21 Januari 2010

How to Choose Roses For Your Friend

You can turn friendship into love when you shop for a Valentines Day flower delivery for your friend online. If you want to tell a friend that you feel a little more for her than just friendship, you can do so by saying it with roses. Roses are the most popular valentine flower to send on Valentines Day and your friend will get the meaning of this gesture when you arrange for a flower delivery.

Many times, people are friends with someone but would like the relationship to progress to a romance. This is often a natural step between people as true love often stems from friendship. If you have a friend for whom you have romantic feelings, the best way to tell them is with flowers.

You can include a card with your flower delivery so that he or she knows that the flowers were from you and on this card you can tell your friend how you feel. This is often easier for you to do with a flower delivery than in person as it can be awkward if your friend does not reciprocate your feelings.

On the other hand, your friend may be waiting for you to make such a move as this and will be so happy that you sent them flowers to tell them how much you care. Do not be surprised to get a phone call from your friend after the flower delivery of your roses.

Roses are the best flower to send for a friend on Valentines Day as they are not only steeped in tradition, but also are plentiful around this holiday. You can choose from several different colors. Yellow roses symbolize friendship and red roses symbolize love. You can choose the perfect flower bouquet for your friend by choosing one that is comprised of both red and yellow roses.

When you shop for a Valentines Day flower delivery online, you can choose your own bouquet of flowers and have them sent to your friend at their home or place of business. You can personalize the card for the flowers and say how you feel. You can even get a deal on the flower delivery when you shop online. Best of all, you do not even have to leave the house to get what you want - you can place your order for a valentine flower delivery to your friend on Valentines Day right online in the comfort of your own home or office.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bill_Brennan

Buying Valentine's Chocolate Online - Here's What You Need to Know

Buying valentine chocolate online this Valentine's Day for your sweetheart (or other loved one) is a great way to show your love. When picking Valentine's Day Chocolates for that special person, you have to realize certain things. Not all chocolate retailers are equal. The truth is, even if a chocolate retailer is famous, it doesn't mean their chocolate is well-respected among chocolate-lovers. Many of the most popular brands use an excess of sugar (mostly to preserve it), and have flavors that might be more comfortable in a typical candy bar.

The nation's best chocolatiers aren't to be found in shopping malls -- they typically run smaller operations that are more concerned with craftsmanship than expanding their business. So unless you have a favorite local chocolate maker, your best bet is to go online. As luxury chocolate becomes more and more popular, skilled chocolate makers are offering their crafts on the internet. The public has more options than ever, and you have an opportunity to really "wow" your loved one this Valentine's Day.

It's important to consider the recipient's tastes. If you're buying for a child, he or she may be happy with your typical milk chocolate heart. People with more adult tastes, however, may prefer something more rich, sophisticated, or exotic. As the field advances, chocolatiers are pairing chocolate with chili peppers, espresso, exotic spices, etc. If you really want to impress, go with a box that includes these exciting options.

This sophisticated chocolate is considered "gourmet," though unlike wine, you don't have to have extensive experience to enjoy the best. Most adults with even a mild appreciation for chocolate can appreciate the difference between good gourmet chocolate and your typical convenience store variety. So feel free to avoid the malls and department stores, and hop online to get your loved one something he or she can really appreciate.

Therefore give your lover is valentine chocolate on Valentine's Day as your affection to she that he was happy san increasingly fond of you because it can melt chocolate gift doubt shes heart.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Guy_A._Smith

20 Januari 2010

Tradition Celebration Chinese New Year 2010 in the World

The Chinese New Year is a fifteen day celebration that falls on a different date each year as it is a combination of lunar and solar movements. It usually falls in the month of January or February. This year marks the 'Year of the Horse'. The Chinese New Year's date varies every year and falls on second new moon after the winter solstice. The date for the occasion is decided according to the calendar which is a combination of the solar and the lunar calendar. Rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, cat, dragon, snake, horse, ram, monkey, rooster, dog and boar are the animals that are considered to be auspicious. Each person as is believed in the Chinese calendar resembles an animal and this reflects their traits. The Chinese New Year or the Spring Festival as it is also known is the most revered holiday of the year. This is the time when family and friends gather and offer prayers to their ancestors and deities followed by a lavish dinner to usher in the New Year. During this time, families clean their homes while feng shui believers decorate their homes accordingly. On chinese new year 2010, members of a family stay up late as legend goes that long ago; the gods in heaven would give gold to each family so they would keep awake, active and ready to accept the gold gift. Families decorate their homes with pretty vases and colorful flowers symbolizing that nature has reawakened. Oranges and tangerines are placed in the house as a sign of happiness and prosperity. A tray of candies made of eight different types of candies are placed along with these. The candies are made of lotus seeds, longan, peanuts, coconut, cumquat, red melon seeds, candied melon, etc. The traditional food that is a significant part of the Chinese New Year party includes Jai, Fish and chicken, noodles and desserts. The dinner has a symbolic meaning in which the Chinese dumplings imply wealth as they are in the shape of ancient Chinese gold or silver ingots. Jiu is the traditional hard liquor in China symbolizes longevity as also Daikon, a white radish. Red chilies symbolize good luck while rice ensures harmony. Chinese people are usually out on the roads, especially kids who wear Chinese dragon masks and go for the chinese new year calendar 2010 Dragon parade. Dragon dances are a vital part of the Chinese New Year. One man who has a 'Pearl Of Wisdom' on a pole entices the dragon to follow him to the drum beats as though searching for wisdom and knowledge. The lion dance is an equally important ritual in the consecration of any auspicious time in China. The Lantern Festival is an amazing visual display of multicolored paper lanterns created by craftsmen in designs of butterflies, dragons, birds, dragonflies and other insects or animals. The Dragon Boat Festival marks the day of a certain Chinese scholar who threw himself into the river over a political protest. Chinese New Year is not just a festival of fun and part, but also a time to welcome the new season, pray for prosperity and well being and cleanse away the any thing evil

The Chinese New Year is a fifteen day celebration that falls on a different date each year as it is a combination of lunar and solar movements. It usually falls in the month of January or February. This year marks the 'Year of the Horse'.

The Chinese New Year's date varies every year and falls on second new moon after the winter solstice. The date for the occasion is decided according to the calendar which is a combination of the solar and the lunar calendar. Rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, cat, dragon, snake, horse, ram, monkey, rooster, dog and boar are the animals that are considered to be auspicious. Each person as is believed in the Chinese calendar resembles an animal and this reflects their traits.

The chinese new year or the Spring Festival as it is also known is the most revered holiday of the year. This is the time when family and friends gather and offer prayers to their ancestors and deities followed by a lavish dinner to usher in the New Year. During this time, families clean their homes while feng shui believers decorate their homes accordingly. On chinese new year 2010, members of a family stay up late as legend goes that long ago; the gods in heaven would give gold to each family so they would keep awake, active and ready to accept the gold gift.

Families decorate their homes with pretty vases and colorful flowers symbolizing that nature has reawakened. Oranges and tangerines are placed in the house as a sign of happiness and prosperity. A tray of candies made of eight different types of candies are placed along with these. The candies are made of lotus seeds, longan, peanuts, coconut, cumquat, red melon seeds, candied melon, etc. The traditional food that is a significant part of the Chinese New Year party includes Jai, Fish and chicken, noodles and desserts. The dinner has a symbolic meaning in which the Chinese dumplings imply wealth as they are in the shape of ancient Chinese gold or silver ingots. Jiu is the traditional hard liquor in China symbolizes longevity as also Daikon, a white radish. Red chilies symbolize good luck while rice ensures harmony.

Chinese people are usually out on the roads, especially kids who wear Chinese dragon masks and go for the chinese new year calendar 2010 Dragon parade. Dragon dances are a vital part of the Chinese New Year. One man who has a 'Pearl Of Wisdom' on a pole entices the dragon to follow him to the drum beats as though searching for wisdom and knowledge. The lion dance is an equally important ritual in the consecration of any auspicious time in China. The Lantern Festival is an amazing visual display of multicolored paper lanterns created by craftsmen in designs of butterflies, dragons, birds, dragonflies and other insects or animals. The Dragon Boat Festival marks the day of a certain Chinese scholar who threw himself into the river over a political protest.

In the new year there is now a regular on the popular modern society do traditionally red packets are also handed out to younger generation by their parents, grand parents, relatives, and even close neighbors and friends during Imlek. Nowadays giving red packets as a bonus at the year-end by employers becomes popular and Imlek parcel is also a tradition of giving to business associates or relatives.

Giving Imlek parcel to employees prior to the New Year is also a good idea. This can be either a gift or a bonus. If it is as a gift, the money should be just right for a gift. If as a bonus, you may enclose a check in the parcel gift and hand it out in an office.

Chinese New Year is not just a festival of fun and part, but also a time to welcome the new season, pray for prosperity and well being and cleanse away the any thing evil.

Article Source : http://www.articlesbase.com/humor-articles/chinese-new-year-2010-get-chinese-new-year-eve-celebration-around-the-world-1668382.html