11 September 2009

Tips For Starting A Cleaning Maid Service

By Adam Thompson

Have you been providing a maid service without the official job title? Maybe there are several houses you have been cleaning once a week for several years.

Have those home owners continued to demand more without paying you more? Although you may have grown attached to these families, you may feel that you are ready to move on to owning your own cleaning business.

Perhaps other people you know have hired a cleaning service for some special event or holiday. Before you start your own professional cleaning service, you could ask questions about their experience. This information will help you avoid some pitfalls and you will start out on a more successful foundation.

Questions to Ask Others Who Have Hired Cleaning Services:

* How did they find that particular company?

* How was the service most helpful?

* What impressed them the most about the cleaning service?

* Do they have any complaints about the service?

* Would they hire that company again? Why or why not?

Don’t jump in without a good solid business plan! You may even want to meet with someone from your local small business association. They will be able to help you get started on a firm foundation.

Have you found out how to get your cleaning service insured and bonded? Once you have estimated your start up cost, don’t be discouraged. You may be able to receive a small business loan from the government.

Assuming that your service will start out in your local area, find out how other cleaning/maid services are getting attention. Are they putting ads in the local paper? Have you considered advertising in the yellow pages? Will you be using your home phone or putting a separate number in yours ads?

Have you decided on a name for your service that will get people’s attention? You will need that when you apply for a tax ID for your company.

As a professional cleaning service, your company will be responsible for keeping track of your employee’s tax and social security information. Worker’s compensation will also be your responsibility should one of your employees get injured while working for you.

Since you prefer to clean offices, make up fliers about the service you will provide. Hand them out at local offices. Make sure that you include exactly what your professional cleaning services will include. Will you be referring to the cost for your services? Will you require a contract?

How many people will be working with/for your cleaning service? If you know others who have been providing maid services, you might approach them about working with you in your new cleaning service.

There is a definite advantage to having a group working together. Cleaning jobs get done more quickly and efficiently. If one person is out sick, your group can still complete the cleaning without any delays.

Once your cleaning service has gotten some office contracts, meet with the person who has hired you. After that person has given you a list of their expectations, make up a checklist that you can turn in for feedback from the company. Keep communication open so that if any problem arises you will be able to handle it quickly.

Always insist on quality work and professional attitude and attire from those who represent your cleaning service. Although you are the owner and manager of your cleaning service company, demonstrate good work ethics to those who work for you. Hold scheduled meetings to air out any conflicts.

Once you have accomplished these things, the only thing left is to breathe a sigh of relief. Your cleaning service is off to a great start!

About the Author: Start a Maid Brigade Franchise and put your business on the fast track to success! Visit business franchise world today!

Source: www.isnare.com

Permanent Link: http://www.isnare.com/?aid=240572&ca=Business

Find More : maid service , providing maid , Maids Specialist

7 Ways In Finding A Domestic Helper In Hong Kong

There are several ways in finding a domestic helper in Hong Kong. Most of them are very practical because they can be part of your everyday activities, thus, you don't have to exert extra effort in finding a maid. While some ways require research and screening, especially the web-based ones which can take up much of your time. But whichever way you choose, there is no guarantee that you will find the right qualities of a maid you are looking for. So it is better to use one or more of the following ways in finding a maid.

Referral from friends and relatives is a common and reliable way to find a domestic helper. Your friends and relatives might know someone who worked for them before. They are referring the helper maybe because they find her trustworthy and they are confident that the helper will do well in taking care of your household. Another form of referral is through friends and relatives of your present employee. Your maid might have a friend or a relative who is willing to work as a maid. Such endorsements somehow guarantee that the maids being referred are of good moral character.

Confidence in hiring a domestic helper is the principle behind seeking help from a traditional agency. The agency takes care of all the screening and processing of documents making sure that the domestic helper has the qualifications an employer is looking for.

Some maids in Hong Kong advertise their availability via the domestic helper internet platform. Many of these online domestic helper websites contains profiles and photos of maids making it easier for the employer to choose. Some domestic helper websites offers advanced search function which makes it easier to match the qualifications of a maid an employer is looking for based on the database available.

In finding a domestic helper, another useful venue is a forum. The employer can clearly communicate his requirements for a domestic helper, and maids who are interested can easily inquire and respond to the posting.

On the other hand, a passive form of posting advertisements is through bulletin boards in public areas and establishments like in Park N' Shop and Wellcome superstores. There are popular spots where maids regularly check for job postings, and some maids even form an organization for regular access of new job requirements.

The church congregation is also another reliable organization which can help in finding a domestic helper. The group welcomes every one from different walks of life including many domestic helpers. Friendly interaction with its members can lead you to the right person you are looking for, especially if you prefer to hire a domestic helper with the same religion.

And lastly, if you are residing in a big residential estate, the maids normally come to your place offering their services. Therefore, it is very helpful to post your domestic help vacancy in your building's bulletin board.

About the author :

Alice Sy has extensive experience as a domestic help head hunter. Visit the top domestic helper agency Bahamas for free profiles and photos and contact us for the best way to hire your next filipina maids, nannies, housekeepers, gardeners and drivers.

Enjoy the Benefits of Organic Skin Care Products

Many people do not take good enough care of their skin. As we get older, it is even more important to look after yourself. In addition, consumers are uncertain about the quality of many creams and lotions, thus they are turning to organic skin care products.

Maintaining healthy skin using organic skin care products is very effective providing you use creams and lotions with the right ingredients because not all natural products are effective.

The term organic refers to anything that is grown from nature. The plants used for the ingredients do not contain any fertilizers, pesticides or chemicals of any kind.

Many people are trying to lead a greener lifestyle; this includes eating healthier foods, recycling more and using more environmentally friendly energy sources and much more. This also includes using safer products for their skin.

Most dermatologists agree that organic skin care products are much safer and more effective than chemical based products. However, since there are so many natural ingredients used, which ones are the most effective.

Phytessence Wakame is an extract from a specific type of Japanese sea kelp. The Japanese people have used this substance for hundreds of years as it is effective at restoring a healthy look and feel to your body. Phytessence Wakame helps to inhibit a harmful enzyme from breaking down the hyaluronic acid in your skin. This allows the hyaluronic acid to return to a normal level in your skin. The loss of this specific acid is a contributor to lines and wrinkles forming.

Other very effective natural ingredients used in the best organic skin care products include Active Manuka honey and essential oils such as Jojoba oil, Avocado oil and Grapeseed oil. Active Manuka honey comes from the honey produced by bees from the pollen of the Manuka bush in New Zealand. It is a very effective natural ingredient used to help reduce lines and wrinkles.

Organic skin care products are much safer and more effective than products found at your local department store. If you would like more information on the most effective natural ingredients used, please take a minute and visit my website today.

Tara Mathews is an advocate for using organic skin care products. Her plan is to educate people on the safest and best natural eye moisturizer creams. Visit our site for more information today! http://www.thefacewrinkle.com/

By Tara Mathews