16 Oktober 2009

Is Lorry Driving What it Used to Be?

Currently, there is a feeling of real doom and gloom hanging over the logistics industry. You just have to look at the squeeze lorry drivers are facing with rising fuel prices, LEZ charges and congestion fees increasingly cropping up. On top of pretty much everyone feelking a financial pinch, a survey on our site has revealed that over half of our members are working in excess of 60 hours per week - it's no wonder there's a hankering for the 'good old days' of haulage. But was taking a backload then really any better?

In a 2006 article in the Independent, about the low number of young people taking up the profession, Nigel Baxter of RH Freight was keen to point out that things have gotten much better for lorry drivers: "It's a much more sophisticated industry these days, thanks to technology such as satellite navigation...Before the Road Transport Directive came into effect last year [2005], drivers typically worked 65 hours a week, whereas now we're down to 48 with more control over finish times... Health and safety has also been tightened up and the rules on manual handling have changed." He also described the logistics equipment as "far more lightweight and less arduous to use than in the past", suggesting a marked improvement in conditions for lorry drivers. Whether or not Baxter's firm is an exception rather than the rule (as mentioned above, our members are still working long hours), is a harking for the good old days of logistics just hopeless rose-tinted nostalgia, as he suggests?

Well, if you were to take a time machine back to the 1960s, the first thing you'd notice in your considerably less comfortable old lorry cab is the weather - whether you're in winter or in summer. That's right - whether the weather was hot or cold, you were stuck with it. In summer, with the windows rolled down, this wasn't such an issue, but in the freezing winter of 1962, with no cab heater (or an early inefficient model) several layers were far from optional in the old lorries!

Seatbelts only began to appear in certain cars in the 1960s, and they were a real rarity in old lorries - set against a debate over whether they aided safety or restricted escape in the event of being trapped. It's universally accepted that lorries are both more comfortable and safe than they used to be - and this comfort extended to the noise too. Many old lorries in the early 1960s had no noise blocking materials between the lorry driver and the main engine, making them extremely loud! Some cunning old lorry drivers would use blankets to cover the bonnet to dim the noise a bit, which would double up as insulation on some of the trucks with ill-fitting engine covers!

As for in-cab devices, you were mainly left to provide your own entertainment. In car radios were far from standard, and were not particularly widespread until the 70s. You could use a portable radio, but the thick roofs of the old lorry cabs meant that finding and keeping a good aerial signal was almost impossible. Cassette players were just coming into fashion around the 70s - later to be fitted into cars. Portable tape players weren't particularly power efficient and would be unlikely to last a significant part of any old lorry's journey.

haps the most convenient thing that we take for granted these days is the wide availability of the mobile phone. Nowadays, mobiles even have internet access on them, allowing easy communication wherever you are on the road, but in those days you were pretty much on your own in the old lorry. If you needed to urgently get into contact with 'base', you'd be at the mercy of finding a payphone - and you'd probably be left reversing the charges to your company!

Add to this the state of the roads in those days (balanced out by the lower volumes of traffic, but still) and the need to constantly monitor the security of the backload on your truck (the old ropes would shrink and tighten in rain, then dry out in sun, loosening the backload, amongst other hazards) and you begin to realise that modern logistics drivers have never had it so good. It's nice to look back nostalgically on times gone by, but give me my mixtapes and mobile phone any day of the week!

Lyall Cresswell is the Managing Director for the Transport Exchange Group. Haulage Exchange, their freight exchange for the 7.5 tonne and above market, offers an independent environment for its members to swap backloads.

Travel Agency School and a Turn Key Booking Site Equals Success!

Are you searching for a travel agency school that will teach you all you need to know about starting a travel business and becoming a travel agent?

Does the intrigue and romance of the travel industry sound fascinating to you? Can't you just picture yourself basking in the culture and fine cuisine of a faraway land that you'v e only dreamed of traveling to? Or relaxing on a tropical beach while sipping frozen cocktails, mesmerized by the sound of crashing waves on the powdery, white sand?

You may call this vacation, but many home based travel agents are combining pleasure with business and taking what they often call "paycations". Upon becoming a travel agent anybody can build a lucrative income and enjoy the amazing fringe benefits that home based travel agents enjoy, including

  • Discounted travel
  • Commissions on their own travel (and all other travel booked on their sites)
  • Tax deductions on their travel expenses
  • Even free trips

Due to the popularity of online booking sites, becoming a travel agent can be an inexpensive and easy venture. Along with receiving a fully operational online travel site, you can learn everything there is to know about marketing and operating a travel business by enrolling in an online travel agency school.

Those who are already working another job enjoy the fact that becoming a travel agent doesn't need to be a full time undertaking. Several factors have made it possible for home based travel agents to create full time success on a part time basis. Consider these facts

  • Online travel sites provide a self-serve business model, becoming a travel agent no longer requires the agent to research or book travel for customers
  • As a result of the paradigm shift created by online travel booking sites, starting a travel agency no longer requires a brick and mortar storefront, or employees
  • Many companies allow their home based travel agents to choose the level they wish to reach in travel agency school, more education equates to higher commissions
  • Once enrolled in a business, anyone can attend travel agency school on a part time basis

Does the thought of becoming a travel agent sound appealing to you? Well, you're in for a pleasant surprise. You see, many home based travel agents have built businesses with companies that offer a guaranteed income. Yes, you read it right, guaranteed income! Up to ten thousand dollars in the first year, even for those who choose not to attend travel agent school!

If the thought of starting a travel agency appeals to you, there has never been a better time to go for it. Just think, a total business in a box, full support, access to online travel agency school, and even a guaranteed income. How can you go wrong?

Hi, I'm Kathy Jodrey, a stay at home mom who helps others to build successful businesses through the use of proven Internet marketing techniques. If you're interested in building a thriving travel business in your part time, I can teach you how to use solid, cutting-edge marketing techniques to do so, backed by a $10,000 company guarantee. Visit http://www.greatexpectationsvacationsbiz.com to learn more. Be sure to check out my blog to get to know me better, and to gain some valuable insight into the powerful strategies that I'm using in my business. I would love to help you do the same! http://kathyjodrey.com

Kathy Jodrey - EzineArticles Expert Author
Find More : travel agency , based travel , travel expenses , Online travel , travel booking , Holidays Travel

Top Sensitive Skin Facial Cleanser

Most people don't take care of their skin properly until is too late and skin problems have appeared - like wrinkles and face lines. To keep young looking smooth skin, it is necessary to follow a daily skin care routine - clean, tone and moisture your skin. Using a skin facial cleanser is one of the most important things you can do for your skin health - we are exposed every day to millions of toxins from pollution, cosmetic chemicals, air toxins, smoke, trash and many other external factors that produce free radicals in the skin, thus causing skin damage that later causes wrinkles and face lines.

This is why people that don't protect and take care of their skin have premature wrinkles and look older than they actually are. There are many skin facial cleansers that you can currently find on the market, just to name a few:

-Aveeno Positively Ageless Daily Exfoliating Cleanser
-Cetaphil Gentle Daily Cleanser
-Clinique Liquid Facial Soap
-Olay Daily Facials Cleansing Cloths

There are many others, but here is the problem - before choosing any product that you want to put on your face, you should make sure that it does not contain chemicals and hard substances that could irritate and dry your sensitive skin.

Sensitive Skin Facial Cleanser

However I have found that there are a few cleansers that are made only of natural ingredients and can be used in any type of skin thus removing toxins and having a special anti aging effect that will keep your skin smooth and young.

Some of the Special Natural ingredients are:

-Kaolin, from New Zealand which absorbs oil and pulls out grime from your skin. It also heals inflammation and blemishes.
-Bentone Gel, improve cleansing effectiveness, it is a complement that keeps your skin silky and soft.
-Macadamia Oil, is easily absorbed and protects your skin cells from aging.
-Active Manuka Honey, is rich in anti oxidants and improves the immune system in order to rejuvenate your skin.
-Cynergy Tk, produces new collagen and elastin in the skin, which eliminates any skin imperfections like wrinkles or face lines and make you look younger.

Those are some of the most powerful natural ingredients that I have seen in a few Cleansing treatments. There is however a "Deep active Cleansing mask" from a New Zealand company that manufactures product with just those natural ingredients called Xtendlife.

Click Here to Discover the Most Effective Skin Care creams that reduce Stretch Marks, scars and Unwanted Wrinkles. Visit http://www.best-skin-care-line.com to discover the shocking truth that now one else wants to expose.