1 Desember 2010

Buying Christmas Gifts for Your Beloved Ones

As Christmas Day is coming, many people are bothered about what kind of present they should choose for their friends and family. There are so many choices in the malls and online stores that they don't know which one their beloved ones will like. The standard of a successful present is that not only your friends will like it, but also it can reflect your own taste. So to buy Christmas gifts is really a kind of subject. Now, I am going to help you solve this problem by sharing with you some Christmas gifts ideas.

A present for your friends

In this cold winter, a scarf is really practical. As a close friend, you can choose a pretty and fashion muffler for your friends. A scarf can not only keep they warm, but also make them popular and look like Hollywood stars. This year's popular style is purity comforter. It is easy to match the single color snarled up with all kinds of coats. What is more, the wool material is very thermal, so your friends won't be afraid of the bitter cold outside. Wearing a woolen scarf, your friends will find themselves elegant and decent. There is no doubt that your friends will feel your kindness and love it. You can wear the same color or style of scarf you give to your friends when you go out with them. Isn't that sweet?

A present for your lover

Don't let the opportunity of making your boy or girl know you love him/her go easily. A Casio electronic dictionary is a good choice. Casio E-A 300 is available to users who are either primitive language students or professional learners of Chinese, English and Japanese. The enormous amount of words is the most attractive advantage. The realistic pronunciation also sounds clear. Apart from its strong function, the brief and exquisite appearance are attractive as well. The red smooth shell is noble and fashion, and the color screen will not make your eyes tired. The Casio electronic dictionary enables its users to look up words whenever possible. I am sure the level of his/her foreign language will improve quickly. Loving one people means help him/her develop.

A present for your parents

Winter is coming, and it feels cold to do sports outside in the morning and evening. Parents' heath is our first concern. In order to keep them healthy, we can buy a running machine for them. Huixiang HX-852DA running machine is a good choice. It stands little space, and is easy to conduct. Having this treadmill, our parents can keep healthy without going out. Taking exercise regularly enables them to lose weight, keep fit and enhance metabolism. Therefore, it's helpful to keep them young and prevent aged diseases caused by fat.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Viola_Wong

Great Christmas Gifts For Your Family And Friends

When Christmas comes, you begin to think of the gifts you will purchase for your family and friends Gifts that will not be out of place, that are appropriate and will be appreciated by the recipient. In making the decision of what to buy, you can think back to the time you have spent with whom you are buying gift fosr and remember those items they longed for. Definitely they will appreciate this item if you present it to them as a gift. The key to choosing the right gift is listening and paying attention, from this you will get to know what your loved ones will want for this holiday.

When it gets to choosing what gift is appropriate for a baby there are a lot of choices to make. The entire available range of gifts for babies are cute and beautiful. The closer you are to the baby, the more money you spend on buying him/her a Christmas gifts. You have baby toys, clothes and other baby accessories to choose from. Not minding that it is Christmas, any baby gift will be appropriate.

If the recipient of the gift is between age 6 and 12, it might not be easy getting the appropriate gift. At this age little boys begin to want everything they see their elder brother with, so what you consider to be appropriate will likely be considered childish by the boy. This is where Santa Claus wish list comes handy; you can take a peep at what he/she wants from Santa Claus and buy it.

Christmas gifts vary depending on whether they are for a boy or a girl. It will be out of place to buy a girl a football as a gift and also inappropriate to offer a boy skipping rope. It is safer to stick to those items that both the boy and the girl love; an example is a roller skater.

When it comes to teenagers, getting a gift becomes more technical. In this generation every teenager wants things that can be used to send SMS, listen to music and catch fun generally.

For mums and dads we have different Christmas gifts that we can give them. It takes time before a child gets to know exactly what the parent might love, but parents are an embodiment of love and will appreciate whatever gift they are presented by their children.

When getting gifts you must not forget to include grandparents in the list. They will definitely appreciate a visit from you. When you visit them, go along with a new gadget that can be helpful to them or simply a hand-made Christmas card that you have made with your own hands.

Remember that in choosing Christmas gifts you need to find that unique one that finds the recipients personality.


Gaya Berpakaian Remaja dan Model Baju Terbaru

Gaya Berpakaian Remaja dan Model Baju Terbaru

Remaja punya banyak cara untuk mencari perhatian. Beberapa di antaranya adalah tampil dengan nyeleneh, tampil beda dari yang lain. Mulailah mereka terlihat aneh dengan penampilan yang kadang mengundang kontroversi. Orangtua dan gurupun jadi cemas karena apa yang ditampilkan itu dinilai melenceng dari adat ketimuran. Busana serba minim bagi remaja wanita sangat disukai. Sedangkan yang pria tampil lebih percaya diri dengan acesories di tubuhnya.

Remaja memang suka tampil aneh-aneh, hal ini sering dilontarkan ketika mengamati penampilan mereka di beberapa tempat umum. yang tak lazim dapat dicermati dari cara busana dan performance fisik mereka. yang berkomentar ini adalah cara remaja mencari perhatian untuk menunjukkan siapa dirinya. Namun tak jarang juga yang cukup maklum dengan keadaan ini.

Tampilan busana remaja sangat bergantung dari model baju terbaru yang sedang trend. Trend ini tentu saja dibawa oleh para idola remaja yang bisa saja memberi inspirasi mereka dari segi penampilan. Misalnya sekarang lagi trend baju korea. Termasuk ketika beberapa dari remaja tampil dengan busana yang minim, tatto permanen di tubuhnya atau tindik yang tak hanya ada di telinga sebagaimana wajarnya. Berpakaian modis boleh-boleh saja. Apalagi buat mahluk berseragam biru putih yang masih remaja. Bagaimana sebaiknya menyikapi hal ini? Membiarkan saja sebagai bagian dari rasa maklum karena mereka sedang mencari identitas diri? Bila remaja diberi suatu pengertian, bagaimana cara bijaksana menyampaikannya.

Mode busana memang terus berganti dari waktu ke waktu. Misalnya dulu model gombrong, sekarang seperti baju korea, dan lainnya. Dan rasanya, banyak remaja yang merasa kurang gaul kalau tidak mengikuti tren busana itu. Sesungguhnya boleh-boleh saja berbusana modis mengikuti tren mutakhir. Tapi, remaja harus mempertimbangkan juga norma-norma yang berlaku di sekitarnya.

Selain cara mengenakan kerudung, ada hal-hal lain yang membuat remaja berkerudung tetap tampil modis. Warna misalnya, kalau kita bisa memilih warna yang serasi, maka dapat dipastikan akan terlihat menarik. Begitu pula model, motif, dan bahan kain bisa membuat pemakainya terlihat modis. Bagaimana dengan remaja yang tak berkerudung? Nilai-nilai kesopanan juga mesti tetap dipegang teguh.

Dengan kata lain, apa yang dipromosikan oleh `pembungkus’? Ke manakah aku berusaha menarik perhatian orang? Jika tujuannya adalah untuk mempertontonkan tubuh dan membangkitkan hasrat seksual orang lain, untuk menjadikan diri pusat perhatian dan mengundang rasa ingin tahu orang, maka ia telah melanggar kesopanan, sekaligus keutamaan-keutamaan kerendahan hati, pengenalan dan kesopanan dalam berbusana dan bertingkah laku.

Tapi, supaya cara berpakaian remaja tidak ‘kebablasan’ beberapa hal dibawah ini menjadi acuan dalam berbusana yaitu. Pilihlah busana yang sopan, serta sesuai dengan adat dan agama karena masih banyak busana yang modis dan ngetrend tapi sekaligus pula sopan.

Remaja kususnya anak-anak SMP tidak perlu takut, busana muslim akan membuat kalian terlihat kuno. Untuk perlu diketahui, busana muslim memiliki tiga model dasar yaitu gamis, abaya, dan tunik. Gamis adalah baju muslim panjang (long dress) yang bisa dipadukan dengan celana. Selain untuk perempuan, dapat pula dipakai oleh kaum pria.

Sedang abaya adalah model baju muslim terbaru dari Arab (Timur Tengah) yang bentuknya terusan, blong sampai ke kaki. Busana ini bisa dimodifikasi dan hanya dipakai oleh perempuan. Terakhir adalah tunik yaitu blus panjang, tidak ketat, dan berlengan panjang. Panjang tunik harus menutupi pantat. Dalam pemakaiannya, tunik bisa dipadukan dengan celana atau rok panjang. Nah, tiga model dasar ini, bisa dimodifikasi sedemikian rupa sehingga cocok digunakan dalam berbagai kesempatan.[ygs]
