19 November 2010

Christmas Hampers Are A Great Way To Thank Clients

Christmas Hampers Are A Great Way To Thank Clients

Feeling grateful or appreciative of someone or something in your life actually attracts more of the things that you appreciate and value into your life. - Northrup, Christiane

The Christmas season is on the way again and with these tough recessionary times we are all experiencing, looking after our customers is more important now than ever before. As we all know, without customers, we might as well close up shop and go home. But how do we look after our good customers?

We hopefully all have customers that continually give us their business throughout the year. Ask yourself a very important question. Can you afford to loose those customers, if they decide to take their business elsewhere? No we can't. Without those customers, our business will definitely slow down and we might even have to cut back on certain luxuries within our business. We certainly don't want to be forced into that kind of a situation. So, what do we do? The best solution is to surprise your customers by sending them
Christmas hampers.

Sending Christmas hampers to important clients offers a multitude of benefits. First of all, by sending a surprise hamper, you provide the wonderful element of surprise for your customers to enjoy. Opening a beautifully wrapped, tasty food hamper always causes a bit of friendly disruption and excitement in any workplace. The staff are usually the first to discover it and your hamper will create loads of smiles in what could be a rather dull work environment. There's also the possibility that your kind gesture might increase the chance for a last minute top-up order.

It's imperative these days to look after your good customers. With increased competition, one needs to go the extra mile to keep customers. There's also the added possibility that your good customers might even tell their customers how you brighten up their day and everyone always likes new customers. The domino effect could start working without you even knowing it.

No one knows your customers better than you do. That's why the best way to order Christmas hampers is by going to a site that lets you create your own hamper. That's right, within a few minutes you can create your very own personalised hampers. This way, you can add the food items you know your customers will like and at the same time control the cost of the hampers. Once you have ordered your Christmas hampers, arrange for them to be delivered on whatever day you know someone will be there to receive them. Add your personalised message and company name and that's really all there is to it. Fast, simple and time saving, so you can get on with your own business needs. Why not give it a try this year and watch how your customers will thank you.


Create Your Own Christmas Gifts

There are lots of reasons why creating your own Christmas gifts and stationary makes sense. Receiving a personalised, handmade gift means so much more than mass marketed products that offer little in the way of thought or meaning. And then of course there is the expense of buying the usual mountain of gifts and cards. So this year, why not get a little creative and make your own. It really is not as difficult as you might first think.

Designing and making your own cards

The hobby of making and designing greetings cards is a growing one. There are a number of hobby craft stores offering great prices on paints, card, ribbon, rubber stamps and more so you can easily build yourself a basic tool kit from which to start.

To begin with you should aim to create simple designs, unless of course you are very artistic. The use of a tool such as a rubber stamp will help you to quickly produce a quality design, even if you are hopeless at drawing.

Making your own gifts

The list of gifts you can make is endless, but some of the more practical and thoughtful gifts you can quickly create at home include:

Personalised calendars
Personalised gift tags
Homemade jams and pickles with decorative jars

Adding the personalised touch means you can incorporate photos, names, dates etc and this is far more likely to produce a christmas gifts the recipient will treasure.

Now is the time to start your new hobby as you may require a little practice before producing the "finished article". Buy yourself a basic tool kit with all the essentials and you are ready to get to work. And I am sure that as soon as you experience the gratitude your handmade gift or card will more than likely receive you may find it hard to ever purchase a mass market gift again!


Koleksi Hiasan dan Parcel Natal

Apa yg membuat Natal benar-benar istimewa? Hiasan atau parcel natal! Tanyakan pada orang dewasa mana pun untuk menceritakan seperti apa pohon Natal keluarganya dihiasi ketika ia masih kecil? Kemungkinan besar ia bisa menceritakannya dengan rinci.

Pohon hijau, biasanya sekitar satu setengah meter yg dihiasi dengan lampu-lampu berwarna, bola-bola berkilat berwarna cerah (yg sangat mudah pecah) dan tinsel atau benang perak tidak lupa dengan kado dan parcel natalnya. Puncak pohon itu dipasangi bintang alumunium besar yg disisipi satu-satunya lampu putih dalam untaian lampu kami.

Seorang teman di dekat rumah selalu memasang pohon tinggi berdaun rapat dengan hiasan berwarna biru. Pohon keluarga lain berdaun rapat dan dihiasi dengan hiasan berbentuk malaikat. Semuanya itu, dengan sendirinya bisa menjadi tradisi.

Satu Hiasan dan parcel natal Setiap Tahun

Pertimbangkan untuk membeli satu hiasan baru bagi anak setiap hari Natal. Biarkan anak-anak Anda membuka hiasan mereka sendiri dan menambahkannya ke pohon Natal pada malam Natal. Letakkan hiasan tiap anak di kotak khusus dan tandai dengan namanya! Kalau sudah tiba waktunya untuk menghiasi pohon Natal keluarga, biarkan anak Anda memasang hiasannya sendiri di dahan yg ia inginkan.

Hiasan dan parcel natal yg Anda berikan pada anak bisa memunyai tema:

1. hiasan kayu
2. malaikat
3. hiasan dicat atau bola berwarna
4. kepingan berlapis perak
5. hiasan buatan sendiri
6. hiasan antik
7. burung
8. lonceng

Selain itu, Anda bisa memberi hiasan apa saja yg sedang Anda sukai setiap tahun. Hiasan untuk aneka acara Anda tidak perlu membatasi koleksi Anda pada anak-anak. Mungkin Anda ingin membeli hiasan setiap ulang tahun perkawinan Anda, bertukar hiasan dengan teman dewasa, pasangan, dan kerabat.

Catat siapa pemberi hiasan dan tahun berapa hiasan itu diberikan. Simpan catatan itu bersama dengan hiasannya. Anda akan senang memunyai catatan lengkap seiring berlalunya waktu. Hiasan Natal dan parcel natal bisa penuh arti sekaligus indah. Nikmatilah! Hiasan dan parcel Natal adalah salah satu cara terindah untuk merayakan Natal.

Sumber: natal.sabda.org
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