22 Februari 2010

Bisnis Crepes, Peluang Usaha Paling Gila

Awalnya sederhana sekali, bermula dari seringnya anak dan istri saya membeli crepes di Mall. Sedangkan produk crepes tidak ada di kota kami, yang notabene kota kecil. Sehingga anak dan istri saya baru dapat menikmati crepes kesukaaannya saat kami keluar kota ke Jakarta atau Bandung, mampir ke beberapa Mall yang menjual crepes.

Maka tercetuslah ide untuk membuat sendiri crepes di rumah, dan secara kebetulan ada beberapa rekan yang memberikan inspirasi tentang bahan dan resep yang diperlukan.

Saat itu mulai-lah istri menguji coba crepes buatannya, ternyata tanpa disangka-sangka crepes hasil karya istri sangat disukai anak kami, teman-temannya, anak-anak tetangga dan juga teman-teman kami. Mereka bilang rasanya luar biasa, malah mereka bilang crepes buatan kami lebih enak dari crepes yang ada di mall.

Dari hal itu tercetuslah ide peluang usaha yang akan kami jalankan Singkat cerita, istri mulai diminta dan mendapat pesanan crepes dari beberapa tetangga, teman, dan orang-orang sekitar kami untuk membuatkan crepes diacara-acara mereka : Ulang Tahun, Khitanan, Arisan,dan Acara di sekolah-sekolah. dan tanpa kami sadari, semakin hari semakin banyak saja pesanan yang datang. Melihat peluang pasar yang masih belum tergarap, dan apalagi crepes hanya ada di mall di kota-kota besar ditambah dengan harga yang sangat tidak terjangkau untuk masyarakat kebanyakan, maka lahirlah ide untuk menekuni usaha crepes ini.

Usaha ini kami mulai dari 1 gerobak, dan terus kami tambah sampai kami memiliki beberapa gerobak, dan ternyata usaha kami banyak menarik minat teman-teman dan orang-orang sekitar kami untuk menjalankan usaha ini, maka kami buat usaha ini menjadi kemitraan ( waralaba )

Kembali kami dibuat /terkaget-kaget, ternyata belum sampai 1 tahun jumlah mitra kami ada 100 outlet lebih, ini semua merupakan anugerah Tuhan atas kami, apa yang tidak pernah saya lihat, saya dengar dan timbul dalam hati justru itu yang Tuhan lakukan untuk kami.

Kemitraan, kami jalankan sesederhana mungkin, karena usaha ini juga kami mulai dari hal yang sangat sederhana, ini juga yang mungkin menarik minat calon-calon mitra kami dulu.

jika anda ingin mengetahui tentang informasi peluang usaha clik link ini : peluang usaha


19 Februari 2010

Is Buy to Let an Effective Investment Vehicle?

Buy to let as with any other property investment has the potential to be a very effective investment vehicle in my opinion, the secret is to be able to do it in the correct way so that this investment does not end up costing you money.

When one is looking to use buy to let as an investment vehicle, there are a couple of things which you should keep in mind when making your investment decisions, these things could make the difference between a well functioning finance investment and an utter disaster. Here are a few pointers which I hope will help you make the correct financial decisions and truly aid you to become financially free so that you can enjoy the fruits of living a life full of abundance.

1. Invest in yourself - Before you make any type of financial investment decision when it comes to buy to let options, be sure that you are following the correct advice and that you do not need to change your strategy every time the market changes.

2. Do the maths - Be sure that you are using effective systems and formulas when it comes to making your decisions. If you are not able to calculate the value of your investment and the effect it will have on your finances in the worst case scenario, then you are not doing this properly.

3. Be sure to know the target market - Before you buy the property be sure to do adequate investigation into who your target market is, and what they will see as being a fit amount to pay for the rental of the property.

4. Look for the best deal - Always look around so as to be able to determine where you can get the best deal to finance your investment.

5. Always allow for the bad times - Find ways to be able to determine what the effect of worst case scenarios such as vacant property or bad financial times will have on your investment, if you are able to do this effectively then there will be no reason why buy to let properties should put any strain on your financial portfolio.

These are but a few of the pointers which I feel will help you to make the correct and financially sound decisions when it comes to buy to let property investment, if you take them into account you will be on a far more safe road into the world of property investment as a investment vehicle than if you were ignorant to them.

As I always say, please take the time to invest in yourself before you begin to make substantial finance investment for your future.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Hannes_Dreyer

Publishing Choices For Writers - Self-Publishing Print on Demand (Part Three)

Print on Demand is an attractive and viable option for authors if they are willing to put up with the negative factors discussed in other articles in this series. However, prior to jumping in, an author needs to take some specific steps to find the best Print on Demand company for their needs.

Options include Print On Demand companies that do the printing and nothing else, providing no support for the author. Other POD companies may provide some publishing services, but may not have the quality control over what gets put out on the market. If that is true and there is no quality control, then an author who has a great book may get lumped into the stack with those authors who just want to see their name in print. This is a serious consideration for authors who are aiming for the New York Times bestseller list.

Newer, actual publishing companies, may now offer Print On Demand as an option for printing, thereby offering all publishing services to authors in addition to the POD option for printing. However, once again, an author needs to do their homework. Some publishing services which are "vanity" services may be more interested in getting money from the author than in helping an author put out a good product, even if they offer Print on Demand printing.

Assuming an author has their work already edited, a cover already selected and are happy with their manuscript, then just getting a few copies of their book printed will dictate going just with a POD printing company. However, assuming an author needs work on their manuscript and does not know how their book will sell, the key would be to find a publishing company which has built a reputation of caring about what is published and who offers Print on Demand as an printing option. Then an author can get the best of both worlds- publishing by a reputable company who will work with their book and yet not be saddled with books that never sell. But, no matter what, authors need to do thorough homework when investigating the quality of these companies.

It is important to understand that one option is not necessarily better than another, but is rather just that, an option. Each writer will have their own needs and any of the above choices may be a perfect fit depending on those needs. But taking the time to investigate the quality of a company, no matter which choice they make, will give assurance to a writer that their work will be the best it can be while satisfying whatever needs they have.

Print On Demand is just one option under the self-publishing umbrella. In other articles, I will discuss other options for authors to get their work out into the public.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Candace_C._Davenport