3 November 2009

Do-it-Yourself Wedding Makeup Tips

You want to shine like a star in your wedding photos, and the right makeup will play a big role in that. For most women, a professional makeup artist is not a necessity. These are the top DIY wedding makeup tips you need to know to get a perfect result.

Just because you do not hire a professional makeup artist does not mean that you cannot benefit from their expertise. You can schedule a free consultation with a makeup artist at a department store or your favorite makeup store, like MAC. They do not charge you for a free makeup application, based on the assumption that you will probably buy some of the products they use (which you likely will want to do anyway). It can be a great value, and you will learn tips that you will use not only on your wedding day, but for your everyday beauty routine as well. Bring a friend to help you remember all of the tips that you are given.

To get the most of of your free makeup lesson, it is important to come prepared. If at all possible, wear a shirt that is in a similar color to your wedding gown. What looks best with ivory may not be the same as what is most flattering against white. Many brides will also wear their bridal jewelry. This is an especially good idea if you have any color to your bridal jewelry, so the artist can select lipstick and eyeshadow shades that complement, rather than clash with, your accessories. You should also be prepared to tell your makeup artist about the style of your wedding, as well as what look appeals to you in general. For instance, if you are having an afternoon wedding on a beach, you would want a very natural and healthy look, whereas for an evening wedding, you might prefer a more sultry, sophisticated effect.

Leave the makeup from your trial run on all day to see how it feels and performs over the course of many hours. Does the mascara flake? Or perhaps the foundation feels cakey and heavy on your skin? Some makeup may even have a reaction with the natural oils in your skin and change color over time (foundation and pressed powder are the most prone to this). You might also be pleasantly surprised by a lipstick that really does not fade or eyeshadow that stays crease-free. The time to find all of this out is before your wedding so that you can choose alternate products if need be.

Practice makes perfect, so be sure to try your hand applying your new makeup a few times before your wedding day. If you are not usually one to wear makeup, you may wish to enlist a friend to help you. At one wedding I attended, a bevy of friends did the bride's makeup, with each doing the part at which she was most skilled. One woman did the foundation and concealer, another the eyeshadow and liquid eyeliner, a third applied a few false lashes (the tiny individual ones can look natural and glamorous at the same time), and a fourth friend handled the lipcolor. The results of the team effort was sheer perfection!

Doing your own wedding makeup is entirely possible with a little guidance and practice. The results can be just as beautiful as makeup applied by a professional, and you will have the satisfaction of knowing that your makeup is done exactly the way you like it.

Let us know if you need assistance in any area of planning your wedding.Take advantage of Bridget's experience helping clients select jewelry and accessories. Treat yourself to fabulous bridal jewelry for your wedding.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bridget_Mora

Bridget Mora - EzineArticles Expert Author
Find More : wedding makeup , professional makeup , makeup artist , bride's makeup , Makeup Wedding , Wedding Hair

2 November 2009

The Most Important Slimming Products

We live in a society that seems to be focused on slimming and trimming and everything has gotten into the groove, from cell phones and iPods to human beings and it seems that everyone and everything wants to be slim. If you take the time to focus on the human aspect, then you will find that there are many products available on the various markets, throughout the world, that can be considered slimming products.

These products range from pills and supplements to clothing and exercise equipment. However everyone needs to take in to consideration that even the best products on the market will not work effectively or throughout the long term if the individual involved is not serious and taking an active part in the weight reduction and body toning efforts by exercising regularly and eating healthily.

One of the most fashionable and relaxing slimming products is the herbal wraps that are available in most spas. These relaxing wraps infuse the body with herbs that are designed to help detoxify the body and promote a cleansing action. Some promote the idea that body substances such as cellulite will actually be broken down, which in turn allows the body to get rid of it more effectively.

We have all heard of the wide variety of herbal dietary supplements that are considered by many to be slimming products, some claim that they work because they raise the body metabolism, there by helping the body to burn calories quick and more productively. Let's not forget to mention whole foods that are reportedly able to do the same thing, such as grapefruits.

And then there are the over the counter pills and patches that are found in almost every big box store that promise exaggerated success rates by simply swallowing one or two pills several times a day before meals. The theory behind most of these pills is that they make you feel full before you eat so that you will not eat as much.

But although there are some slimming products that are useful and can help you to shed pounds and inches, the bottom line is this; The most important and guaranteed slimming products are those found in the heart and mind. It is called will power and dedication to eating decent, wholesome foods and meals that are well balanced and low in calories and saturated fats while at the same time being dedicated to regular and simple exercise, like walking.

For unbiased reviews of the best slimming products visit the slimming resources website. This truly is an excellent resource for anyone wanting to shed pounds and inches healthily. As well as slimming product reviews, the slimming resources website features regularly updated slimming tips covering diet, exercise and more. And there are even free slimming tools such as BMI and BMR calculators to help you on your quest to weight loss success.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Audrey_Makepeace

Find More : slimming products , relaxing slimming , weight loss , best slimming products , slimming resources , Slimming Product , Slimming Gel , Slimming Herbal

Car Repair Without the Wait

It is not unusual to spend hours in an auto repair shop waiting for your vehicle to be fixed. This can be very frustrating. It can be even more of a nuisance if you are bringing small children with you or have a full day planned. Fortunately, there are ways that you can avoid these long waits when getting your vehicle serviced.

Walk-In=Wait. Car repair shops that accept walk-ins are great when you have an unexpected car repair such as a flat tire. However, if you are going in for routine maintenance it is wise to make an appointment. This way, the shop has the materials they need for your vehicle and the manpower to work on it at the scheduled time. Find an auto repair shop in your area that schedules routine maintenance visits.

Go at an "off" time. Don't head to the car repair shop during your lunch break or on the weekend. If you do, you will likely find yourself frustrated with a long wait. Instead, go when the shop first opens on a weekday. Auto repair shops tend to be less busy at this time of day.

These are just two ways to drastically reduce your wait time at the auto repair shop. Give these tips a try during your next visit and see just how much shorter your trip to the auto garage is. You may be surprised at how much smoother the process is. The repairs may even be better quality because the mechanics are well prepared and not rushed. It's worth a shot!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Toni_Street

Find More : Service Car , Repair Car , Car Workshop , car repair , car repair shop , auto repair , auto repair shop