16 September 2009

Top Five Most Hazardous Lorry Loads

Most lorry drivers transport ordinary goods to their destination, pickup their backload if they've arranged one, and drive back. Most will need some kind of identification, even if it's only a name tag, or possibly a security pass. Few will need armed guards or refractive armour, but some do, and these are the truck and lorry drivers that transport hazardous and life threatening loads.

5. Toxic and Very Toxic

Many products and items in every day life have toxic elements or chemicals in them, but are rendered inert by their combinations, compounds and mixtures. Still, there is a definite need for businesses and factories to be provided with some toxic and very toxic chemicals. The sign for these is skull and crossbones - rarely a good thing - and you'll find this on the side of more lorries than you might think. The difference between toxic and very toxic is denoted by a small "T+" on the sign, but either way it's not a good idea to play about with these kinds of materials.

4. Weapons and Missiles

The army has an entire corps of lorry drivers and flatbed hauliers, most carrying innocent enough loads and backloads, including medical supplies, food and stationery. However, they also move ground to air rapier missiles, Javelin anti-tank missiles, 30mm chain gun ammo, HESH rounds and 120mm shells. Not the sort of thing you want involved in a pileup on the motorway. The army is careful with its haulage, but it certainly ranks high on the list of dangerous and hazardous loads.

3. Bio Hazard loads

You'd think that guns and ammo would be higher on our list than number three, but there are potentially much worse haulage loads to be transporting. Biohazard waste and active substances are classified into levels one to four, with four being the worst or most hazardous. Level one loads might be chicken pox or similar substances and are handled with gloves. However, level four substances are incredibly infectious, highly dangerous and usually need full hazmat suits to be handled. Loads that are labelled as bio hazards are very dangerous to transport, but are very import for scientific, medical and research purposes.

2. Nuclear loads

The last and two most hazardous types of haulage on our list are unlikely to be taken on the usual commercial carriers. It's highly unlikely that you could pick up a backload when dealing with substances that are radioactive, so these types of haulage are also unlikely to be taken on freelance. Nuclear loads (which can include fuel rods, waste or weapons grade radioactive materials) need very specific types of carrier to withstand both the radiation and any possibility of highjack.

1. Chemically and Biologically harmful loads

Schedule 1 chemical and biological substances are incredibly harmful to human, animal and plant life. Some of the substances are so virulent and destructive that only a small amount could wipe out all life in a large radius of any contamination. Worse even than nuclear spills or meltdowns, these substances can mutate and spread into water supplies, and through entire populations and across the world in a very short space of time. So moving them around the country in a regular lorry is probably not going to happen. This type of haulage is usually accompanied by armed guards and high security - with good reason.

Lyall Cresswell is the Website manager for The Transport Exchange Group. Their exchange for haulage operators, Haulage Exchange, offers exchanges and backloads for their clients with strict quality control to ensure smooth exchanges.

15 September 2009

Which Anti Cellulite Slimming Treatment?

Cellulite, when gets accommodated in your body in excess, results in terrible looking dimply skin on your thighs, buttocks, chin, arms and belly. In such a condition you need to opt for an appropriate anti cellulite slimming treatment that would help you get back in shape.

The market is flooded with such slimming treatment options and you can pick up any on of the available means to get rid of the cellulite. Let's have a look at the various anti cellulite slimming treatment options available.

Transculpt XR is a topical cellulite removal formula that starts to show considerable results within 30 days. It is an extremely effective treatment option to remove love handles, and treat the inner-outer thigh area, buttocks, arms and under chin. It is a clinically tested and proven formula that reduces cellulite and body fat deposits in both, men and women. It is an easy to apply, non-greasy and non-sticky formula with mild vanilla fragrance.

Guinot Anti-Cellulite Gel is another very effective way to get rid of the excessive cellulite. It helps break the localized and newly established cellulite by activating the release of existing fats and slowing down the transformation of sugars in to fats. It is one of the renowned topical anti cellulite treatments that has a vein strengthening and draining action ideal for those suffering from broken capillaries.

You could also go for an anti cellulite body treatment available in the form of a body massage. There are several spas and body care center that offer complete body treatment comprising of exclusive body massage meant to increase the blood circulation and thus reduce the cellulite. The treatment is aimed at rejuvenating the whole body to raise the overall well being of the body.

There are other anti cellulite treatments also available for you to opt from. You could opt for various non-invasive cellulite removal options such as Acoustic Wave Therapy, massage machines, or Mesotherapy. All of them are very effective in getting you a slim and trim body. You could also opt for invasive methods like liposuction which is generally not preferred these days. But, you must remember that most of these treatments have no permanent effect and the cellulite is bound to come back after you stop the treatment.

Apart from using various products you could take up a regular healthy diet routine and resort to exercising which would definitely show some effects. But, make a point that not all people witness results by exercising. In such a situation it is better to opt for an anti cellulite slimming treatment that would help you get rid of excessive cellulite effectively. Source: Simplecelluliteremoval dot com.

The Wonders Of Cellulite Reduction Creams

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"; what may not be beautiful to one person may be very beautiful to another. Although this statement is so true, women today have the option of having a vast choice of cellulite reduction creams available on the market that can help enhance the quality and beauty of the skin slowing down the aging process that unfortunately is impossible to completely stop.

Easier said than done, cellulite reduction can be obtained by an appropriate diet regime and exercise but not everyone has the time or the will to do so. When delving into the vast array of cosmetics and cellulite reduction creams you have to be careful about the originality of the products and their effective usage against cellulite reduction.

Some cellulite reduction creams are clinically proven to help the slimming and toning of the skin. Others only temporarily diminish the appearance of cellulite while still others have the capability of penetrating into the skin dissolving the fatty tissue that lies beneath the epidermal and dermal layers of the skin itself.

There are two main options today when shopping for cellulite reduction creams:

1.The short term cosmetic type of cellulite cream that is applied to the skin on a daily basis reducing the tightening of the skin. They are usually cheaper than other cellulite reduction creams and can be purchased online or through companies that specialize on the products.

2.The long term cellulite reduction cream has substances that can help remove fat plus toxins from the body and help those people who are having issues with circulation. But precaution is needed here as these lotions could give you some bad side effects if not monitored on a daily basis as the first results could take from a day to several weeks or months to show.

In both cases you don't need a large amount of cream to rub on your skin; just enough on your fingertips applied to the skin that has previously been cleaned. The important thing is that you massage the product rubbing it with a slow, upward motion. The secret to a perfect massage is summarized by the saying "the longer it is the better it gets" doing wonders to the skin making the absorption of the cellulite reduction cream easier and more effective.

On the other hand, for those who want to resort to natural remedies, there are some cellulite reduction products that can also be found under the form of gel. These contain natural extracts such as Guarana, Horse Chestnut and Seaweed plus vitamins which if used daily, can reduce the amount of wrinkles on your body and make your skin elastic.

Moreover, you can even find Cellulite reduction soaps in stores that could come in handy to remove those cellulite areas that are difficult to manage. Cellulite reduction soaps could revive the collagen that has disappeared from the skin. Many customers of cellulite reduction products agree that some cosmetic soap products really work on reducing and emulsifying the fatty layers under the skin.

Concluding, in order to have the best results you should consider both the quality and the price of the cellulite reduction creams. And don't forget all this is not complete if not compensated by a good dose of exercise and diet.

(ArticlesBase ID #124210)

A. Fimiani a man who has the passion for writing and likes to express his emotions through the net. Visit: http://www.cellulite-advisor.com/

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