25 November 2010

Trik Memilih Paket Tour di Bali

Saat memilih paket tour murah di bali ada beberapa hal yang harus anda perhatikan berikut tipsnya:

  1. mengikuti tur. Cek dapat melalui internet, telefon, recepsionist hotel atau bertanya langsung.
  2. Tanyakan tempat wisata mana saja yang dikunjungi atau pertunjukan (Barong/kecak/Ngaben) apakah sesuai dengan keinginan anda. Berapa tempat saja yang dikunjungi per hari.
  3. Tanyakan apakah tarif yang ditawarkan sudah termasuk lunch/snack, tiket masuk tempat wisata dan asuransi. Bila ada 2 tur dengan tujuan yang sama namun tarifnya berbeda mungkin tur yang lebih murah tidak termasuk lunch dan tiket masuk tempat wisata. Ini untuk menghindari kekecewaan selama mengikuti tur kalau kita bad mood tidak akan bisa menikmati tur.
  4. Bandingkan dengan beberapa tur yang sejenis sehingga kita dapat memilih tur terbaik dan termurah.
  5. Jumlah peserta tur dan kapasitas & fasilitas AC kendaraan yang di pakai, L300, kijang atau minivan yang lain dan tahun pembuatan. Pastikan anda tidak berdesakan/kepanasan atau mobilnya rusak di jalan sehingga waktu tur terbuang.
  6. Tidak ada salahnya tanyakan pendapat receptionist hotel anda menginap. Biasanya mereka mempunya paket khusus/discount khusus tamu hotel.
  7. Tentukan beberapa hari anda mengikuti tur mungkin anda dapat discount untuk tur beberapa hari
Demikian tipsnya semoga bermanfaat selamat mencoba.

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The Best Christmas Gifts for 2010

All time Great XMAS Gift Ideas that are for any one. For the Family, For Business, for Employers, for Neighbors and for Friends. It's the Art of Giving. A little gift to sweeten the Holiday. Express your Gratitude. Or if you are just plain stuck and can't come up with an idea, we have plenty of Unique Gift Ideas. I'm sure one will suit your needs. So here's to wishing you and your loved ones a Great Christmas, with lots of love and Health for the future

Every year we start wondering what are the Top 10 Christmas gifts in 2010 that we can give to the people we love. This does cause us a bit of confusion, even if we know the person very well and do know his or her interest. Take my father for example, every year in the past before he stopped driving if you asked him what gift he wanted he would say "car tires", it became such a joke in our family that even though he is 83 and does not drive anymore you will still hear him say "car tires". We never bought him car tires. I should have paid more attention, he might have been very happy, had I bought them. So rule number one... listen and if it's too expensive see if other family members all want to participate in the gift. Rather buy a Xmas present that is wanted and needed.

Christmas Gifts for Babies
Choosing gifts for babies are always going to be fun, because all the gifts and clothes for babies are so cute. We actually end up with more than we can handle with these little honeys. The closer the relation to the baby the higher the spending price of a gift, irrelevant of whether it's a cool Christmas gift, or not. Today's baby stores are a pleasure to walk through there are unique Christmas gift ideas, the pastel colors are very appealing to the human eye. The new baby toys and accessories you really need a sales person to explain them to you, as new things are invented for teething, for comfort, for strollers and bouncers and for carrying babies.

Christmas Gifts for Pre-school
At this age they are very playful very curious and totally adorable (except for the terrible two's) Little girls are doing the girly thing and Little boys are all out there, some the quite type where all kind of home games and build it projects will go over very well, and other is the loud mouth happy go lucky type, give him the ball the water pistol and the bike. Its difficult making the top 10 Christmas gift list of 2010 for this group, as you have your all time classics and then the new modes and believe me the kids are up to date on this one.

Christmas Gifts for Kids
This age group is 6-12, yes that is a big difference in age and hard to generalize when buying a gift, as a 6 and 12 year old are worlds apart, unless they are brothers you will find that the 6year old wants everything that he's brother has, so please don't think they are childish and get a childish gifts. A 6 year old is a big boy he is in school already. Christmas gifts for kids are actually easy to buy and the choices are great. The Idea of having a child make a Christmas list for Santa is so that you get Xmas gift ideas of what is on he's mind. This age group is all about trend, what is cool Christmas presents are also what the popular kids have and wear. Sport items both for girls and boys, there is no difference when it comes to that, they all want a kick scooter boy and girl, its faster to get around with especially if their friend lives down the road. But don't buy a girl a ball that's for the toys for boys.

Christmas Gifts For Girls
We are on our way to be little ladies, we are very much aware of our looks our likes or we are little Tom boys, never the less the Tom boy aspect is just girls that like to do the sporty things that guys are doing. For this we have numerous sports goods that still have that touch of coolness.

Christmas Gifts for Boys
As our Top 10 Christmas gifts 2010 expands we continue to boys. This age group is between 8-12, little boys and their toys. I actually find it much easier to buy boys gifts. Looking at the boy's character will tell you which direction you should be getting into. Is he the sports type? That just makes it just that much easier as there are tons of different sports products, as well as accessories that go with the sports product, example, you buy a bike, he will need the bike protective helmet too. If you buy roller skates he will need knee guards and a helmet. So as a family unite one can buy the bike and the other the helmet. The serious child will be happy with a computer, laptop, and games, mostly computer games, depending on the age. But always have other games that are more of a social game for more than one person to play.

Christmas gifts for Teens
The older they get the more technical we get, this is the next generation, starting to bloom, they are now articulate and computer savvy, they can type and send SMS's at the speed of light, the new language of sms's is an art, a new English. They know their music, so bring on the iPod, iPhones, and laptops. They are face bookers or another social media participant. They are becoming cosmetically educated in the arts of make-up, or shaving for the first time. They are also hormonal and need their beauty sleep. They are delightful, treat them with respect and you will never feel the back lash of this age group.

Christmas Gift for Women
She will light up your life. Christmas Gift for Women are been displayed everywhere, they are the target of the fashion industry, they are independent and discovering, the finer things in live. They might be single they might be married they might be your mother.They are the light in every home the home maker. At the end of a day a good book or out with friends or partners. Let's help her relax and be appreciated. As she is deserving of gifts. Spoil her with unique Christmas gift ideas. Find her the unusual gift idea, and put that smile on her face.

Christmas Gift for Men
Top 10 Christmas Gifts for Men, Unique Christmas Gift Ideas for Men, Around this Season there are cool Christmas presents online for Men, Xmas gift ideas to help the whole family make their choice Men are wonderful creatures, I recently read an book called "Why Men Need..." and "Why men don't have a clue.... why Men don't listen...." by Allan and Barbara Pease. These books are hilarious, and I highly recommend it to both male and female. Besides the deep understanding of our basic needs that seem to be misunderstood by both sides the book is full of humor and jokes and it had my friends and I entertained for hours (joke-example) What men want women to know...... "Yes" and "No" are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question!! So to the men Out there we wish you a Merry Christmas!

Christmas Gifts for Mom and Dad
To the Mom's and Dad's every where. You are the Jacks of all trades, as parenting brings on new skills we never knew we had and many of them we had to learn fast. You are the Providers that need to be a doctor, a nanny, a cleaning lady, a taxi driver, an advocate and the list goes on. Your pay back is that there will always only be one Mom and Dad. You love unconditionally and are loved unconditionally. Although it takes kids years to realize and appreciate parents, always know that the Love you give, is the Love you will reap. Any gift will do for parents, when it comes from the heart it is always appreciated. The Top 10 Christmas gifts 2010 are many. Gifts for parents will be among all the categories of women, men and grandparents.

Christmas Gifts for Grandparents
We might be getting Older but are still full of live and joy for living. We enjoy Family occasions more now days as we love to see the grandchildren growing up. But give us a Trip, Allow us to travel we have the time to enjoy that now. That would be the top Christmas gift for grandparents. Spoil then and love them. It is also never too late to get them to enjoy the newest gadgets out there like the Kindle iPad, give them computer lessons as a gift, as getting around might not be so easy for some and the internet offers a new world of entertainment.

Article Source: EzineArticles.com/?expert=Claire_Calo

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Trik Perjalanan Wisata Bersama Pasangan

Berlibur dengan pasangan memang mengasikan karena anda bisa bermesraan berdua saat melakukan perjalanan wisata, tapi tidak semua orang merasa bahagia saat berwisata bersama pasangannya, berikut ini ada beberapa tips agar anda merasa bahagia saat berlibur bersama pasangan:

1. Ingatkan pasangan bahwa perjalanan ini bukan kunjungan bisnis. “Saya dapat melakukan perjalanan keliling dunia dan tidak merasakan…. Kami berupaya menyelesaikan kalimat tersebut, dan suami saya bisa menangkap pesannya! Ia sering melakukan perjalanan bisnis internasional dan perjalanan keluarga sungguh berbeda!” -Cmeyer54

2. Jangan tersesat. “Saya sering merasa stres karena saya adalah pembaca peta dan navigator, sementara suami mengemudi. Hal ini menyebabkan kami bertengkar lebih dari segalanya. Namun sekarang kami menggunakan GPS dan itu merubah segalanya!” -Bettyk

3. Temukan waktu untuk jalan-jalan sendiri. “Kami telah menemukan cara hebat untuk menghindari kebosanan setelah 24 jam kebersamaan. Pastikan untuk menjadwalkan perjalanan terpisah secara reguler -melakukan hal-hal yang Anda sukai sepanjang siang atau sore. Hal ini akan memberi bahan perbincangan dan mengurangi tekanan.” -Nytraveler

4. Mengakui kekuatan pasangan Anda. “Dia membuat kertas kerja dan kami tidak kehilangan satu momen pun -dan saya amat menghargai hal itu karena kami dapat membuat keputusan yang lebih baik.” -Debi

5. Menyelesaikan pertengkaran sebelum terjadi. “Butuh waktu lama bagi kami untuk menyampaikan rahasia dan kesucian perjanjian damai kami… sumpah kami untuk bersenang-senang selama liburan! Cara kami melakukannya: kami mendiskusikan di awal, sebelum berangkat, hal-hal yang biasanya menyebabkan pertengkaran. Kami menyelesaikannya sebelum itu terjadi.” -Melissa5

6. Perut harus kenyang. “Rasa lapar amatlah berbahaya, kami belajar untuk tidak menunda makan “setelah museum ini” atau “nanti saja sesampai kita di Malaga” karena itu amat sangat buruk.” -Gruezi

7. Tetap optimis meski ada ketidaknyamanan. “Menurut saya mudah saja memahami bahwa orang bisa merasa kesal akibat kepanasan, tidak yakin akan arah tujuan, merasa lapar selama 2 jam, atau malah lebih lama dan entah apa lagi yang dapat terjadi, seakan daftar ini bisa berlangsung selamanya. Kami merasakan semuanya dan saya merasa hampir gila. Namun karena sering melakukan perjalanan jauh dan lama, saya belajar menikmati kebersamaan kami dan bahwa hal itu tiada bandingannya dengan apa yang akan kami lihat atau tidak kami lihat, apa dan kapan kami akan makan, kapan kami akan tiba di tempat tujuan – selama istri berada di sisi.” -Mian11224

8. Biarkan hal-hal kecil berlalu. “Saya pikir kami lebih sedikit bertengkar selama liburan, walaupun kami menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu bersama, karena kami merasa bahagia berada di sana. Kami biasa merasakan getaran “woo hoo, kami lagi liburan nich” dan mengacuhkan hal-hal yang mungkin mengganggu kami di rumah.” -Tcreath

9. Selalu menemukan obat bagi kekecewaan. “Jika Anda tidak sempat mengunjungi suatu museum, masih ada yang lain di ujung jalan sana. Jika Anda salah belok Anda bisa menemukan jalan lain untuk tiba di sana. Jika Anda memesan sesuatu yang tidak Anda sukai, pesan saja lagi sesuatu yang lain. Jika Anda tidak melihat ada untungnya melakukan perjalanan ini, rencanakan kepulangan.” -LoriS

10. Ambilah dunia sebagai sepasang kekasih. “Sesungguhnya saya menemukan bahwa kami hampir tidak pernah bertengkar atau saling tidak setuju ketika kami traveling. Mungkin ini karena kami menjauh dari segala stres yang bisa menyebabkan perbedaan di antara kami. Ini semacam sindrom ‘kami berdua melawan dunia’”. -Royal

Demikian tipsnya semoga bermanfaat selamat mencoba, saya sarankan anda untuk menggunakan paket perjalanan yang di sediakan biro perjalalanan wisata agar anda dapat menghemat biaya perjalanan wisata anda.

sumber: kompasiana.com

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