28 Agustus 2009

Hire a Removal Truck For Your Next Move and Save Yourself Money

If you are moving home or office why not do it the DIY style and hire a removal truck? OK so it sounds tiring just thinking about it, but you can save a lot of cash doing it yourself!

The beauty of many removal trucks is that you can drive them on a car license, some these days are even automatic transmission, which can make it even easier for those who are not familiar with driving trucks. A good hire company will give you a basic tutorial on how to operate their trucks anyway.

Make sure that you book in advance, if you know that you have sold your house and you have one month to move, ring the removal truck hire companies now. Not only will you have more chance of getting the truck you need, but it is one less thing to think about as moving time approaches. You don't want to wait until the day of your shift to book the removal truck, as chances are that you won't be able to find one, which means that you will be moving your gear all day in cars etc.

The size of the truck you require will depend on how much you need to move. For example an 11 cubic metre truck would most likely move a 1 bedroom home or apartment of furniture, while a 30 cubic metre truck would most likely move a 4+ bedroom home of furniture. When you get in contact with the removal companies they will ask you how much you have to move and will be able to provide a quote based on this. Of course you could always go for a smaller truck, it just means that if you have a bigger house that you will need to make more trips to your new house from your old house.

If you are moving islands or territories, why not ask if you can hire 'one way'. This means that once you reach your destination you can return the truck to the depot in your new area, rather than have to drive all the way back to where you got it from. Some hire companies can offer this as they have depots throughout the country and often need vehicles returned back to their original destination. This can be a cheaper option too, with rates some times being discounted.

Don't forget to check for insurance cover on the removal truck you hire. You don't want to find yourself liable for any damage and not be covered. Some company's include the price of the insurance in their daily rental rate while others ask for separate payment. In most cases you will get full comprehensive insurance with an excess payable, should an accident occur. With this in mind make sure that the dedicated driver meets the hire company's required driver age too.

If you still aren't sure on whether to hire a removal truck or a removal company, I'd suggest that you add up the cost of fuel for the distance you will be travelling along with the daily rate versus the removal company's fees. This is the deciding factor in most cases as you will find that doing it yourself is a lot cheaper.

Guardian Self Storage is a provider of clean, safe, flexible and affordable self storage solutions for all your personal and business storage needs.

With 4 convenient locations in Auckland, Hamilton and Tauranga and lots of storage unit size options, Guardian Storage is ideal for temporary storage if you're between homes.

Also for business or commercial storage you don't need to waste valuable commercial rental space using it for storage of your archived documents and records. Let Guardian take care of these with their specially designed facilities and racks for easy storage and retrieval.

And to get your stuff there or move from A to B we have a fleet of immaculately presented, modern and easy self drive van and removal trucks which are ideal for your next DIY move! Most of of our trucks can be driven on a car license, many are even automatic.

Removals Company

Moving house can be a very stressful task to partake in when moving house, along with all the other commitments that you need to take on board, for example, all the financial issues that you need to think about when moving home, like ensuring your mortgage has completed, and the money is in place for the day of the move, ensuring that the solicitor is notified of the correct date, and knows to make the exchange on that date to allow for your move to take place, not to mention ensuring that any other parties who may be in the chain have to be on the ball and have all of their financial aspects, as well as their removals done at the same time as you. If you were looking to do the removal yourself this can prove not only to be tiring in itself, but to do that as well as all the other necessary checks that go with moving, you can find yourself in a position that is very stressful, and will make the whole process hard work, not just for you but the whole family.

Let's take the worst case possible as an example of moving house yourself, and you will see why hiring a removal company to do the packing, moving, and unpacking job for you a sensible idea. For example lets say that everything is going to plan, and you have a date set for moving home. You find a company that you can hire a van or lorry from to do the job yourself. You then drive the van or lorry home from the company that you hire it from, you then pack and load all of your personal belongings onto it, drive to your new home however far that may be, then you get the news that for some reason, you can't move in on that day. You will then be in a difficult situation, because you will then have to go home and unload all of your personal belonging, and maybe even take the van or lorry back to the hire company. If your move is planned for a Friday or a Saturday, then you may even have to wait for the next week before you can even start to find out what has gone wrong. You will then have to repeat the whole process again. If you were to hire removal company to do this for you, on most occasions, they would only charge you for the amount of hours they worked for rather than the whole day as originally quoted, as long as you use them to do the full job when things are sorted, and you are ready to move.

Using a removals company, especially when your dealing with a London removals company you will find that they are very flexible when trying to arrange date for your move. Most London removal companies are larger companies, and therefore have big enough fleet of vehicles, and enough man power available to be able to accommodate a short notice date for your last minute date change should you need to change at the last minute. The best way to find a removal company, especially a London removals company would be through the internet, usually the companies on page one of the search engine will be equipped, and experienced enough to help you with your moving needs, this is because they are likely to have more people enquiring than one who is further down the search engines due to them being move visible to their respected clients.

Jenny Austin is an expert in removals. For more information on the variety of services provided visit http://www.durrantsremovals.com

27 Agustus 2009

Making a Child's Birthday Cake Should Get Personal

If you have children you know how important making the perfect child's birthday cake is. We have all had birthdays that you remember what the cake looked like. The way a child feels about birthdays can be set early.

A child's birthday cake can make them feel special. Using the favorite things as an idea can help you create the perfect cake. Children love knowing you considered them in the decision. So check what they are watching, drawing or playing. This is a great place to start.

Perhaps you have a kid that is big in sports. Why not get some miniature balls and decorate the cake around that theme.

You can easily make a football cake with a new miniature football and make a cake that looks like a football field. Then do a happy birthday on it and maybe even put a logo of their favorite team. You can use a cookie and put a paper print out on it. That way it doesn't even have to be put directly on the cake. They will appreciate the idea of you knowing how important it is to them.

Another idea for a child's birthday cake can be using animal cookies and icing them to make a zoo. Put the iced cookies on the cake and then make cages or fences around them. Maybe even stand them up and make a cake like a wagon. You can come up with lots of ideas.

What about a cake done up with their favorite candies. You might want to be careful about a sugar high. You can put M&Ms, gum drops, chocolate covered peanuts or what ever on it. Use the colors to make a neat design. A white cake with all red m&ms in a line and then all blue m&ms in another can be done up neat. You can see that a child's birthday cake idea is pretty easy.

Once you learn a few decorating ideas you will be full of new ways to design a cake. A child's birthday cake will be an easy project.

If you want to learn how to decorate cakes visit http://www.IDesignCakes.com

You will amaze your family and friends, as you create cakes that will make them drool!

You can learn the art of cake decorating. It is fun, easy and can be profitable.
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