3 September 2009

Glutathione Skin Whitening Pill - Best Antioxidant Known To Man?

If you're wondering how a skin whitening pill may be your best bet for the greatest antioxidant that medicine has ever produced, this article explains it. Find out also how glutathione can be your best defense defense for anti-aging, acne control, and overall body health with a strong immune system as your bonus.

If you think that Glutathione is just a skin whitening supplement, well that's about to change here. You have more good news. Read on.

So what really is Glutathione?

It is otherwise known as reduced L-Glutathione, an amino acid found in every cell of a living organism. It's considered as the ultimate and master antioxidant known to man because it protects the body from a multitude of diseases and conditions.

Yes, Glutathione is part of the human body.

As we age, our glutathione levels considerably decrease due to toxic exposures, such as air pollutants, stress, drugs, smoking, food chemicals, or just about everything that damage our cellular systems.

Some of the health benefits that Glutathione can provide is to help prevent:

  • male infertility

  • AIDS or HIV virus

  • various cancers

  • cataracts or vision impairment

  • thyroid problems

  • liver malfunctions

  • diabetes

  • heart diseases (LDL or bad cholesterol)

  • multiple sclerosis

  • Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, or other brain disorders
  • And the list does not stop there.

    Today's fast paced lifestyle demands the need for better body and skin care, even for healthy individuals. Whether you choose to take Glutathione as a skin whitening pill (wonder what's one of the big silent African American beauty tip of famous celebrities for fabulous skin?) or antioxidant, you can achieve both or just the latter if you control the dosage.

    You got it. Skin lightening is just Glutathione's side effect.

    Its main functions go deep into the cellular level of our arteries, brain, heart, immune cells, kidneys, lenses of the eyes, liver, lungs, and skin against oxidant damage.

    Thus, Glutathione has the capability to:

  • Preserve good health.

  • Prolong life.

  • Prevent premature wrinkling.

  • Control acne and acne scarring.

  • Improves the immune system.

  • Perform in the synthesis & repair of DNA.

  • Detoxify nicotine in the body.

  • Stop dark skin hyperpigmentations.

  • Help normalize an ailing liver.
  • Are you a recovering alcoholic? Smoker who can't quit? Need a great anti-aging or acne solution? Have melasma, uneven skin tone, age spots, freckles, dark skin spots? Longing for younger, radiant and beautiful skin? It's all in a package.

    Conclusion: Glutathione is not for people who only want to whiten their skin. If you want to promote better health and wellness or help fight major diseases, this beats all other antioxidants combined.

    It gets better than that. It has no other known side effect than skin lightening. So yes, it is safe with no risk of overdose because it is totally water soluble. A word of caution. Glutathione preparations with Tyrostat (L tyrosine), Goat/Sheep Placenta Extract, or high dosages of Vitamin A and E. These are the ones to watch out for and should be avoided.

    How would you like to see more valuable information? Visit our website http://www.Skin-Whitening-Product.com/skin-whitening-pill.html

    Maria Baltazar - EzineArticles Expert Author

    Find More : Beauty Skin , Whitening Skin , Anti Aging , skin whitening , whitening supplement , beautiful skin , skin lightening

    Anti-aging Skin Care Products

    So you want to reverse skin aging, but is that possible at all? Aging is a normal body process. As people age, the skin slowly loses its elasticity, hence, wrinkles begin to appear with the pull of gravity. Notably, skin aging is hastened by the application of synthetic ingredients on the skin that actually damage its natural defenses and strip out lipids. The ultraviolet rays from the sun are also active factors in skin damage. When choosing an anti-aging skin care product, choose those with soluble vitamins A, C. and E.

    BareSkin is a brand that includes MD skin care, Retin A skin care and anti-aging products that they say are suitable even for African-Americans, dry and oily skin. BareSkin's MD skin care anti-aging serum has high concentrations of anti-oxidants as well as anti-inflammatory ingredients that help in strengthening, firming, nourishing, and moisturizing your skin.

    Their MD skin care line also includes microdermabrasion or the use of fine crystals that exfoliate top layers of dead skin cells, reducing the signs of aging. They also have Retin A product line that peels off skin on the first few weeks of usage. Results are usually achieved after months of continuous use.

    If you want other alternatives, Make-up USA brand also has anti-aging skin care products and cosmetics. Their anti-aging skin care products come in packages. Mature Skin Package 1 and Mature Skin Package 2 as they are called. Package 1 includes a cleansing milk, toner, milk of aloe, day cram with Q10, miracle cream, clarifying mask, cream with collagen, cream with liposomes, vitalizing mask, and liposome gel. This package costs $263 if purchased separately but you can get a $53.00 savings if you purchase it by package. Package 2 includes a cleansing cream, toner, milk of mandarine, and cream vitalisante. You get a $14.20 savings from the original price, which is $71.00 if you purchase the product as a whole.

    Dermaceuticals has an array of anti-aging skin care products that suit your wants. These come in cleansers and toners, scrubs, eye creams, moisturizers and hydrators, and wrinkle eraser. They claim that their cleansers are light and detergent-free. Well, it's for you to find out. Their anti-aging skin care products are formulated to fight premature aging that according to them are highly recommended for high stress and mature/aging skin types. Dermaceuticals' line of toners is light and alcohol free leaving skin with a finer, softer texture. It contains herbal extracts of which the main ingredients come from juices of aloe and cucumber.

    There are numerous anti-aging skin care products available commercially and some may contain synthetic ingredients that could damage or irritate your skin. Whatever your regimen is, make sure a healthy lifestyle goes with it.

    Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Skin Care and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Acne Treatment web site. For more articles and resources on Skin Care related topics, Acne Treatments, Natural Skin Care Products and much more visit his site at:


    Milos Pesic - EzineArticles Expert Author

    Find More : Beauty Skin , Whitening Skin , Anti Aging , anti-aging skin , skin care products

    Basic Book of Accounting - Journal - Recording Debit and Credit in Accounting

    Traders are required to maintain different books for keeping accounts relating to business which are as under:

    (I) Journal

    (2) Ledger (it shall be explained in another article)


    In order to study the journal, certain related terms along with the procedure of accounting must be studied, which are as follows :

    The Account

    Transactions involving receipts and payments of cash affect the cash balance. Receipts increase the cash balance and payments decrease the cash balance. Instead of increasing or decreasing the balance after every transaction we may put all increases together in one column and all decreases together in another column and find the balance only when required. It will be much convenient and time saving.

    In accounting, the device called an account is used for this purpose. The simple form of account is called a T account is shown below. Increases of cash have been listed on the left hand side and the decreases on the right hand side, the closing balance has been ascertained by deducting the total payments from the total of the left-hand side.

    Debit and Credit in Accounting

    As is clear from the form of account given above it is divided in two parts: Left-hand side is known as 'debit side' and right hand side is known as 'credit side'.

    Amounts entered on the debit side (left hand side) are called debits and amounts on the credit side right-hand side) are called credits. 'To debit' means to make an entity in the left-hand side of an account' and 'To credit' means to make an entry in the right-hand side of an account.

    The words debit and credit have no other meaning in accounting.

    Abbreviation used for debit is Dr. and for credit Cr.

    Rules of Debit and Credit (Equation Based)

    Dual aspect concept in accounting implies that every accounting transaction would be expressed by a debit amount and an equal and opposite credit amount. Thus, the rule that for each transaction debit amount must equal the credit amount has absolutely no exception. The equality of debits and credits may be expressed in the form of an equation:

    Debit = Credit

    In the previous article we discussed accounting equation:

    A-L = P

    i.e., Assets-Liabilities = Proprietor's Funds or Capital

    If each account was to be considered in isolation it would make no difference whether increases were recorded on the debit side or on the credit side but since the accounts are inter-dependent therefore a system of recording increases and decreases on the two sides had to be fixed. Traditionally or conventionally increases in asset accounts are recorded on the debit side while increases in liabilities and capital are recorded on the credit side. The above rule ensures that when account balances are totaled will confirm to the accounting equation discussed above.

    It gives rise to the following rules: .

    1. Increases in asset accounts are debits, decreases are credits.

    2. Increases in liability accounts are credits, decreases are debits.

    3. Increases in Owner's equity accounts are credits, decreases are debits.

    Total classes of accounts maintained by any business will include the accounts relating to expenses, losses, revenues and profits in addition to assets, liabilities and proprietor's funds. Rules of debit and credit regarding assets, liabilities and capital have been stated above and the rules for expenses / losses and revenues/ profits can be derived from the same.

    4. Increases in expenses/ losses accounts are debits.

    Since the expenses and losses when incurred and suffered lead to reduction in the capital and ecreases in owner's equity accounts are debits, therefore increases in expenses and losses accounts are Debits.

    5. Increases in revenues/ profit accounts are credits.

    Since the revenues and profits when earned will lead to increase in the capital and increase in owner's equity accounts are credits, therefore increases in revenue and profits accounts are credits.

    The rules of debit and credit discussed above are based on accounting equation technique. Traditional rules of debit and credit are based on classification of accounts. These rules in practice give the same
    results and operate in the same manner. These merely stale the position in a different way.

    The author is an engineering graduate, B.E.(Hons), and is managing his own software development firm, HiTech Computer Services, that mainly deals in accounting, billing and inventory control software for traders, industries, business houses, hotels, hospitals, medical stores, newspapers, magazines, petrol pumps, automobile dealers, commodity brokers and other business segments, website and web application deveopment for business. The software are available both for intranet and internet. These software are available for download from the website:

    Evaluation version download is available at http://www.hitech-on-web.com/p10.asp

    Copy of the article and full Financial Accounting Primer or Tutorial is available at http://www.hitech-on-web.com/Basic_Book_of_Accounting_Journal.asp

    Visit HiTech Computer Services at http://www.hitech-on-web.com/

    Anil Kumar Gupta - EzineArticles Expert Author