1 September 2009

Photo Retouching For a Beauty Pageant Photo

Have you ever looked at all the fashion magazines and seen the most gorgeous models on the cover? You never see so much as a little blemish as they have the perfect picture skin and it is a perfect picture. The mystery behind this is it simply comes down to the retouching of the photo.

With various retouching techniques, it's quite easy to remove a little scar or perhaps some minor acne breakout for example. Sometimes it's done just with the makeup before the photos are taken but often it's done after the photo has been done. It's just done with photo shop retouching techniques for example.

It's much easier to do it with the photo in many cases. What happens is that if it's being done manually prior to the photo the makeup might not be just right or maybe looking thick and uneven. With the digital photo retouching it makes it much simpler because if it's not right the first time you can simply keep working on it until you get it the way you want it.

That's the nice thing about owning a digital camera. Now you don't have to have a professional to fix your important pictures. Again, it will be done with the various software's that are available on the Internet.

You are going to have to have the image editing software. Some free ones that are on the net are quite good such as Gimp. If you want something that's far more intense, you probably would be better off with Photoshop.

You may be somewhat limited with Gimp as to what you can do but with Photoshop, there are multiple things that you can do to get the effect that you want. Let's say for your photo shoot pageant retouch you need to smoothen soften the skin or perhaps you need to get rid of a blemish or make the eyebrows fuller it won't be a problem. Then if you need to add some makeup or even tan the skin, a little bit, you can do it as well and you can even remove stray hairs. You can whiten the teeth or you can touch up the shine on the lips for example. As you can see there is virtually no stopping what you can do to alter the looks of the model for the project. Many Photoshop tutorials online will teach you and take you through the various steps of what you can do.

It's important that if you take your photography seriously that you learn all the techniques that are available to you to allow you to be an excellent photographer. There is certainly no problem or reason that touchups are not acceptable. Almost any developing company or photographer would use these methods whenever necessary. The object is to get the picture perfect.

It will take some practice to learn how to use all of the various aspects of the software but it will be well worth the effort when you see the finished product in your photos.

Get the world's most advanced virtual makeover software now:

Click the link to visit PhotoEditorX.com below:

- Makeover Software

Discover how you can create digital makeovers easily and quickly like the professionals are doing!

Visit PhotoEditorX.com now to grab your *FREE* software now!

Lucas Godfrey - EzineArticles Expert Author

Find More : digital photo retouching , retouching of the photo , photo shop retouching , photo shoot , excellent photographer

Photo Enhancing and Retouching For Photography

For some novice photographers it can be quite frustrating when they think they've taken the perfect picture and then when it comes time to developing them they see all the flaws. Mind you, some experienced photographers run into the same problem as well. That's what makes great editing software for photography so important.

A great program is Adobe's Photoshop, which is good for not only the novelist but the experienced photographer as well. So all is not lost when a photo doesn't turn out just the way you wanted it. Perhaps there are some flaws in it such as little spots that may have come from being on the lens of the camera for example. This is where retouching your photo is valuable.

Then there's those times that something gets into your photo that you didn't really want in their Maybe there are a few soda cans sitting on the ground that are really distracting from the focal point of your picture.

This is where you can use a couple of the tools that you may find in the software that you're using such as the clone stamp or healing brush. With your clone stamp, you are able to actually paint over the areas that you don't want in your picture just as if you were using a paintbrush. If you are using this tool though you want to use it in the areas of your picture where there isn't that big of a difference in your color or the texture of the photo.

If that is not the criteria then you need to resort to the healing brush, which often is the better choice anyhow. Use it pretty well the same way but it will keep the color and texture around the spots that you're removing easier. These really are a couple of neat tools to use when you want to retouch.

It's always important that you inspect your photos carefully no matter what purpose are being used for you and you can do this make your checking very easy by creating an adjustment layer, then go to curves make a high contrast in the areas of your photo which you are more than likely going to see spots. This would be your sky or any open surface areas. This will make the spots stand out as if you were using a magnifier.

Now just click on the layer that's in the background to make sure that you're working on the right photo and then work with your clone stamp in the software. Then once you are done just take out the adjustment layer and you should have a perfect picture.

Two other great tools for working with for retouching is well are the burn tool and the Dodge tool. Burning is to make bright areas darker and the Dodge for making areas brighter. You also might want to consider the sponge tool as well.

Then when you want to remove noise, you can simply use plug-in filters like those that you find at no noise ninja. Many pieces of software are available to help you work and get the perfect photos.

Get the world's most advanced virtual makeover software now:

Click the link to visit PhotoEditorX.com below:

- Create Virtual Makeover

Discover how you can create digital makeovers easily and quickly like the professionals are doing!

Visit PhotoEditorX.com now to grab your *FREE* software now!

Lucas Godfrey - EzineArticles Expert Author

Find More : software for photography , retouching your photo , texture of the photo , perfect photos

31 Agustus 2009

The Skinny Moving Service: You Load, They Drive

When planning your move you might be able to see just two options to choose from. You can either hire a professional moving services provider to pack your belongings and hope there are no hidden fees or you can pack the items yourself and then get ready for a very long drive.

If you don't like neither, it's time to find out there's a new form of moving and it's called self-service. That way you pack the belongings and they do the hard driving.

Skinny Self Service Moving

It's very simple, the moving service company drop off in front of your house the necessary crates to fit your items and you'll pack everything inside then call the truck to transport the crates to your new location. Once the crates are delivered you can start unpacking.

Using this kind of moving services you'll save on hourly costs of having somebody wrap and stack your belongings since you'll do the packaging yourself. If you want, for an extra cost, the self-service moving companies will help you with that part too. The price of the move is calculated by the number of crates you need to use and how far you'll move it. You can also get some kind of insurance and more is should be available if moving valuables.

Going with self-service moving, you'll have a lot more peace of mind since you won't have to worry about the truck breaking down and since all your belongings will be in their box you won't have to worry about them mixing up with other items belonging to someone else. Besides the increased peace of mind, getting the move done using this kind of moving services will be less expensive then using a full service moving company and a little more expensive then doing the move all by yourself.

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