6 November 2009

Motor Coach Rental: Double-checking for Safety

Before you even strike a deal with a motor coach rental company, consider one important thing: your safety. It could be that the bus is fully equipped with a lot of amenities, but if it lacks something in the safety department, you can be in grave danger. Your motor coach rental company should be one that puts more emphasis on safety than on anything else.

How do you know if the motor coach rental company is ideal?

You basically don’t need to really call the motor coach rental company before you can see if it can give you safe vehicles or not. It’s, in fact, sometimes not a good idea as some may actually place their company at a positive light, hiding any defects or safety problems that they may have. You can, however, do the following:

1. Confirm if the company has any safety issues filed against them. One obvious red flag that the transport provider may have some huge problems on the safety of their motor coaches is when there are actual complaints filed against them in Better Business Bureau. This is an organization that normally protects the rights of the consumers to know the validity and the extent or nature of services of businesses.

2. Check the safety rating of the company in FMCSA. There are certain requirements set by the FMCSA, or the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. These should be met by the motor coach rental companies; otherwise, they will be prohibited from operating such business. You can check if the company has a passing rating by visiting http:// www.safer.fmcsa.dot.gov/CompanySnapshot.aspx. You can just enter the name of the company. If you don’t get any result, you can try to key in the MC/MX number, or the DOT number.

3. The motor coach rental company should be advocates of safety belt programs. The passengers’ safety belt is an overlooked component of a vehicle, but it has helped save a lot of lives. It’s better if you can set up a short meeting with the provider, together with the actual motor coach that you’re going to use. Look around and check that every seat, including that of the driver, is equipped with a durable and well-maintained safety belt.

4. The driver should be highly qualified and clean of any substance abuse. Sometimes accidents can happen because the driver could be high on drugs or a certified alcoholic. The drivers of the motor coach rental company must not only be professional, but also tested of any substance abuse. You can confirm that from a drug agency, or you can ask for records from the car rental company. If they have nothing to hide, they would be glad to give you what you need.

5. Go for those with safety standard certificates. There are several agencies, including FMCSA, that hold different safety driving workshops, seminars, and tests. A motor coach rental company that participated in any of these should have received certificates to prove their passing rating and their attendance. You can also ask your motor coach rental company for them or just look around the office. They are commonly placed in frames and attached on walls.

Robert Janis from IMG Coach specialises in writing articles relating to the automotive industry and Motor coach Rental in the US. Visit his website at www.imgcoach.com

Find More : coach rental , motor coach rental , coach rental company , Van Rental , Car Rental , Transport Service

Boost Energy and Health With Royal Jelly

Royal jelly is an incredibly rich, creamy, opalescent, white liquid that is synthesized by the worker bees exclusively for the nourishment and cultivation of the queen bee. It is considered the most precious gift of the hive, as it extends the longevity of a bee's life from six weeks to five years. Royal jelly is incomparable in its ability to enhance both physical and mental performance. Put in a simple manner, royal jelly promotes longevity by helping to maintain health, beauty, and youth.

It is extremely potent, highly nutritional, and very natural. Royal jelly is extremely difficult for scientists to completely breakdown its components or synthesize its compounds. No matter how Royal Jelly is studied, certain components of the substance still seem to mystify even the most brilliant scientists. Because of this, duplicating what is thought to be the exact chemistry of royal jelly does not duplicate its effects in the human body. This means that only honeybees can make royal jelly.

Royal jelly is rich in proteins and B-complex vitamins, especially pantothenic acid, which is often associated with reversing some of the major effects of aging. Although the chemical makeup of royal jelly may vary slightly according to the location it is found in, the United States Department of Agriculture has analyzed one gram of royal jelly and found in to contain vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, inositol, folic acid, and vitamin C. Royal jelly also contains vital fatty acids, sugars, sterols, phosphorus compounds, and acetylcholine. Acetylcholine is responsible for the proper transmission of nerve impulses and the proper functioning of the endocrine system. A lack of acetylcholine in the body can make us susceptible to a number of nerve disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and Multiple Sclerosis.

Royal jelly can be purchased in a pure jelly-like material that must be kept frozen or refrigerated. It is also available in capsules, tablets, soft gels, and in honey chewable. Royal jelly is at its ideal best when it is combined with other natural beehive products and complementary botanicals. Because royal jelly spoils very easy, much research has been done on the ability to preserve this key nutrient. One good way to present and preserve royal jelly is within its natural medium of pure honey. By taking freeze-dried varieties of royal jelly, one can also obtain their supplemental dose. A capsulated, freeze-dried variety is an excellent and convenient way to ingest royal jelly.

It is necessary to purchase quality bee products in order to obtain the potent and pure varieties of any type of bee food or by-product. It should be noted that a relatively small percentage of the population can experience a laxative effect from royal jelly or bee pollen. Additionally, allergic reactions can happen. However, they are quite rare. Some of these allergies are due to poor quality pollen, as it has been gathered from commercially sprayed flowers or improperly cleaned, dried, or stored. Anyway taking bee products should begin slowly, in small amounts to be sure that an allergic reaction will not occur.

Natural bee pollen and royal jelly can be found at your local or internet health food store. Always purchase name brands to ensure that you receive a high quality and pure product.

More information on royal jelly is available at your VitaNet ®, LLC Health Food Store. http://vitanetonline.com/

Find More : Royal jelly , bee products , beehive products , EUMORA FACIAL SOAP , HEALTH PRODUCT SUPPLIER

The Best Natural Skincare Solutions

Is it possible to combine the best natural skincare solutions with a scientific system skincare approach? When it comes to your skin, you can have the best of both worlds.

Researchers have found what seems to be the best natural skincare solution for dryness, sagging, wrinkles, redness, inflammation and even some serious skin conditions, such as contact dermatitis. But, without scientific system skincare technology, they could not have made it available to us.

You see, there is a protein that is highly important to the skin's health. But, in its natural state, it is hard, not water soluble and so could not be absorbed by or used by the skin's cells.

The protein is called keratin and companies have attempted, in the past, to include keratin in creams and lotions, but the harsh chemicals and high temperatures that they used to make it soluble, also rendered it inactive. Scientists working for the KERATEC Company in New Zealand found a way to extract the protein from sheep's wool.

They developed patented processes that not only allow it to retain its activity, it is even digestible. They call it "Functional Keratin" and it is already available in the best natural skincare creams and lotions for the face and body. Soon, it will be found in dietary supplements designed to promote joint health, because keratin is very important to the bones and cartilage.

So, once again, nature has given us everything that we need, but it sometimes takes scientific system skincare technologies to find a way make them available to us. The results of clinical studies are truly amazing.

Things like moisture content and elasticity, the presence of inflammatory molecules and the number of new cells were all measured when volunteers entered the study. Creams creating using this new scientific system skincare approach were provided and results were measured on a daily basis for one week and then on a weekly basis, thereafter.

Results could be seen after the first day. There was a 22% increase in moisture and firmness after 24 hours. Skin cell proliferation increased by 100-125% after one day. In volunteers with redness and inflammation, the cream caused a 70% reduction in the inflammatory molecules that cause inflammation. To top it all off, the antioxidant activity of this protein is quite unique.

The best natural skincare products have always contained antioxidants like vitamin E, even before anyone knew much about antioxidants and fighting free radical damage. Until recently, no one was even sure how much an aged appearance had to do with free radical damage.

Now, dermatologists believe that free radical damage is the "primary" cause of all of the signs of aging. The new scientific system skincare creams that contain Functional Keratin prevent and repair free radical damage, because of their antioxidant activity.

Normally, it takes one antioxidant-molecule to quench one radical-molecule. One molecule of the protein can quench millions of radicals. That's just one reason that I think that the best natural skincare products contain it. What about you?

Laurel Levine

Laurel is a dedicated researcher of skin care health and products. She shares her research on her website http://www.beautiful-skin-site.com. If you have unwanted wrinkles, fine lines and damaged skin, visit http://www.beautiful-skin-site.com now to learn about the skin care line Laurel personally recommends.

Find More : New Skincare , New Skincare Products , natural skincare , skincare solution , system skincare , skincare products