17 September 2009

How to Digitize Your Old Photos

If you have a large collection of old photographs, it would be a wise decision to digitize them in order to protect them from damage or loss. The first thing you'll need in order to digitize your photos is to invest in a high quality scanner.

When buying a scanner, the higher the dpi (dots per inch), the more detailed your scanned pictures will be. Of course, you don't have to go over the top with the dpi; anything above 720 dpi will be adequate. Ideally, though, you should buy a scanner with at least 1200 dpi resolution.

You will then have to scan your photos individually. This can be a tedious and time consuming activity. If you have the budget, you might want to consider a photo scanning service that will scan and retouch your photos for a fee. You can find a number of these companies by searching on the internet, or in your local yellow pages.

Once your photos are scanned, you will require a software to alter, clean up, and retouch photographs. No matter how high quality your scanner is, your digital photographs will invariably be of a lower quality than the actual, physical photographs. For this reason, a quality image manipulation software like Adobe Photoshop can be very useful in correcting the colors, contrast, and adding effects to make your photos come alive. If Adobe Photoshop is out of your budget, you might want to consider a software such as Paint Shop Pro, or if you are on Linux, you can use the free GIMP software. You can also use the popular Picasa image viewing software to mass-edit your photos.

A key point to keep in mind is to stay organized as you scan each picture. Make a folder on your desktop and name it something appropriate like 'Pictures'. You can then make sub-folders within this folders labeled by event and date (for example, photos from 2004 Thanksgiving would be titled 'Thanksgiving-04'). This will ensure that you not only know what occasion the pictures are from, but also the year and date of the occasion.

Once you're done scanning and retouching your pictures, make sure to make a backup copy of all your photos in a pen drive or CD drive.

Digitizing your old photos can be a tedious task, but well worth the efforts when you take into consideration the fact that you will now have easy access to your photos all the time, while protecting them from any damage or loss.

John has been writing online for several years. His late blog is about picture scanners, and how you should go about buying a picture scanner

What is a Chartered Accountant and Why Should You Hire One?

For many people, an accountant is something that they feel they only need once a year when they are doing their taxes, if then - but the truth of the matter is that a chartered accountant is an individual who can help you out in a great many financial areas. Whether you are looking on your own behalf as a private citizen, or you are curious about what a chartered accountant can do for you or your business, you'll find that you can consider some of the following pieces of information.

When you are making a comparison between a chartered accountant and a regular accountant, you'll find that there are several important differences. Technically, anyone can call themselves an accountant who regardless of what licensing or education that they have. A person who calls themselves a chartered accountant, on the other hand, is someone who retains a membership in either the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland or the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland. These organizations will only allow membership after a series of examinations have been passed and after a certain amount of working experience.

Essentially, when you are working with a chartered accountant, you will find that you are working with someone who has a certain baseline of experience and certification under their belt. When your financial situation is complicated, or if you find that you are in over your head when it comes to financial matters, you'll find that taking on a chartered accountant can help you figure out how to proceed. You may also feel that retaining a chartered accountant will give you a great deal of peace of mind when it comes to the assurance that your financial matters are being handled competently.

When you are looking to retain a chartered accountant, you'll find that the accountants who engage in public practice work will have a practicing certificate which will declare them fit to do so. This means that they have met further requirements and that they have the appropriate professional experience with which to serve you.

When you are looking for someone to look over your financial matters, you'll find that a chartered accountant will most likely be the most competent individual in a place to do so. Take some time and make sure that you look into your accountant's credentials and to make sure that you are confident in their ability to handle your affairs.

Wilkins Kennedy have been offering professional services to business owners across England and worldwide for 126 years and have the expertise and experience necessary whether your business requires accountancy or taxation advice, or the annual audit is due.

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Monique Holtman - EzineArticles Expert Author

Find More : chartered accountant , regular accountant , Services Accounting , Consultants Tax

Choosing the Best Accountant For Your Business

Deciding on and employing the right accountant or accountancy firm for your business, be it large or small, is an important decision. Not many people realise that almost anyone can set themselves up in business and advertise and label themselves as an accountant.

Here are some key factors you should consider when determining which accountant to employ if you are UK based:


The qualification you need to be looking for is Chartered or a Chartered Certified Accountancy practice. (Whilst anyone can call themselves an accountant, only people who have passed rigorous professional examinations can call themselves chartered).

Chartered Accountants or Chartered Certified by passed the examinations set by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) or alternatively the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).

The ICAEW is the biggest professional accountancy body in the European Union with over one hundred and twenty five thousand members. The ICAEW's qualification is recognised throughout the world as a reputable business qualification. Upon passing this examination institute members can call themselves a Chartered Accountant and to use the letters ACA or FCA, which one they use depends on the amount of experience the member has and the length of membership.

ACCA offers the Chartered Certified Accountant qualification which carries with it the letters ACCA or FCCA.

Qualified accountants need to maintain their knowledge to ensure that it is up to date. Consequently members under take Continuing Professional Development or CPD for short. This is similar to other professions such as surveyors. CPD requirements normally involve so many hours each year furthering ones knowledge and can be achieved through a variety of methods including self study, attending courses or workshops. If the majority (typically 75%) of owners or partners of an accountancy firm have achieved chartered status then the firm is eligible to call itself 'Chartered Accountants' .

Whilst it is optional to use a chartered accountant for your accounts, in the UK if your company or firm has a turnover over a certain limit you will need to have your accounts audited. The auditing of your accounts however can only be done by a firm of registered auditors.

Essentially when deciding on which accountant to use you should select from a list of accountants who have professional qualifications or is from a firm labelled Chartered Accountants to adequately ensure your financial matters will be handled and supervised by fully qualified personnel.

Type of Firm

You should try to choose a type and size of accountancy practice suitable to your business. If you are a international enterprise a small regional accountancy firm is unlikely to be the correct choice. Likewise a small to medium sized enterprise (SME) with a small turnover or a start up business would probably not get the best service from an international accountancy firm.

One important factor to remember is that the firm you choose should be able to accommodate you as your business grows. So when selecting an accountancy firm choose one which has clients larger than you so that they have the experience of working with size of firms at a size which you intend to become. Also, whilst tax advice is the bread and butter of accountancy, most accountancy now offer a broad range of associated management functions and analysis to help you make informed decisions on how to structure and grow your business. These services can be of great benefit for people intending to grow their business.

The other item to check is the accountancy firms field of specialism. The major point to look for is if they are currently working for similar businesses from the same sector.


Knowledge aside for one moment, you need to get on with your accountant on a personal level. Without this it will be harder to get on with them. The best accountants will take a keen interest in your company and also in the business world in general. Remember also that your accountant is running his own business and will have had to address many of the issues and problems that you will face during the course of your daily business activities. The ability of your accountant to relate to you and to exchange information on how to deal with things will be a great asset to you and your business organisation. There will be however instances where your accountant will have to tell you that you are doing something wrong or there is something that you need to address. If you have mutual respect for each other this process will be a lot easier. Remember that your accountant will work for you as part of your team and is trying to ensure that you succeed


Once upon a time all accounts were done by hand in ledgers. Nowadays this is almost unheard of. Also nowadays it is usual to find that many companies will keep their accounts on relatively easily to use software. What you need to check however is that your accountancy firm can accept the electronic files into their system. Also, if they require the files using a proprietor y software system is this going to entail you investing in the software to be compatible with them. Electronic document management systems are becoming more and more popular. There are also systems that allow you to store copies of your documents on remote servers which you can then grant your accountant access to. This rapidly enables the transfer of information whereas previously it might have taken days, with the benefit being your accountant can respond faster and more efficiently.


Many people rely on personal recommendation when selecting an accountant. Almost every business networking group has an accountant on board because they know that the personal recommendations that come from these networking groups produce good leads. Choosing an accountant through recommendation does give you a significant amount of confidence when compared to, say, selecting an accountant from the phone book or from an advertisement on the internet. Consequently ask any friends or colleagues in business about which accountant they use 9or wouldn't use!) and the reasons for that. Also ask other professionals you come into contact with, such as bank managers or solicitors for any information they have on accountancy firms.

If you've made a decision on an accountant or accountancy firm on these five factors you should have ended up with a firm and an individual who will be able to work with you as your business expands and grows.

If you are looking for a professional chartered accountancy firm then Brighton Accountants Knill James is a firm of Chartered Accountants that provide expert financial advice to business and organisation in and around the Brighton area.

These Brighton accountants offer a wide range of service including company tax advice, management accounting, financial planning and tax planning to envy any other Brighton Accountants to businesses requiring a professional level of service for a very competitive fee.

This article has been researched and written by R Reed who works for Sussex Web Design Company Switchplane Ltd.

R Reed - EzineArticles Expert Author

Find More : Chartered Accountants , accountant access , best accountants , Qualified accountants