situs web Anda, listing atau iklan di direktori afiliasi, atau dengan menghubungi langsung afiliasi potensial.

5. Jaga mitra Anda. Berkomunikasi dengan mereka dengan menyambut mereka ke program afiliasi Anda mengirimkan produk update pada penambahan atau perubahan. Beri mereka tips dan memberikan nasihat tentang bagaimana menjadi sukses dalam pemasaran produk Anda. Selalu membayar mereka tepat waktu.

Sebuah program marketing afiliasi yang sukses membutuhkan waktu untuk membangun, tetapi dengan sedikit usaha yang memiliki kemampuan untuk meningkatkan penjualan Internet Anda terasa. upaya ini berharga dan dapat menjadi yang terbaik pada waktu dan investasi keuangan dalam rencana pemasaran Anda.

sumber : http://marketing.about.com/cs/internetbasics/a/createaffiliate.htm

24 Februari 2010

Jasa Kontraktor Pameran Tak Pernah Sepi

Selain acaranya, apa yang ada dibenak Anda ketika datang dan melihat sebuah pameran yang digelar? Ya, pastinya adalah stand pameran yang meliputi desain interior dan eksteriornya. Sehingga pengunjung bukan hanya tertarik menikmati berbagai suguhan acara yang diselenggarakan panitia, tapi juga betah mengelilingi arena pameran.

NERACA - Sebuah pameran kadang diselenggarakan untuk memperingati suatu momen atau sengaja dibuat dengan tema khusus yang lahir dari ide sekelompok panitia alias event organizer untuk tujuan tertentu. Yang mengikuti pameran pun, beragam perusahaan baik swasta maupun pemerintah yang bergerak dibidang tertentu sesuai tema acara pameran sebagai ajang promosi. Tidak hanya itu, lembaga pemerintah baik pusat maupun daerah juga tak ketinggalan sering berpartisipasi meramaikan sebuah pameran guna menso-. sialisasikan kebijakan sampai memperkenalkan potensi daerah masing-masing.

Sebuah acara pameran mutlak memerlukan perlengkapan pameran seperti stand. Jangan menganggap remeh keberadaan stand-stand pameran yang didesain semenarik mungkin sesuai tema acara untuk memanjakan mata pengunjung yang datang. Desain stand pameran tersebut sangat penting dipersiapkan dengan matang guna menunjang keberhasilan suatu acara pameran atau exhibition.

Dibalik kesuksesan dan keberhasilan suatu pameran yang dilihat dari desain stand pameran, ada jasa kontraktor pameran yang lebih dulu bekerja untuk menyulap ruang gedung yang digunakan sebagai tempat acara berwujud sesuai dengan tema yang menjadi konsep desain pameran.

Modal Ratusan Juta Pameran pasti selalu ada setiap bulannya, hampir di setiap kota maupun daerah. Acara pameran begitu laris manis diselenggarakan sebagai salah satu cara perusahaan atau instansi untuk memperkenalkan diri kepada masyarakat. Hal ini memperlihatkan faktor permintaan desain interior maupun eksterior stand pameran, sebagai salah satu perlengkapan yang wajib ada di acara pameran, semakin meningkat

Tingginya tingkat permintaan inilah yang mendorong lahirnya banyak perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang jasa kontraktor pameran dengan spesialisasi menyiapkan berbagai keperluan dan perlengkapan pameran. Sebut saja Gde Zaraswa-tika Nugraha yang mendirikan perusahaan jasa kontraktor pameran dan diberi nama Nugraha Selaras Idea tahun 2007 silam. Perusahaan yang berlokasi di Jakarta ini memberikan ide dan mengerjakan bidang arsitektur dan interior stand pameran.

Gde mengakui bila awal-
nya, dia hanya bergerak pada bidang arsitektur dan interior untuk hunian saja. Namun, seiring berjalannya waktu pihaknya juga merambah dan mencoba berkecimpung di dunia pameran. "Dunia pameran memiliki tantangan tersendiri, dimana kami mesti memberikan ide untuk menangani desain interior dan eksterior stand pameran sesuai tema yang saat itu diselenggarakan serta keinginan klien", ungkapnya.

Diajuga menambahkan, saat mendirikan bisnis ini, dia mesti merogoh kocek sebesar Rp 100 juta untuk modal awal. Modal tersebut dipergunakan-nya untuk membeli keperluan untuk membuat dan mendesain stand pameran serta membayar gaji karyawan. Dalam menjalani bisnis tersebut, Gde membidik target pasar tidak hanya perusahaan swasta dan pemerintah saja, tapi juga masyarakat yang ingin menggunakan jasanya.

Harga Disesuaikan Tingkat Kesulitan Desain yang ditawarkan Gde cukup bervariasi seperti desain modern, tradisional, modern minimalis, klasik, kontemporer dan sebagainya. Bagi klien yang tertarik untuk menggunakan jasa kontraktor pameran Nugraha, Gde selalu menyesuaikan jadwal klien untuk persiapan, kapan pameran akan diselenggarakan guna mengerjakan stand pameran yang diminta.

"Untuk buat janji jika ingin pakai jasa kami, biasanya kami yang akan mengkuti jadwal dari klien. Tapi untuk amannya, 3 bulan sebelum acara", ujarnya. Hal tersebut perlu dilakukan, sebab klien mesti berkonsultasi dengan pihak kontraktor untuk menyepakati kerjasama serta memilih model, bentuk dan desain stand pameran seperti apa yang diinginkan pihak klien. Jangan sampai ada kesalahan komunikasi yang dapat berakibat fatal.

Selain itu, Gde melanjutkan, hal itu juga dimaksudkan untuk memberikan waktu kepada kontraktor agar dapat mengerjakan stand pameran dengan tidak tergesa-gesa untuk mencapai hasil maksimal.

"Waktu pengerjaan di workshop disesuaikan dengan besar dan tingkat kesulitan atau detail dari stand tersebut", paparnya. Sedangkan untuk harga tidak ada patokan khusus yang diberikan oleh perusahaan jasa kontraktor pameran. Hanya saja masalah harga memang disesuaikan dari tingkat kesulitan atau detailing dari stand yang diminta dengan sistem pembayaran down payment atau biasa disebut uang muka.

Jika ada yang belum tahu dari mana perusahaan jasa kontraktor pameran mendapatkan untung, Gde menjelaskan, keuntungan yang didapat dari kebanyakan peru-sa-
haan yang bergerak dibidang ini biasanya berdasarkan proses pengerjaan dan material yang kita gunakan. Semakin tinggi tingkat kesulitan stand pameran yang diminta, maka semakin besar juga harga yang harus dibayar klien. Dengan begitu, untung perusahaan juga akan besar.

Dalam menggarap bisnis kontraktor pameran, tidak melulu dalam satu hari mendapatkan klien. Tapi, bisnis ini diyakini akan terus tumbuh subur seiring meningkatnya kebutuhan perusahaan untuk menyelenggarakan pameran. Gde mengatakan, saat ini pihaknya tengah mengikuti undangan tender dari beberapa perusahaan yang akan mengikuti pameran. Hal ini membuktikan, salah satu strategi jitu untuk menembus pasar adalah dengan aktif mengikuti pameran.

"Omzet tergantung dari jumlah klien yang memakai jasa kami, biasanya dalam satu tahun kami bisa mengikuti pameran sebanyak 4 kali", tuturnya. Namanya bisnis, pasti selalu saja ada kendala saat mempraktekkan-nya. Begitu juga dengan bisnis jasa kontraktor pameran. Gde mengakui, masalah teknis sering menjadi hambatan dalam bisnis ini. "Misalnya saja, tone warna yang tidak sesuai dan kendala waktu desain yang sangat ketat, mengingat klien biasanya tidak mempertimbangkan proses desain yang kita buat", jelasnya. Saat ini, kepungan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang sejenis semakin banyak dan itu pertanda semakin banyak pula kompetitor di depan mata. Untuk itu, pelaku bisnis mesti dapat membangun dan menjaga kepercayaan klien.


22 Februari 2010

Konsultan Bisnis Untuk Perbaikan di Perusahaan Anda

Manajemen dan bisnis adalah dua pengertian yang berbeda. Namun kadang kala kita sering menyamakan konsep dan pemahaman dua kata tersebut. Misalnya, jika anda mencari konsultan untuk membantu membenahi perusahaan anda, di dalam benak anda yang terpikirkan adalah konsultan manajemen dan konsultan bisnis. Mengapa? dalam konsep orang awam manajemen diartikan sebagai mengatur, mengelola, atau mengontrol sedangkan konsep bisnis diartikan sebagai berdagang, berusaha, mengelola perusahaan. Untuk lebih jelasnya mari kita bahas konsep manajemen dan bisnis dalam pengertian yang sebenarnya.

Konsep dan Pengertian Manajemen

Dalam artikel saya sebelumnya yang berjudul “Kami Ahlinya Konsultan Manajemen-Management Consultant ” konsep manajemen diartikan Kata Manajemen berasal dari bahasa Prancis kuno ménagement, yang memiliki arti seni melaksanakan dan mengatur. Manajemen belum memiliki definisi yang mapan dan diterima secara universal. Mary Parker Follet, misalnya, mendefinisikan manajemen sebagai seni menyelesaikan pekerjaan melalui orang lain. Definisi ini berarti bahwa seorang manajer bertugas mengatur dan mengarahkan orang lain untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. Ricky W.Griffin mendefinisikan manajemenperencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengkoordinasian, dan pengontrolan sumber daya untuk mencapai sasaran (goals) secara efektif dan efesien. Efektif berarti bahwa tujuan dapat dicapai sesuai dengan perencanaan, sementara efisien berarti bahwa tugas yang ada dilaksanakan secara benar, terorganisir, dan sesuai dengan jadwal. sebagai sebuah proses

Fungsi Manajemen dapat diringkas menjadi fungsi yang pertama adalah Perencanaanplanning). Fungsi ini adalah fungsi manajemen yang harus mampu menjawab 5W1H yaitu Apa yang direncanakan (What), Mengapa direncanakan? ( Why), Kapan dilakukan? (When), Dimana dilakukan? (Where) dan Oleh siapa yang melakukan? (Who) dan yang terakhir adalah bagaimana melakukannya?(How) (

Fungsi kedua manajemen adalah Pengorganisasian (Organizing). Yaitu fungsi manajemen yang berhubungan dengan pembagian tugas, wewenang dan tanggung jawab. Di sini masing-masing orang di dalam fungsi manajemen memiliki job descriptionPelaksanaan (Actuating) adalah fungsi manajemen yang berhubungan dengan bagaimana cara melakukan atau menggerakan personal untuk menjalankan tugas dan perannya masing-masing di dalam organisasi perusahaan. Fungsi Controlling atau pengawasan adalah fungsi manajemen dimana peran dari personal yang sudah memiliki tugas, wewenang dan menjalankan pelaksanaannya perlu dilakukan pengawasan agar supaya berjalan sesuai dengan tujuan, visi dan misi perusahaan. Di dalam manajemen perusahaan yang modern fungsi control ini biasanya dilakukan oleh divisi audit internal. yang jelas dan terstruktur. Fungsi selanjutnya adalah

Konsep dan Pengertian Bisnis

Secara umum pengertian ekonomi bisnis adalah kegiatan untuk melakukan proses jual dan beli barang dan jasa kepada konsumen untuk mendapatkan laba atau keuntungan. Asal kata bisnisbusiness. Aktivitas bisnis bisa dilakukan oleh siapa saja dan dimana saja. Bahkan dalam dunia saat ini aktivitas bisnis dapat dilakukan tanpa harus bertatap muka antara penjual dan pembeli. Konsep bisnis yang dilakukan diinternet ini sudah menjadi aktivitas bisnis yang tidak terbatas oleh waktu dan ruang bahkan usia. Kata bisnis sendiri masih menjadi perdebatan. Bisnis dapat merujuk pada badan usaha atau perusahaan yang menjalankan aktivitas bisnis. berasal dari bahasa Inggris

Bisnis dapat dikelompokan berdasarkan aktivitas bisnis yang dilakukannya dalam rangka mendapatkan laba atau keuntungan.

1. Bisnis yang memproduksi barang atau disebut dengan manufacture. Aktivitas bisnis ini biasanya memproduksi barang untuk kemudian dijual atau diperdagangkan ke konsumen atau pihak ketiga yang disebut distributor.

2. Bisnis yang memproduksi jasa. Aktivitas bisnis ini biasanya memproduksi kemampuan yang bersifat skill seperti konsultan bisnis atau konsultan manajemen. Yang menjadi produk dari bisnis jasa adalah kemampuan dari personal secara soft skill.

Bagaimana Manajemen Bisnis bisa Membantu Perusahaan Menjadi Lebih Maju?

Sebenarnya tidak ada formula manajemen bisnis yang menjamin bahwa dengen menerapkan suatu manajemen binsis maka otomatis akan berhasil menjadi perusahaan besar dan maju. Perlu difahami bahwa adanya manajemen bisnis diperlukan untuk mengatur dan mengelola perusahaan agar lebih teratur, rapi dan sesuai dengan keinginan dari pemilik perusahaan atau tujuan dari perusahaan itu berdiri. Suatu perusahaan yang sudah menerapkan sistem manajemen tertentu seperti ISO 9001, Six Sigma, Balance Score Card atau pun blue ocean strategy tidak menjamin perusahaan tersebut menjadi besar. Seperti yang sudah saya tulis di artikel berjudul “Integrated Performance Management: Bagaimana Konsultan Manajemen Bisa Membantu Anda?” penerapan sistem manajemen yang bagus dan berkualitas tanpa adanya integrated management akan menjadi sia-sia dan membuang biaya.

Namun dalam prinsip manajemen untuk menjalankan bisnis perusahaan sistem manajemen yang direkomendasikan adalah seperti yang diuraikan diatas yaitu adanya fungsi perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan, dan fungsi kontrol. Dengan menjalankan formula manajemen seperti itu diharapkan bisnis perusahaan akan berjalan dengan baik dan mencapai sasaran sesuai dengan tujuan perusahaan.


Bisnis Crepes, Peluang Usaha Paling Gila

Awalnya sederhana sekali, bermula dari seringnya anak dan istri saya membeli crepes di Mall. Sedangkan produk crepes tidak ada di kota kami, yang notabene kota kecil. Sehingga anak dan istri saya baru dapat menikmati crepes kesukaaannya saat kami keluar kota ke Jakarta atau Bandung, mampir ke beberapa Mall yang menjual crepes.

Maka tercetuslah ide untuk membuat sendiri crepes di rumah, dan secara kebetulan ada beberapa rekan yang memberikan inspirasi tentang bahan dan resep yang diperlukan.

Saat itu mulai-lah istri menguji coba crepes buatannya, ternyata tanpa disangka-sangka crepes hasil karya istri sangat disukai anak kami, teman-temannya, anak-anak tetangga dan juga teman-teman kami. Mereka bilang rasanya luar biasa, malah mereka bilang crepes buatan kami lebih enak dari crepes yang ada di mall.

Dari hal itu tercetuslah ide peluang usaha yang akan kami jalankan Singkat cerita, istri mulai diminta dan mendapat pesanan crepes dari beberapa tetangga, teman, dan orang-orang sekitar kami untuk membuatkan crepes diacara-acara mereka : Ulang Tahun, Khitanan, Arisan,dan Acara di sekolah-sekolah. dan tanpa kami sadari, semakin hari semakin banyak saja pesanan yang datang. Melihat peluang pasar yang masih belum tergarap, dan apalagi crepes hanya ada di mall di kota-kota besar ditambah dengan harga yang sangat tidak terjangkau untuk masyarakat kebanyakan, maka lahirlah ide untuk menekuni usaha crepes ini.

Usaha ini kami mulai dari 1 gerobak, dan terus kami tambah sampai kami memiliki beberapa gerobak, dan ternyata usaha kami banyak menarik minat teman-teman dan orang-orang sekitar kami untuk menjalankan usaha ini, maka kami buat usaha ini menjadi kemitraan ( waralaba )

Kembali kami dibuat /terkaget-kaget, ternyata belum sampai 1 tahun jumlah mitra kami ada 100 outlet lebih, ini semua merupakan anugerah Tuhan atas kami, apa yang tidak pernah saya lihat, saya dengar dan timbul dalam hati justru itu yang Tuhan lakukan untuk kami.

Kemitraan, kami jalankan sesederhana mungkin, karena usaha ini juga kami mulai dari hal yang sangat sederhana, ini juga yang mungkin menarik minat calon-calon mitra kami dulu.

jika anda ingin mengetahui tentang informasi peluang usaha clik link ini : peluang usaha


19 Februari 2010

Is Buy to Let an Effective Investment Vehicle?

Buy to let as with any other property investment has the potential to be a very effective investment vehicle in my opinion, the secret is to be able to do it in the correct way so that this investment does not end up costing you money.

When one is looking to use buy to let as an investment vehicle, there are a couple of things which you should keep in mind when making your investment decisions, these things could make the difference between a well functioning finance investment and an utter disaster. Here are a few pointers which I hope will help you make the correct financial decisions and truly aid you to become financially free so that you can enjoy the fruits of living a life full of abundance.

1. Invest in yourself - Before you make any type of financial investment decision when it comes to buy to let options, be sure that you are following the correct advice and that you do not need to change your strategy every time the market changes.

2. Do the maths - Be sure that you are using effective systems and formulas when it comes to making your decisions. If you are not able to calculate the value of your investment and the effect it will have on your finances in the worst case scenario, then you are not doing this properly.

3. Be sure to know the target market - Before you buy the property be sure to do adequate investigation into who your target market is, and what they will see as being a fit amount to pay for the rental of the property.

4. Look for the best deal - Always look around so as to be able to determine where you can get the best deal to finance your investment.

5. Always allow for the bad times - Find ways to be able to determine what the effect of worst case scenarios such as vacant property or bad financial times will have on your investment, if you are able to do this effectively then there will be no reason why buy to let properties should put any strain on your financial portfolio.

These are but a few of the pointers which I feel will help you to make the correct and financially sound decisions when it comes to buy to let property investment, if you take them into account you will be on a far more safe road into the world of property investment as a investment vehicle than if you were ignorant to them.

As I always say, please take the time to invest in yourself before you begin to make substantial finance investment for your future.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Hannes_Dreyer

Publishing Choices For Writers - Self-Publishing Print on Demand (Part Three)

Print on Demand is an attractive and viable option for authors if they are willing to put up with the negative factors discussed in other articles in this series. However, prior to jumping in, an author needs to take some specific steps to find the best Print on Demand company for their needs.

Options include Print On Demand companies that do the printing and nothing else, providing no support for the author. Other POD companies may provide some publishing services, but may not have the quality control over what gets put out on the market. If that is true and there is no quality control, then an author who has a great book may get lumped into the stack with those authors who just want to see their name in print. This is a serious consideration for authors who are aiming for the New York Times bestseller list.

Newer, actual publishing companies, may now offer Print On Demand as an option for printing, thereby offering all publishing services to authors in addition to the POD option for printing. However, once again, an author needs to do their homework. Some publishing services which are "vanity" services may be more interested in getting money from the author than in helping an author put out a good product, even if they offer Print on Demand printing.

Assuming an author has their work already edited, a cover already selected and are happy with their manuscript, then just getting a few copies of their book printed will dictate going just with a POD printing company. However, assuming an author needs work on their manuscript and does not know how their book will sell, the key would be to find a publishing company which has built a reputation of caring about what is published and who offers Print on Demand as an printing option. Then an author can get the best of both worlds- publishing by a reputable company who will work with their book and yet not be saddled with books that never sell. But, no matter what, authors need to do thorough homework when investigating the quality of these companies.

It is important to understand that one option is not necessarily better than another, but is rather just that, an option. Each writer will have their own needs and any of the above choices may be a perfect fit depending on those needs. But taking the time to investigate the quality of a company, no matter which choice they make, will give assurance to a writer that their work will be the best it can be while satisfying whatever needs they have.

Print On Demand is just one option under the self-publishing umbrella. In other articles, I will discuss other options for authors to get their work out into the public.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Candace_C._Davenport

Personal Bank Loans - The Setbacks

Many consumers have experienced a time when they need to take out a loan. The most obvious choice when you need a loan is personal bank loan. It's quite normal to immediately go to your own bank in order to ask for a loan. However, many people do not realize they can go to any bank in order to apply for a loan. The reason is because you want to get the cheapest interest rate on the money you borrow. The only way to find out if your bank is offering you the cheapest rate is if you compare rates. You have to get the rates on offer from a variety of banks. It is not a sure thing that your bank is going to offer you the lowest rates.

Personal bank loans could be small loans or very large loans. It is important that you are able to calculate how much money you will pay the bank in interest rates. It is also very important for you to understand that you must pay the money back on a specified date each and every month. If you are late with your payment you will be penalized. Even if you are one hour late you will be penalized. You will have to pay a higher interest rate than the original. Every time you are late the interest rate of personal bank loan will be pushed up. If you are not absolutely certain that you can make your payments on time every month then be prepared to pay back more. If the interest rate is pushed higher and higher it is going to take you longer and longer to repay your loan.

Personal bank loans can be a big help when you are in need. If you want to simplify your quest for interest rates then use an online site that provides quotes of this nature. It only takes minutes to have a list of interest rates to compare.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dana_M._Kilstein

18 Februari 2010

Scouting Out the Cheapest Insurance Company Effortlessly

There are pros and cons to take into consideration when looking for the cheapest insurance company. What you want to be careful of is risking quality coverage for a lower price. The best way to evaluate the best but cheap companies is to do an internet search and evaluate the products and coverage offered by the top providers. Here are a few things to look for to help make your policy affordable.

Keeping in mind that most of the insurance companies provide coverage in the same areas, the specifics may vary significantly. When you find prices that are so low like a dream come true, there may be fine print that you are overlooking or something that will be costly in the long run you are not seeing on the front end.

Taking the time to shop around and make comparisons has benefits. This will help you discover the ins and outs of what is being offered and how it affects you. Once you begin digging below the surface it will be apparent what makes a provider the cheapest insurance company around.

Some of the things to look for when completing online questionnaires to submit for quotes are discounts. Many companies have discounts offered to organizations and specific groups. If you are associated to one of the list, you will earn a discount, making the cheapest insurance company a sure bet.

Other elements to factor in when looking for the cheapest insurance company is the deductibles you will pay if you get into an accident. Oftentimes policies look cheap, in some cases it could be because the deductible or the out of pocket expense is significantly higher. This is something to carefully study to make sure you are getting a good deal for your lower investment.

A company offering quality in products and service will normally have several opportunities for discounts to make it affordable. This could be in the forms of buying multiple policies, like auto insurance, renters insurance, and combining other needs with the same company to get a significant savings.

In some cases the amount of coverage can be lowered in certain areas to make your payments cheaper. Not all companies offer this option, but many will. By taking them up on their convenient payment methods that will secure the funds on a certain date when the premiums are due you can earn discounts. Finding any cheapest insurance company is easy, you just have to take the time and read what they have to offer.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ted_Kripps

Your Internet Business Education - A Smart Investment

There is a common misconception among some online business-owners: That everything you need to grow your business can be found online and you don't need to pay for it. This is a belief that can have you running around in circles trying to figure out how to run your business online. I know because I've done it.

There are so many sites on the internet that offer you free business information, free courses, free forums and all kinds of things to help you grow your business. Now I'm not saying that these sites are not incredibly valuable (many are, many are not) but you need to know what is good information and what is not. Many times the only way to do that is to pay for it, that's right, with real money.

I stress the money part because for a very long time I myself was under the impression that I need not pay out money for information I could find for free online. You see, the problem is much of the information is scattered all over the place, in no clear order, so it makes it very difficult to determine how to apply it to your business.

When you pay for a course, book or service you are buying information that someone else (who hopefully knows what they're doing if you've chosen right) has taken the time to organize and prioritize so that you can learn from what they've already learned and save yourself tons of time in the process.

Even if you only earn a little back by using what you read it will increase your knowledge and allow you to make informed choices about what you need to know next time you invest in your business. Often the return on your invest will be huge and you will wonder why you didn't invest in your Internet Business Education sooner!

Here are some steps to take when looking to purchase business self-education materials online:

  • Read the sales copy all the way through - There will often be a lot of valuable information in the sales copy of someone who knows what they are doing. You can go through their sales page and learn just from that! If you are reading a page that is full of 'fluff' and 'promises' but no real solid facts or information, move on because they are probably selling you something not worth your money.
  • Look for testimonials and check them out - Almost all reputable sites will have testimonials of people that have used their product and were very pleased with it. Often they will include a link to the site of the person who wrote the testimonial. Check out their site, have a look at what they have done with it and you may also learn a few things.
  • Contact them and ask questions - If you have any questions about the product or service being offered use the contact information available and ask them. The amount of time it takes for a response and the quality of the response should give you a very good idea of whom you are dealing with.
  • Ask around - If you belong to any discussion groups or forums, etc, ask around and see if you can find someone who has purchased what you are interested in and what they thought of it. I have done this before and it is great to get feedback from someone who's already spend money on what you are looking to purchase.

The important thing to remember is that if you learn from it and grow your business it is not a waste of money. If you only break even you are still getting education that will help you in the future with your business.

I have used some online courses and services that I have found invaluable. It took me a long time to decide to invest in my business education, but once I did I was sorry I waited so long to start really learning!

I would love to hear of any you have found to be worth your money, please let me know.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Angela_Wills

Copywriter Jobs - Very Challenging and Exciting Jobs

Copywriter jobs that I discuss in this article is limited to copywriters for internet marketers, but that does not mean this job is only for internet marketing, it also applicable for off line business.

A good copywriter can deliver a sales page for certain product with such a compelling and high impact sentences that can result in more sales or in internet marketing is called good conversion rate.

The capabilities of copywriters are vary from one to another that is why copywriter's fee range is very wide, actually you can hire a good copywriters, with fee starting from several hundreds up to more than twenty five thousands dollars.

There are a lot of copywriting courses and seminars, it's a prove that this field of jobs is quite popular. Books about copywriting are also available at so many places, online and off line as well.

For Internet marketers, their sales page is actually their salesman, the better the sales page, the conversion rate will also get better. Conversion can be measure by sales percentage to total visit, or opt-in rate on a squeeze page. If you make a bad sales page, regardless of quality of your product, your chance for being successful is decrease significantly.

For beginner internet marketers, "copycat" strategy for creating a good sales page or squeeze page is very effective. This copycat strategy is a legal way of copying. It means that you look and collect for good and excellent sales pages or squeeze pages from the internet, copy their style with your own sentences and graphics, therefore you will not have plagiarism issue.

Further study on sales psychology and sentences with "hypnotic" ability will give huge advantage. There are a lot of articles on the internet (including inside Ezine articles) about copywriting techniques and also some common mistakes and pitfalls in creating sales letters. Those articles can become your source of reference.

The easiest and the fastest way is by using software. You can use legal software or tools for copywriting, that have already proven step by step ways to create professional sales and squeeze pages, starting from headlines, all the way to the closing statements and also the software enable additional features for users, such as inserting videos into their sales page in minutes. It also provide ready made excellent and compelling sentences. The reliable software must have SEO copywriting ability embed.

This tools can help you create professional sales pages for your product or for others, therefore it will make it much more easier for your copywriter jobs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andy_Riandi

17 Februari 2010

Red Carpet Systems - An Ultimate Event Management

From the past decade, it has been observed that so many business people are trying to promote their business through a well-established and experienced event management service. These event management services are playing a significant role in the promoting of a product in the competitive business world. With these services, you can attract both guest and media attention. Most of the event management is dealing with some esteemed functions like Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and many more worlds greatest events. However, these event management services are also available to the personal event like birthday celebrations and wedding events and many more. In earlier days, these events services only available to indoor use,and now these services are also available to outdoor use also. These services are also available depending upon the budget; you can also select the services based events.

Everyone around the world would be able to how your venue is decorated with style and speaking about your product or event. With these management services,you can also tell the world that how much serious about the business launched. You need to consider so many things before planning an event to promote your business. One of the most and important things is a good treat for guests, good material for photographers to work on the event will get more and more attention towards business. In a wedding event, the couple will feel very special for this treatment.

Most of the people around the world are thinking that these event services are available in the big cities only. However, these services are also available for you too, in your city also.You can book these services for your personal events and official events also. The scope can be limited, but you will have the same feel of this treatment. If you are getting these services of grand inaugural of your business,then you will get close attentions of the world because of the world class photographers services by this event management. These services are definitely attracting the attention of your guests and media personals and people around the world.

There are so many well established and well reputed event management services are available in the Angels city. You can avail these services at an affordable rate.To obtain more information and details about price list, all that you need to do a small search in internet.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Markin_Jelly

Taking Stock of the Online Digital Printing Services Innovations

In the good olden days when the internet was not the medium of communication for most, going to the small local photo shop seemed to be the best idea to get your photos printed. With the advent of computers came the age of digital cameras and today you can easily edit and beautify your photos by using various software on the computer. Yet the problem of getting such photos printed remained a headache because the cost of such printing was huge and also you needed to go to the local photo shop for this purposes. However, today you can easily access the online printing shops that reduce the cost of such printing by more than half of what you used to pay earlier.

The innovative digital printing technologies provide you with a new short-run printing job option. The result of such modernism in printing industry means for you:

- No more need to print thousands of copies as a minimum number for getting your print job done. In other words, this happens to be cost-effective even when you order just a few copies.

- No more tension of using all the extra copies that you ordered in time. You can get as many as you want only when you need them. In other words, no stocking of extra photos.

- Quick transfer of photos in the form of electronic files possible over the net. In other words, you can save a lot of time spent in physically visiting your print shops and also the quality delivered to the print shop will be perfect.

- Allows business houses to try more options of printing like full-color prints, glossy and graphic laden print outs etc. In short, the owners can be happy to get good quality output at the most affordable prices.

- Reduces time involved in getting the print outs. Earlier where the traditional print jobs required long steps like conceptualization done by the graphic designers, converting it into negative film, then transferring it on to the actual printing press etc. today the same job just requires a few little clicks!

Most of us feel great buying a digital camera and cutting down on the costs and efforts. Yet you need to spend a fortune again on getting such photos printed. Now instead of going to your local camera shop or drug store, you can easily get your photos printed in a jiffy right from the comforts of your house using the online digital printing services. Not only does the online digital printing service help you to get easy access to printing your photos but also it helps you to save a lot of money on the reprinting costs as well. Today you can easily purchase a wide array of online digital printing services by just having access to the net.

When it comes to business, the role of such online digital printing services becomes even more important. It is the people in marketing departments that know how important such costs are to the running of their businesses. A penny saved means a huge step in business and by cutting down the costs of printing your photos, you tend to save huge in your corporation overheads.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jen_Rachel

Bank Loan Modification - 5 Basic Tips to Stop Bank Foreclosure Now

A bank loan modification agreement is a long-term solution for those who will never be able to repay their existing loans. Millions of homeowners unable to refinance their loans may be looking for other ways to avoid or stop bank foreclosure over the next few years.

A bank loan modification is a change worked out between you and your bank. Your existing home owner's loan is reworked in response to your long-term inability to repay the loan. In order to avoid foreclosure the modifications will typically involve one of three changes or a combination of the following three: they may reduce the interest rate on the loan, make an extension of the time you have to repay the loan, or create a totally different type of loan. The lender will hopefully be open to modifying a loan because the cost of making the change is often less than the cost of loan default.

When you are facing foreclosure, dealing with your lender can be much like dealing with an angry family member who you owe money to. Some lenders are just not willing to negotiate when you are facing financial difficulties. Loan modification foreclosure prevention can help you avoid the stress and anger involved with trying to keep your family in your home. It is up to you to convince your lender that it would benefit them to agree to a workout arrangement with you. Unfortunately without proper guidance this may be more difficult than you had imagined. The use of foreclosure prevention counselors can make the process much easier to deal with.

Losing your home may be a fear many of us will soon realize but learning to navigate through the system of bank loan modification may be the answer to keep your family in a more stable situation and stop bank foreclosure.

5 Tips to Avoid Foreclosing on Your Home

  1. Don't spend your house payment: you may get confused deciding which bills to pay. Knowing you may lose your home, you may decide to pay your other bills in order not to fall behind and go into collections.
  2. Save time: using foreclosure prevention counselors will save you the time it will take to learn from your mistakes in dealing with your bank.
  3. Have a professional on your side: your bank will have a team of experts on their side. This process is scary and difficult to accomplish on your own.
  4. Learn the right way to work out your problem. Your home is at stake! Learn to properly navigate through the process of bank loan modification; this is no time to guess.
  5. Relax help is only a click away: you are a responsible homeowner, FIGHT BACK against the conditions you find yourself in.
Struggling borrowers can stay in their homes - even as values decline sharply - as long as they can make their monthly payments.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jake_Worthington

16 Februari 2010

Private Investigator Small Business Opportunity

Private investigator jobs are forecast to outpace the growth of all jobs in The United States for at least the next five years. Private investigation is a great small business opportunity. Not only are more people seeking to enter that line of work but it also provides a level of excitement that a regular corporate job cannot ever hope to match. Perhaps much of that is thanks to Magnum P.I.?

The type of person that would be attracted to a private investigator job is someone that enjoys and seeks out a certain level of danger. Private investigators do have to deal with certain threats as that is the nature of their job. If your day-to-day work involves things such as investigating and spying on cheating spouses or white-collar criminals, danger is bound to happen.

Using state-of-the-art technology such as forensic accounting, digital cameras, GPS tracking systems, and infra-red night vision private investigators routinely handle cases such as:

  • Divorce
  • Infidelity
  • Background checks
  • Identity theft
  • Insurance fraud (Workman's comp)
  • Personal injury
  • Stalkers

If you enjoy busting criminals and cheaters, this just may be the perfect job for you!

Becoming a private investigator is a great business opportunity as it does not require any formal training. However, it is specialized work so you do need to know what you're doing. If you have no experience such as police, detective, or insurance experience, you could look into taking formal training or, even, opening a franchise where the franchisor will provide you with all the equipment and training necessary for you to do your work.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tino_Toskala

Music Business Seminars

Because few people in the music business actually have formal business training, the way that many executive stay abreast of industry trends and the latest business models is to attend music business seminar. These seminars usually last between one and four days and are hosted by business schools or major record labels. They are a time for the industry to come together to explore new ways to make money by making music.

Today, many music biz seminars are focused on the changes that electronic distribution has brought on the music industry. Labels are always looking for ways to protect their copyrights from pirating, either through right-protecting their disks or making it impossible to share electronically downloaded copies. Copyright law in general has been the major focus of music business seminars during the past ten years.

If you are not yet in the music industry but think you might want to join, attending a music business seminar geared toward getting hired at a label might be the perfect thing for you. These seminars talk about all the aspects of the music industry as well as what job opportunities are available for people with all types of experience and skill sets. These seminars are often concluded with a hiring fair, a chance for you to submit your resume to various labels that are in attendance that day.

Some music biz seminars are held as the capstone to a music biz course, whether at a university or online. Sometimes senior business students will put together a seminar as their capstone project and invite industry reps and other students to attend, learn, and network. Frankly speaking, most music business seminars are all about networking. After all, since the music business is so varied, it is important to find out what business model works right for you rather than aping the work of a competitor.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dewayne_Hill

Legal English Translation Guide

When you're in need of legal English translation, you can find many services out there. Typically, people need such services regarding commercial contracts or various legal documents. But when a language is translated into English legal jargon - this calls for a great amount of skill.

And face it - when it comes to translation of legal terms, you can't do without absolute accuracy, as so much depends on every word and phrase in particular.

When you need to get legal terms translated in English, you can't afford to work with amateurs. In addition, your legal documents are too important to rest in the hands of people with insufficient experience. When you're paying for the legal translation, you deserve specialised services from seasoned professionals who have been doing it for years.

So, turn to an agency or company that indeed understands the fact that contracts, briefs or prenuptial agreements can mean life or death to your business. In the same way, you should choose a company that has a deep-rooted understanding on summonses or litigation documents. A lot of companies may not have substantial experience in evidentiary tapes - so be sure about these things! Your perfectionist attitude will pay you back in the long run.

Another thing you should look into is the GOODWILL of the company. Any legal English translation service company offering you legal assistance (even when it is about a legal translation service) must have some essential professional attributes. The key attributes your legal translator should have are: confidentiality, accuracy and orientation to details and deadlines.

Actually, you should hire a firm or service who specialises in legal translation or legal interpreting - not just general translation services! Another good parameter to judge a legal English translation service is having a look at the background or track records of their CEO. See if he or she has a specialised blog dedicated to a special niche.

Talented translation services almost always have CEOs who have extensive experience in interpreting hundreds (if not thousands) of depositions. Even better, if you're able to find a translation service that specialises particularly in the area you need the translation on.

Areas typically covered -

* Arbitration
* Corporate bylaws
* Estate plan, wills or trusts
* Family commandments
* Immigration regulations
* International rulings
* Insurance laws
* Labor & employment laws
* Legal actions
* Real estate decrees
* Tax laws
* Workers compensation policies

So be sure to buy the best your money can buy!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jessica_O_Houghton

15 Februari 2010

How to Finance Investment Property - Four Options That Can Work For You

When it comes to building wealth, the best and most stable option is through investment property.

An investment property is a property acquired for the express purpose of earning a return, either through rent or capital gain. Generally, the owner does not live on the property, although in many cases beginning investors might choose to live in an acquired property while completing renovations, and then sell the home for a profit.

For those looking at getting into investment properties, there are a number of different things to understand before purchasing, with the first thing being how to finance investment property.There are four common financing methods you can use to invest in real estate, with the first being to organize a home loan through your favorite bank.

Loans acquired through a bank offer many advantages such as competitive interest rates and low fees, although banks might not approve a high loan to value property.

What it boils down to is that typical banks will expect you to come up with 30% of the rest of the money.

This may be a problem for you, or it may not; it depends on if you have the cash to place towards the property investment.Going through an accredited mortgage broker is another popular choice. Mortgage brokers are trained to know how to effectively finance investment property and have thorough experience in doing so.

Their job is to present the loan you want to different lending institutions, and find the one that offers the best interest rate. An advantage to this service is that rather than being denied by one bank and having to start all over again with a different one, the broker does the work of presenting your loan to different institutions until he or she finds one that will accept it.

There are options other than banks and lending institutions. You can also go through private lenders, who loan their private money to projects of their choosing. The fees and interest rates of private lenders are usually much higher than those of banks and other lending institutions; this means that you will have to decide if the profit you stand to make from the property is worth the additional fees. You also have the option of financing an investment property with your own money.

If in fact you have the capital to do this, this is going to be the easiest and fastest financing method.

Of course by using your own financing, you are not building your credit score by obtaining financing and then retiring the loan through repayment.

How to finance investment property is going to depend entirely on your financial situation and the goals you have for investing in real estate.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Thoriso_Mashego

Building Construction Products - What Products Do You Need For a Professional Finish?

Whatever building project you're carrying out; you need the right products for the job. By using the right materials and the right tools you'll see a good and professional finish to your building construction. You also want the construction to last a long time, to be sturdy and also reliable.

In this article we'll look at what products you need for a professional finish. We'll cover where to look for the right products along with finding good recommendations on suppliers and distributors. This article should act as your guide to ensure you get the right building construction products.

What building work are you carrying out?

Are you building an entire structure from the ground up? Are you adding an extension to your home? Or are you redecorating your building or a single room? Obviously, the more construction work you're carrying out, the more building construction products you'll need. If you're redecorating a room you might need a wallpaper stripper to make the task quicker.

Once you know how much work is required you can also seek the right tools and supplies for the job. At this state, it might be a good idea to contact an experienced professional. The last thing you want to interfere with building work is to run out of supplies or to find out you have the wrong tools for the job.

Where will you get the products from?

Finding a good distributor can make all the difference to completing the building construction on-time. Do your research and come up with a number of suppliers to contact. Ask for recommendations from friends and family to find suppliers that are trustworthy, reliable and have a good reputation.

Once you find a good number of distributors; ask what products you should use. There's nothing wrong with asking for help and you may find you've miscalculated some figures. You never know; there might also be tools available you didn't know about that could make your life much easier.

Putting it all together

Now you have the right tools, the right building material suppliers, do you know how to put it all together? For large construction work you'll probably have a project manager to ensure everything and everyone is in the right place. But, for smaller projects such as in the home, do you know what you're doing? You could save yourself a lot of time by hiring a builder to do the work for you.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Nicola_Ellison

Attraction Marketing - For Online Business Opportunities

One of the strongest marketing tools for online business opportunities a person has is attraction marketing. This simply means you are promoting yourself before your actual business. There is a very simple reason for this. The object of attraction marketing is to attract people will relate to you, your environment and your personal circumstances.

This kind of marketing is normally used for only the home based business entrepreneurs because bigger companies have to center in on the company as a whole and not just one individual within the company. Dealing in this kind of online marketing is actually quite easy now a days, thanks in part to all the diverse social media sites we have out there on the net today.

One of the best and easiest ways to do attraction marketing for all your online business opportunities is through your blog, Twitter, Facebook and even e-mail marketing. Using as many venues that you can is a very good way to communicate with people you want in your business and to work with them in building a business together and achieving true financial freedom.

These people could just be potential customers or simply business contacts you can use at a later date and there is nothing wrong with that, they become prospects on the way to building your list. Letting people know who you are and what you are about can be accomplished on your blog through your bio page you can create for your blog and all your media site you are a member of.

You want people to get to know the real you, not just a some face for a company. Giving as much individual information as you can, the more apt they are to react to your online business opportunities

Here is a another great tool for you to put in action for attraction marketing is a lead capture page, sometime called squeeze page. This is an simple little concept for you to try, and it works great.

You want a one or two page website. It ought to include free informative information that people can use. These can be in the form of articles you write, or eBooks or videos you have made. For this to be successful, you have to make sure that you have provided a place for your prospects to log in their contact information on your blog.

To accomplish this you will have to get a good auto responder for your follow up emails and email marketing. The reason this is linked with this kind of marketing is because you are connecting with people because, you are giving them something of value.

One of the main reasons it is so important for online business opportunities entrepreneurs to use attraction marketing is because you want to relate yourself to your prospects and customers as much as possible. People love to do business with people they feel they know and have a connection with.

By promoting yourself before your business, you are allowing people to get to know you in a personal way. They then will get to know your company as a result of knowing who you are.

Hello and welcome to my world of Internet marketing, my name Is Dan Atkins. In today's world of economic uncertainty, and global downturn, people from all walks of life are seeking an alternative source of income. People from the world over are flocking to online business opportunities that they can work from home.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dan_E._Atkins

12 Februari 2010

Development in Mining Technology

The development of mining technology plays an important role in the mining industry as well as in the environment. The mining industry plays a crucial role in our economy. The mining industry was very conservative in initiating and adopting new technologies in the past due to high capital requirements, environmental limitations and small profit margins. However, the mining industry has made significant progress in productivity, mining technologies used, environmental control, and worker health and safety. The mining industry has also introduced improved clean technology to carry out best mining processes and practices. Such practices have been applied in developing countries which achieved best results. When mining technologies become more widely available, there will be only technology gap between mining industries and countries.

The mining industries continue to play their essential role in sustainable technological development to improve their performance, reduce environmental pollution to all media and enhance the quality of life within their operational work area. The mining industry aims at adopting and implementing innovative technologies through the usage of both mining and environmental technologies to create a better environment quality in mining industry areas, reduce negative impact to human health and environment, reduce water and air pollution, and land degradation.

Most of the recent developments made in mining technologies prove to be cost-effective and environment-friendly technologies. For example, Solvent-extraction/electro-winning (SXEW) is a hydrometallurgical process that differs from the traditional method of producing copper by milling, smelting, and refining. The development of the SXEW process helps in the low-cost production of copper from waste and raw ore dumps of copper minerals excavated from copper mines. SXEW helps United States and few other copper-producing countries very much. EESTECH provides environmentally sustainable technologies that have direct application in the world's coal mining and energy industries. EESTECH's Hybrid Coalmine Gas Technology (HCGT) is a recognized Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) that uses waste coal and ventilated coalmine methane as a fuel source to produce cost effective clean coal energy. Clean coal technology offer solutions in the fight against global warming.

The development of new mining technologies helps to reduce production costs, enhance the quality of mined metals and minerals, enhance the quality of commodities using mined minerals, reduce adverse environmental effects, health and safety impacts. Thus the mining technological developments benefits consumers and producers, as well as nation's economy, national defense, health and social well being.

The most developed and developing countries have already imposed environmental standards for emission, effluent, groundwater contamination, and hazard and toxic management guidelines. But because of weak law enforcement, lack of monitoring capability and skilled human resources, the mining industry do not obey. Hence, the environment standards must be harmonized within the developing countries in order to improve the environmental performance and management of mining industries.

Political and social institutions could exert enormous influence over the mining industry development. Political Institutions including central government, local government and public decision makers must creating international harmonization of environmental standards for better positioning for global competitiveness in mining product. Doing so will improve the corporate image of the mining industries as well as benefit the global consumers.

Workshops and training programs on pollution control and measurement techniques of mining activities, and development of network among mining partnership organizations should be carried out through internship and technical assistance in mining industries.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brayan_Peter

Need For Office Cleaning

Cleaning offices have become an indispensable part of our daily lives. We are already living in a polluted environment and most of us want to work in ahygienic atmosphere. Due to the work pressure many offices are open 24/7 making it vulnerable to get infected with dirt and dust.

Many invisible particles are out there in your office which can have severe effects on us in the long run. It can be your harmless looking printer which emits dangerous chemicals from its cartridge, dust particles lying on the drapes and carpets in your office. All these put together itself can harm your health very badly.

Any company that is responsible about its image cannot compromise on its cleaning controls service. Recent survey has shown that the average office is unhealthier than an average bathroom. This means that there are more harmful and dangerous germs present in the office rather than in the bathroom. It is a very disturbing thought and indicator in the importance of keeping the office clean and hygienic.

A clean and well maintained office is necessary for any business to run efficiently. The clean atmosphere in your office can impress your clients and customers and improve the working conditions for your employees by making them stay fit.

Office cleaning control also involves cleaning, vacuuming, trash removal, and repairs. If you are a software company, then there is no need to stress the importance of office cleaning. Here, items like computers, file cabinets, printers, etc will need regular cleaning with special techniques, given the nature of delicate products.

Many of us may not be that enthusiastic about scrubbing floors or taking out the garbage. The good news is that many cleaning service companies are performing these necessary activities. Its a known fact that where dust and garbage is present, cleaning becomes necessary.

An established cleaning firm can provide you with the following janitorial services:

Sanitizing the bathroom: This is a very popular work even among janitors as it involves emptying waste from the commodes, disinfecting urinals and wash basins, and checking for defective plumbing.

Carpet and fabric cleaning: This work involves vacuuming all carpets, removing smudges, marks and other stains on fabrics. This also includes mopping floors with disinfectants.

The cleaning services can also handle miscellaneous tasks like electrical appliance sanitization, wood floor care, and solid waste disposal. You also have an added advantage as they use high quality office cleaning products.

Its a well known fact in offices, that if one person has flu or some illness, it spreads like wild fire. The next thing you know, everyone present in that room or vicinity will get affected immediately. Such illnesses can be prevented from spreading by keeping your offices clean. In such cases having cleaning wipes in your drawer can be useful.

Office cleaning has also a quality aspect associated with it as a cleaner environment is a safe environment. Employee productivity and quality of work increases, when he/she is working in a clean and healthy office environment.

Cleaning your workspace is important to ensure that your clients will come again. It gives a positive impression to them if the place is well maintained and clean. They say, the first impression is the best impression. Try to implement that.

Chinese good luck symbols - part 1, Power of Chinese dragons

The Chinese dragon is the symbol of protection and success. It is regarded as the Supreme Being among all creatures, temples and shrines have been built to honor Chinese dragons.

There are nine dragons , the earth dragon, the wind dragon, the sea dragon, the water dragon, the sky dragon, the fire dragon, the golden dragon, the mountain dragon and the heavenly dragon.

Chinese Dragons control rain, rivers, lakes, and seas. Being the divine mythical animal, the dragon can ward off wandering evil spirits, protect the innocent and bestow safety to all.

The dragon is traditionally associated with East direction and it is believed that placing an image of a dragon on the East side of your home or office will protect you from negative energy and will bring great fortune.

Chinese dragon & Phoenix - for happy marriage

Chinese dragon and Phoenix are the perfect couple which symbolize Yang (dragon )and Yin (phoenix ) in feng shui. The Phoenix alone projects yang character but when the phoenix is shown together with dragon or placed beside a dragon, it becomes yin.

Dragon and phoenix couple symbolize emperor and empress and they represent a happy marriage blessed with success and prosperity.

The Dragon and Phoenix couple not only strengthens relationships, it can even relight the fires of a kindling relationship with the fiery energy of the Phoenix.

It is the perfect Chinese symbol as well for people who are single looking for true love, best if the image is placed in Southwest corner of your home .

Turtle dragon ( Dragon head tortoise ) - for wealth , career & business success, long life, protection

This unique creature, turtle dragon symbolizes awesome powers of the turtle and dragon plus four spiritually endowed symbols of lucky Chinese feng shui.

The creature has the head of a dragon, the body of a turtle, and is sitting on coins and gold ingots. And there is a baby turtle on the back.

Turtle symbolizes longevity . It is believed that the mythical turtle ( tortoise ) will be able to live 3,000 years without food and air.

Chinese Dragon symbolizes success , power, courage and determination.

Gold ingots symbolize wealth and prosperity.

Chinese ancient coins symbolize increasing income.

Baby turtle symbolizes wonderful luck for all descendents.

Great place to display this powerful image is the North corner of your home, best material is made of metal

Dragon head sailing ship - For all success

Sailing ship is described as "smooth sailing success and riches which bring wealth and prosperity from wind and water:".
It is among the most popular symbols of business & career success in Chinese culture.

Sailing ships are usually displayed near the entrance of store or office at lower position than your coffee table and with many coins or gold jewelry on the ship.

A long time ago, many old-style Chinese entrepreneurs used the sailing ship as their logo since it symbolized the winds bringing more business, more trade and therefore more revenue. Next to the dragon, the sailing ship is the most popular symbol that is used by Chinese businessmen.

Dragon head sailing ship is a combination of two success symbols , that become more powerful and expand yang energy around the area. It is said to bring favorable luck for all your goals even personal accomplishment.

Position of the sailing ship has to be coming in, not going away and no higher than coffee table .

Dragon dance

In Chinese new year , Dragon dance is held for celebration to welcome new year and is an important occasion for openings. Dragon dance is believed to create positive Qi energy .
Similar dance is taken in wedding ceremonies in China.

In the new year there is now a regular on the popular modern society do traditionally red packets are also handed out to younger generation by their parents, grand parents, relatives, and even close neighbors and friends during Imlek. Nowadays giving red packets as a bonus at the year-end by employers becomes popular and Imlek parcel is also a tradition of giving to business associates or relatives.

Giving Imlek parcel to employees prior to the New Year is also a good idea. This can be either a gift or a bonus. If it is as a gift, the money should be just right for a gift. If as a bonus, you may enclose a check in the parcel gift and hand it out in an office.

Source: http://www.articlealley.com/article_71863_51.html

Same Day Gift Baskets Delivery - Learn About the Best Here

Most gift delivery stores charge a fair fee to send the gift you have bought to the selected receiver. But there are also the ones which will offer you dirt-cheap fees to deliver your gifts. Gift tree is one of them, it is the online store for people who want free delivery for their gifts. The reason is because of the affordability of the goods sold at this store and also because of the low fee charged for delivery of your goods. It delivers all kinds of gifts which range from romantic, funny, thoughtful, unique, personalized, last minute, and cute gifts.

The popular gift type you can find at this store which is usually given to anyone is the gift basket. If you make your order before the normal business hours, then you should expect the receiver to get the gift that same day. There is no extra fee charged for same day delivery. Next day delivery is also available if you wish to use such means.

A lot of stores claim to offer same day delivery, but they do not live up to this. Unexpected circumstances may arise, resulting to the delivery of the gifts the next day. Gift Tree guarantees their delivery services regardless of the kind of delivery whether it is the same day, or next day means.

Some of the types of gifts which you can buy at this store to be delivered to anyone of your choice include wine, fruit basket, flowers, wine basket, champagne, chocolates, candy, balloons, teddy bear, jewelries, greeting cards etc. With these varieties of gift, it will make it easy for you to find the perfect gift to send it to your preferred recipient.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Osita_Modozie

Valentine's Day Gift Basket Ideas

What to do, what to do? It's the romantic holiday of the year but it can be sort of casual for some, and for others it barely exists.

Whether this day is romantic or not for you or the person on your mind, it's still a good day for gift giving and receiving. Why? Because it's fun.

Valentine Gift baskets are perfect for any occasion big or small, romantic and casual. And they fit just about anybody's budget. So combine the versatility with the quality and variety available, and you're looking at the near perfect gift.

Look at some of the different varieties of arrangements:

• Total spa care
• Imported French foods and goods
• Imported Italian foods and goods
• Wine
• Chocolate and sweets
• Coffee and chocolate
• Gourmet breakfast
• Cocktail baskets
• Microbrews
• Flowers
• Tea and cookies
• Sushi kits
• Kosher foods
• Organic foods
• Cured meats
• Romantic
• Health food
• Champagne
• Barefoot contessa
• Gardening
• Gourmet pizza
• Gourmet popcorn
• Potpourri and candles
• Seafood
• Tex mex

There are many other types of baskets available through family owned gift companies like GourmetGiftBaskets. They boast the cheapest delivery prices and these are handmade valentine gift that have won national awards and critical acclaim over the last few years. You can even put together your own custom arrangement for those you truly know.

All you have to do is specify the delivery date and location which can be a church, school, hospital, business, or home residence. You can order months ahead of time and some Valentine's varieties are already selling out. So even if Valentine's Day isn't a big deal for you, it's still the perfect day for surprising someone with a great gift.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mike_Curiel

11 Februari 2010

Get Complete Details of Chinese New Year 2010 and Get Free Weekly Horoscopes

For the Chinese, this 2010 is the Year of the tiger, which effectively starts on the Saturday of February 14. This is the time when millions of overseas Chinese will go back home to their families to spend the holiday and have a wonderful dinner together. This is a time when every China town all over the globe will be filled with much merrymaking, dramatic fireworks, dancing dragons, singing gongs, and happy smiles.

No doubt, the Chinese New Year is the most important holiday in history for Chinese calendar, with the celebration taking as long as 15 days. Even people who don't have Chinese blood in them have come to celebrate and respect this holiday. Every year, Chinese spend lavishly on these performance arts in the hopes of bringing good luck and prosperity.

The Spring Festival is the most important and traditional festival for Chinese, because it starts from the beginning of spring. People will hold this festival at the last day of every year which is called New Years Eve. People will keep vigil, and all the members of a family will hold together to have a big dinner on that night. It means the old year has already past and after people make a conclusion for the year, they hope to have a new and different year next.

And just as the New Year is a time when they spend thousands on food and fireworks and gifts, it is also a high time consulting their fate in Chinese horoscopes and astrology. Chinese people, after all, are among the most superstitious people in the world. Superstitions, in fact, abound during the Chinese New Year itself, both before and during the holiday. On the days before the celebration, Chinese families spend their time cleaning their houses to sweep away the bad luck for the coming New Year. On the holiday eve, buying a pair of shoes is considered bad luck, since according to them the word "shoes" is a homophone for the word "rough" in Cantonese. Eating candy, on the other hand, brings good luck in a way that their coming year will become sweet.

The Chinese Horoscope cycle is enhanced with the divisions of the twelve Chinese horoscope signs that are represented by twelve carefully chosen animals. These are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. The animals where not selected by luck, but each one of them is highly associated with the human culture and way of life. There's also a legend that explains in detail how the 12 animals where selected. According to the scriptures, the Chinese god of earth conducted a race between all the animals on planet earth. The first twelve animals would represent the twelve astrological signs. The twelve Chinese Horoscope signs shape the twelve-year cycle. When the year-cycle ends, a new one begins by repeating itself.

In the new year there is now a regular on the popular modern society do. Traditionally red packets are also handed out to younger generation by their parents, grand parents, relatives, and even close neighbors and friends during Chinese New Year. Nowadays giving red packets as a bonus at the year-end by employers becomes popular and Chinese new year hamper is also a tradition of giving to business associates or relatives.

Giving Chinese new year hamper to employees prior to the New Year is also a good idea. This can be either a gift or a bonus. If it is as a gift, the money should be just right for a gift. If as a bonus, you may enclose a check in the parcel gift and hand it out in an office.

Source: http://www.articlealley.com/article_1293933_51.html

Rose Color Meaning and Why You Shouldn't Be Sending That Red Rose!

Rose Color Meaning and other tidbits about the worlds most famous flower.

Roses have had a colorful and very long history. We believe the species is over 35-40 million years old based on fossil evidence from Colorado, North America, Europe and Asia. It is thought that these early flowers, which resembled the wild Sweetbrier, were used for food and medicine. They had five petals and were usually either pink or white in color.

From these humble beginnings, it is now the most complicated family tree of all known flowers with over 30,000 varieties. The cultivation of this flower we think started in Asia 5000 years ago and they've been a part of our experience ever since.

Cultivated roses from China were introduced to Europe in the late eighteenth century. These were a repeat blooming variety. From here experts began to split old roses (before 1800) and modern roses (those cultivated and hybridized in England and France during the 19th century). Until that time, old roses were only shades of pink or white (in Europe). Where as the red roses from China came on the scene in Europe after 1800. The Chinese kept written records of their roses. Confucius (500 BC) recorded the growing and cultivation of roses in the Imperial Rose Garden of the Chinese Emperor.

Yellow roses appeared after a Frenchman Joseph Permet-Ducher found a mutant yellow flower. He'd been breeding them for 20 years trying to create one on his own prior to its discovery. Wouldn't you know it, mother nature always knows best! At this point, only a true blue or true black rose have not been found or created, but both are very close!

Roses have been used as an aphrodisiac, medicinal purposes, cosmetics, perfumes, aromatherapy and even worshiped! We purchase over 1.2 billion cut roses in the U.S. a year! Valentines day being 1st then Mothers day a close 2nd. There are thousands of Rose Societies. (talk about clubbing!)They have inspired musicians, poets, authors and even artists! Did you know the rose became so popular, it became legal tender?

Rose Color Meaning:

Now to the good stuff. Did you know that the color of a rose has a very specific meaning.

What color rose do you send a friend? What color would you send a lover? No, they are not the same, and you could be sending a very wrong message! For instance, on Mothers Day, you send your wife the red roses and you send your Mum (British for Mom) the Pink rose! And your neighbor's wife that just busted her ankle helping coach your kids T-ball game? It had better be yellow, or your in real trouble!

Here's a listing with the colors of roses we have today. There is the red, white, yellow, orange/peach, lavender/purple, and pinks. We even have red and white, yellow and red tips, red and yellow. There's even a red rose so deeply dark red that unless viewed under bright lights, it appears black, however, only special collectors have this as it requires special care.

Now here's the list. It is a basic list that will explain just the basic and broad meaning.

* White Rose - Purity, Innocence, Sympathy, Spirituality

* Red Rose - Love and Passion, the Lovers Rose!

* Lavender or Purple Rose - Enchantment, Majesty, Love at First Sight

* Pink Rose - Love, Gratitude, Appreciation

* Orange Rose - Desire, Enthusiasm and Passion

* Yellow Rose - Friendship, Joy, Get Well

* Yellow with Red Tip Friendship - Falling in Love

* Red and White Given together - these signify unity

* Red and Yellow Celebration - Jovial and Happy Feelings

* Black - Death, Farewell

* Blue - The unattainable, the impossible

* A Single Rose in any color - Simplicity, Gratitude

* Red Rosebud - Symbolic of purity and loveliness

* White Rosebud - Symbolic of girlhood

So! What is the significance of sending a single rosebud?

Why do we send 12 and not 6 or 8 roses?

And what's so hot about those orange roses?

Better check out my website for the answers to those questions before you place that order!

Now that you've been schooled on Rose Color Meaning, you'll know the best color rose to give that special someone you're thinking about!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Delmus_Phelps

Where to Get Your Valentine's Day Chocolate

Valentine's day and chocolates go together like mom and apple pie, a horse and carriage, love and marriage, Napoleon and...well you get the picture. However, if you are buying those chocolates for that special someone you aren't going to want just any chocolates that you can pick up in your local drug store. This is Valentine's. You want to show your loved one just how special they are. You want the richest, sweetest, most decant chocolate you can find. Something that will melt in her mouth, make her sigh with pleasure, make her swoon. Okay maybe making her swoon is going a little far, but you do want to choose Valentine chocolate that are going to show her just how much she means to you.

What Kind of Chocolate are We Talking About Here?

When purchasing Valentine's chocolates you are going to want the best. Something like delectable chocolate truffles, real honest to goodness Belgium chocolate. Passion Fruit dipped in the sweetest chocolate imaginable. You are going to want to think outside of the box here and perhaps combine your candies with other delectables such as caramel filled walnut cookies or Cayman Island rum cake perhaps even a bit of brie and a few crackers combined with rich creamy candy for a romantic picnic. There really is no end to the ideas you can come up with to set her heart to fluttering with your sweet gift.

Go Green

If your girl is a dyed in the wool environmentalist why not combine her passion for the environment with her love for chocolate and buy her a box of select Valentine's chocolates. Not just any box, but an edible chocolate box. That way she gets even more rich creamy candy and doesn't even have a box to recycle or throw away.

If Candy is not her Passion

If that special someone love chocolate but candy really isn't her thing why not get her some pretzels dipped in rich white chocolate or chocolate covered Oreos or graham crackers. Candy coated fruit or even chocolate sauce that she can put on whatever she pleases are also great options.

Gift Baskets

For those of you who really want to go all out try a sweet gift basket of bouquet. Candy gift bouquets make for a wonderful and delicious surprise and a gift basket can combine all her favorite treats in one lovely gift package. Gift baskets and bouquets for this special day come in many sizes and many price range making them ideal for everyone regardless of their budget.

Where to Buy

There are a number of places you can buy these delights. Many candy stores and fudge shops have Valentine's specials. You can also shop on line, there are a number of places that carry fine Valentine Chocolate, one such online store, Indulge in Chocolates, has the largest selection and the most innovative gift giving ideas to be found anywhere.

No matter where you shop this Valentine's day, getting the finest candy available will sweeten your loved ones day and put her in the mood for romance on this most romantic holiday.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ryan_C_Wilson

Turn Your Valentine's Day Flower Bouquet Into a Love Poem

We've all heard sayings about words being overrated. Most people in love also know that the best way to woo someone is through gestures, tiny acts and thoughtful gifts rather than with words that only end up sounding clumsy. If the roses are fresh, the wine smooth, and the chocolate just to a loved one's taste, you know that your date will go just fine.

If you have ever read old romantic tales, you may know that flowers can also tell stories. Every valentine flower is a symbol for a specific emotion or sentence - the red rose is known as a symbol of eternal love, for example.

Here are some lovely bouquets to convey your feelings to your Valentine on Valentine's Day - acceptance, rejection and flirtation all have their place here.

To show your rejection you can put together a bouquet dominated by yellow carnations, which show your rejection and disappointment in the one who professes to love you. If you are truly sorry about making your rejection, change those carnations to white, and add a few chrysanthemums to show the depth of your friendly love.

Do not be surprised if you see the one you rejected wearing daffodils for the next few days, as these signify unrequited love.

Hopefully, though, your response on Valentine's Day will be in a more positive line. A bouquet of bridal roses speaks of happy love, while a rose-leaf signifies that one may hope - though not confirming anything yet. Pink roses beg the receiver to believe in the sender's love, while a red rosebud is testimony to the purity and loveliness of the receiver. Tea roses make a wonderful gift at the end of the day, telling your love that you will remember this day forever. And if your love confession emerges half against your will, do not hesitate to convey it with a moss rosebud - a confession of love. Combine Ambrosia and Arbutus to tell your lover that the feelings go both ways, and that you will be true only to the one you love.

If you are feeling flirtatious, you may choose to gift purple carnations. These show caprice - the perfect way to keep your lover hanging on and continuing to woo you. Add in some cheerful crocuses, coquettish day lilies ... and, if you really wish to pile on the suspense, some rose leaves for hope.

This time, do not be surprised if you are greeted with some euphoria in return, showing your lover's persistence and doggedness.

If you feel like being adventurous and slightly off-beat on Valentine's Day, put together a bouquet that tells a story, and make an explanatory card to go with it. Most people will fall for such a thoughtful gift as soon as they set eyes on it.

For a special Valentine's Day with your loved one, pick up some Valentine Flower for yourselves, and set up a beautiful date wherever you are.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Darren_W_Chow

The Best Steam Cleaners

For many people, the best steam cleaners are far better at cleaning than any other type of cleaning appliance. They are used for all sorts of cleaning tasks around the home and office. They are capable of sanitizing and disinfecting without using any chemicals that are harmful to your family or the environment. Most of these units look like a typical vacuum cleaner. They work by producing steam that is over two hundred degrees Fahrenheit. This high heat eliminates dust mites, mold and fungi.

Choosing the best steam cleaners should be based on your own needs and wants. A machine that does an efficient job and is easy to use should be your top concern when shopping for this particular home cleaning system. They are sturdy, reliable and designed specifically for ease of use. With many people suffering from allergies these days, removing the air borne pathogens that cause people problems is very important to many homeowners. The process of steam cleaning sanitizes, disinfects and eliminates dust mites, germs and other harmful organisms without using chemicals that are harmful to your family or the environment.

When shopping for the best steam cleaners you do not need to pick the most expensive model. Less expensive models do just as good a job so do not over pay. For example, you do not need to purchase the high-end commercial models that the professionals use.

One of the best steam cleaners that consumers appear to be quite happy with is the Ladybug Vapor Steam cleaner. It features continuous fill technology, a positive reputation in the marketplace and excellent tools. The benefit of a continuous fill system is that it is safe to add water at anytime during cleaning. It is easy to use and lightweight with fingertip controls for the regulation of steam.

The Ladybug group of cleaners is one of the best steam cleaners on the market because of their ability to destroy germs and bacteria that is a thousand times more effective than using chemical disinfectants. Their patented cleaning system uses nano technology and is EPA registered. In fact, the only non-chemical based disinfectant that is EPA registered.

If you have made a decision to buy a new home cleaning system, it is important to consider what you will use it for, specifically such things as floors and upholstery. Many people prefer to use shampoo-based systems for their cleaning. However, with the push for environmental products on the rise, it is a good idea to look into the best steam cleaners as a viable option for your home cleaning needs. If you are looking for a portable cleaning unit that will be used for the car or for stairways there are options available that include portable steam cleaners. A portable unit also is good for the environment and helps sanitize and disinfect your automobile. Many people do not realize that this type of product is available on the market. As you can see, it is not necessary to use chemicals as part of your overall home and auto cleaning practices because there are excellent alternatives.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tom_Houser

10 Februari 2010

New Year of the Tiger

The Chinese New Year is on Valentine's Day, February 14, 2010. It is the year of the golden tiger which symbolizes the Yin female energy. The dragon, which symbolizes the Yang male energy, turns its outer strength inward this year to support the Yin energy with its heart vision of love. The East and West are united by love this year.

It is not just a year for those born in the Year of the Tiger, it's a time for all to embrace its wonderful gifts. Many say the tiger most equates to the Zodiac sign Aquarius; so this year, the East and West merge together.

Tigers, like Aquarians, pride themselves on being different from others. They have a unique way of looking at things. They are original. Aquarius's message is freedom and the tiger's message is courage. It takes incredible courage to live a life of freedom and only a free person can truly love. Someone that is imprisoned or trapped must follow what his jailer dictates, which is not love but control.

The tiger, symbol of Yin or love energy is not up in the sky like the dragon; but on Earth, walking through the jungle of life with great courage. The tiger invokes in you the courage to live a life of love this year. Solving problems of the heart is its pursuit, its hunt.

Begin with your home. See if it is original, representing who you believe you are inside. As the tiger is always the symbol for Yin energy, not just this year; you can look at your home, your clothing and see how much of it already has the tiger represented.

It isn't coincidental that; as the feminine energy is growing stronger every year and will continue until the pendulum fully swings beginning on the Winter Solstice, December 21, 2012, that many of you are already responding to decorating your homes with animal prints, fabrics and clothing. Courage, the gift of the tiger, has been activated in you at an unconscious level for some time now.

It does take courage to live a life of love, especially emotional courage, speaking about matters of the heart. There's a progression to the heart which most often begins with your hurts. You need to talk about these hurts, express them so you can look at how to resolve them. Otherwise, you will revert to the extreme of your Yang side, your overly strong male, become tough, blame and try to get even or hurt others.

You want to connect, through love, with both yourself and those ever so meaningful persons in your life. Often, that takes emptying out those hurts; so go for it this year. The tiger will walk beside you through your own jungle and lead you to love.

Professionally, are you living a life of love? Does the way you are earning your money call to your heart? If not, you've trapped yourself which is not going to make your heart sing. Your uniqueness, originality and your way of serving, which is really love in action, is calling to you.

Let the golden tiger lead the way. It never gives up, no matter how frustrated it becomes, along its journey.

In the new year there is now a regular on the popular modern society do traditionally red packets are also handed out to younger generation by their parents, grand parents, relatives, and even close neighbors and friends during Imlek. Nowadays giving red packets as a bonus at the year-end by employers becomes popular and Imlek parcel is also a tradition of giving to business associates or relatives.

Giving Imlek parcel to employees prior to the New Year is also a good idea. This can be either a gift or a bonus. If it is as a gift, the money should be just right for a gift. If as a bonus, you may enclose a check in the parcel gift and hand it out in an office.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Loy_Young