20 November 2009

Moving to a New Office - Things You and Your Colleagues Should Know

Moving to a new office?

The reason why bosses move office could be due to factors such as the need for a bigger office, the need for a cheaper office, or due to the unhealthy environment of your previous office. It could be due to bad plumbing, terrible parking lots or none at all, or you don't seem to get enough traffic in that location. The solution isn't always moving, but hey, it could help.

A successful office move is usually a strenuous one; however, with the assistance of local movers, you need not worry about packing office equipment around. With the help of these local movers, you can concentrate on worrying about the little details of your move, while your movers worry about the bigger ones for you.

Your move could start off with the non-electrical details such as the documents or important files. Always secure your important files and at times, it is best to hand carry them or to move them to your new office first than mixing them with the rest of your office papers. This way, once you're all settled in your new office, you won't go rummaging through the boxes to look for these files. That gives us tip number one, secure your important documents first.

Next up could be your cabinets, tables, chairs and other pieces of furniture. Do you have an office sofa? You can let the moving company worry about that, but make sure when moving the furniture, the movers should be able to treat your belongings with respect. These items are part of your company's assets after all. After getting the big stuff packed, the little items such as clocks and décor could come next.

Your office décor might consist of fragile items; hence, see to it that the movers will segregate these items from the other objects, especially those that can do harm to glassware, or any sort of vulnerable material.

Your office's technical team might come in handy to secure the wirings and electronic properties of your office. Since they know which plug goes to which socket, they should be able to handle the task of securing the electrical appliances within your office. They will once again be needed once you've transferred to your new office, to reconnect everything and put every plug and socket in place.

In case you have a lot of properties, you might want to assign people to check on certain items such as the furniture, the office supplies, the documents, the wires and electronics and the like. For example, you can assign your accountant to secure the documents pertaining to the office's money concerns. There are certain things you can't put in the hands of the movers, regardless of how trustworthy they are; and important documents are one of them.

The trick to a good move is basically, good planning. Know what to move, when to move, and where to store certain items as well as negotiate with your moving company. Seek to know what the plans of your moving company are and see if you find these plans proper. In case you find them a bit off, then by all means, share your insights and concerns with them.

Once you're in your new office, don't forget to thank your employees for their efforts in helping with the move. If they still have any problems regarding the move, it may be best to call for a meeting to discuss these matters with them.

That said, good luck on your move!

Lily Carlson takes pride in writing informative articles about relocation and real estate. She writes about moving and storage companies as well as tips and advice for families who are considering moving to another state or country.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lily_Carlson

Find More : transport services , house moving , house move , office moving

How to Find a Collagen Facial Mask That Actually Works

A collagen facial mask may be one of the hardest things to shop for. This is because there are so many of these type of products on the market that are not effective. Without doing a little bit of research beforehand, the only way to find an effective collagen facial mask is through trial-and-error, which is not fun to say the least. Here's how you can avoid this....

There is a huge misconception and misunderstanding of how to increase the amount of collagen in your skin. And unfortunately, most skin care companies exploit these misunderstandings by creating collagen facial mask products that don't work, but are bought up like hotcakes.

Most consumers who do at least 5 minutes of research about why wrinkles and other aging signs from discover that a decrease in collagen protein is the primary cause (along with damage by free radicals and low levels of hyaluronic acid levels). This is the structural protein in your skin that keeps it firm, tone, and age-free.

Unfortunately, this is where most people stop and go look for a collagen facial mask that contains collagen and an ingredient. This is EXACTLY what most skin care companies want you to do, and this explains why so many people fail to find effective anti-aging solutions.

If these consumers just spend 10 more minutes learning about HOW to increase the amount of this valuable protein in your skin, they would save themselves a lot of time, money, and frustration.

Collagen facial mask products that actually contain protein as ingredients are ineffective because protein molecules are too large to be absorbed into your skin. They cannot fit through your pores, and therefore just sit on your skin until washed off. Plus, if they could be absorbed into your skin, they do not match the makeup of your natural protein, which is very complex in nature.

You need to use a collagen facial mask that actually encourages the production of MORE protein if you want to increase the firmness and tightness of your skin.

One of the best ingredients that does this is called CynergyTK. It's been proven in clinical studies to stimulate the regrowth of collagen and another vital structural protein, elastin. A collagen facial mask containing CynergyTK actually makes it possible to smooth out existing wrinkles and aging signs and prevent them from developing the future.

I invite you to learn more about CynergyTK and other natural anti-aging substances you should look for in an effective collagen facial product by visiting my website listed below.

Caroline Richie is a long time user and passionate admirer of natural skin care. Visit her site now and discover the cutting-edge ingredients and anti aging solutions she recommends and uses after years of research and trial-and-error with all sorts of products ---> Go to http://www.skin-and-health-site.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Caroline_Richie

Find More : facial mask , facial skin , facial product , facial skin care , facial beauty

Health Beauty Products - Stay Away From Parabens

When one is faced with economic hardships, the first thing to go is often attention to health and beauty. If you have been in a money crisis, then you full understand what we are speaking about. Many women give up haircuts and manicures, never mind facials and other so-called luxuries, in an attempt to save money.

With the booming cosmetic industry, companies are focusing more and more on finding ways to attract customers and also be better than the other companies working in the same field. Each company is striving to be called as the top company with most effective beauty products.

They are trying to get more and more customers by using convincing tactics like expensive advertisements on print and multimedia, free gifts and wonderful packaging of beauty products.

Name any type of beauty product and you will find every company offering one with a different touch.

The advertisements of beauty products are done in such a way that they look promising to the people who want to enhance their beauty. Unfortunately, many end up having sore and damaged skin after using beauty products.

Seldom advertisements warn people to consult their dermatologists before using these products and hence the result is unfortunate. People keep on using these products without ever taking a look at the elements of which the product is composed of.

A few who do, do not really understand what they mean in common language and what their ill-effects are. More so, many people end up over using the products and over use of anything is bad.

It is important to consult your doctor before using any of these products because the doctor will exactly tell you what the product consists of and how good or bad it is for your skin.

Doctors can explain what ingredients can be harmful to your health. Toxins wherever used, without doubt, are very harmful.

Same is the case with steroids and parabens which various studies show can lead to skin cancer. Although the case of parabens is disputed but there are various elements whose ill-effects the dermatologists know nothing of yet. Even then it is important to do a complete research on what these products are composed of.

If you want to stay healthy and have a beautiful skin permanently, you must keep in mind that like before taking any medicine, you consult a doctor. The same should be the case with beauty products so that you can be as beautiful outside as you are inside.

Saving money and time is now possible thanks to the internet. Look around at http://www.glamour4u.com and you may be surprised as to what you find.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_Shilo

Find More : products skin , beauty product , facial product , skincare products