21 Oktober 2009

Are There Toxins in Your Skin Care and Cosmetic Products?

Our skin is the largest organ in our body and can readily absorb what we put on it. The skin is our first line of defense for our immune system and for protection.

Every day we use skin care and cosmetics and often give no thought as to harmful toxins that may be in them. The skin care and cosmetic industry is unregulated, so companies can use whatever ingredients they like, and seldom is anything tested before being sold to consumers.

Your skin care products and cosmetics may contain toxins which have been linked to infertility, birth defects, cancer and other health problems.

Although a product may be labeled "pure, natural and organic" this label can be misleading.

There are no legal standards for organic or natural skin care and personal care products sold in the United States. Therefore companies may be using these terms which can be confusing to customers. Products labeled this way may still contain chemicals that could be harmful.

New industry standards are emerging that may help people determine the difference between the natural and not-so-natural products, but many standards with different meanings may be confusing. The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics is advocating for a standard that means ingredients really are as safe as they claim to be for everyone.

Many products contain fragrances. Fragrance is considered a trade secret, so companies don't have reveal what's in it, so they could contain toxins. Many products use the generic term "fragrance," in everything from shampoos and deodorants to body lotions and shaving creams. Even "unscented" products can have masking fragrances, which are chemicals used to cover up the odor of other chemicals.

Some hidden hazards that may be in products that contain synthetic fragrance include allergens, sensitizers and neurotoxins. Also phthalates have been banned in Europe but may be in some North American products. These may pose a health risk.

Fortunately there are responsible companies that are making skin care and cosmetics that are safe for you and your family to use. The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics has many companies listed, these companies have pledged to do no harm and only make products that are completely chemical free. Check out Cosmetics Data Base where they have thousands of products listed, and are rated 0 for completely safe up to 10 for most hazardous.

Alternative health articles and healthy living at http://enhancetheimmunesystem.com

Joanne Ott - EzineArticles Expert Author

Find More : Product Cosmetic , Product Beauty , Cosmetics Beauty , skin care products , cosmetic industry , skin care

Should You Buy a Used Car?

Old car always remains old unless you do something about it. Although you can never make it perform like a new one but still you can replace its engine with a used engine to make it usable. Another thing you can do is sell your old car and get some money from it. Then you can add some more money and buy a used car for yourself. Used cars are usually not very expensive and you can get them at almost half the price of a new car of same model. This will not only save you money but will also give you more comfort than what you were getting with your old car which was bothering you every moment.

Getting a used car is not at all a bad idea because there are hundreds of advantages of buying them. You are free to change your car anytime you want as you have not at all spent a very large of amount of money in getting it. If you want to buy a car which is going to be released next year then why not get a used car temporarily and wait for your dream car to arrive in the market. You get almost the same wide variety of choices you were going to have in new cars. Almost every model by every manufacturer is now available in used cars. This means that you can buy your dream car in just almost half of the price.

Buying a new car is not at all a good thing unless you have enough budgets and you can afford it. People usually replace their car's engine with used engines available on every car workshop. So if you can't afford a new car then simply get a used car or use the used engines for your current old car. New cars are not only expensive but you also have to use them for few years before you are able to afford another one.

There are also few disadvantages of buying used cars. There is no need to pay for the whole body and the engine when you can get used engines for the car you already have. Used cars always look like used cars. You can never expect good engine performance from them as there was surely a big reason for them being sold.

So if you are thinking of buying a used car then it is recommended that you simple use some good used engines for your car. You will face some difficult in finding them first time but later when you will go or the second time you will automatically come to know that which used engine is perfect for your car. So it totally depends on you that whether you want the full whole used car or just use a good used engine for your current car and enjoy your ride.

For more information about used engines and how they can help you in improving your car conditions, visit the used engines website.

Dance Music For the Wedding Reception

The most enjoyable part of the wedding reception is the dance music. When choosing dance music for your wedding, you need to decide if you want the services of a DJ or a band for your wedding.

For a church wedding, you could sit with the minister to decide on the music for each of the four sections of the wedding ceremony: The Prelude, The Processional, The Signing of the Register and The Recessional.

When you choose music for your wedding, you could decide the choice of music depending on the guests for your wedding and the trend for music. One option is to have an interesting mix of romantic melodies and party numbers as dance music for your wedding.

First the bride and bridegroom traditionally take the dance floor to a waltz. Then they take turns as the bride groom dances with his mother-in-law and then with his mother. The bride dances with her father-in-law and then with her father. The best man dances with the chief bridesmaid. The other bridesmaids join hands with the ushers. They are soon followed by the other guests.

You could have a live band, which are associated and favored for the 'real music', alternating with a disc jockey as he plays dance music for your wedding. The live band could play slow music and set the tempo for the fast paced danceable tracks, by the DJ. Hiring a DJ is less expensive than a real live band of professionals.

Listen to the tracks of the DJ or assess the live band before giving them a 'Yes' to perform dance music at the wedding reception. Their systems and equipment should be compatible with the venue. You could give a list of tracks which would be desired to be played and also the sequential order if you prefer.

In case the musicians or the Djs have to do an 'encore' you want to check to see if there will be any additional charge.

© Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.

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