29 Agustus 2009

Accounting Services - How an Accounting Service Can Help Your Small Business

Starting your own business can be daunting. You worry about marketing, product or service sales, customer feedback, making a profit and, in the end, just keeping the doors open for business. You have so many things on your plate that you think it would be nice to delegate some of the responsibility, but can you really afford that luxury?

One thing that you could delegate is your accounting services. Yes, maybe you can handle this yourself, but do you have to? Here are some great reasons for hiring out your bookkeeping and how it can help your small business:

1. Saves you time.

Keeping up with invoices, accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll, insurance, taxes, profit tracking and debts- these are all services that can be performed by accounting services. That's a lot of paperwork and even with great software, inputting the information and keeping track of all the numbers can take a major chunk out of your day.

2. Saves you money.

Yes, fees can be quite costly, but in the long run it can save you money. By having someone whose only job is to handle the books, you can keep tabs on how the business is doing more frequently than just when you can "find the time to do the books".

Knowing daily or weekly what kind of numbers you are bringing in and in what areas allows you to divert your focus to areas that need better marketing sales. Knowing what needs work gives you the power to improve your business all around which increases the bottom line.

3. Protects you from mistakes.

An accounting service offers expertise in filing your businesses tax papers. Of course, before choosing a service, make sure they have certified CPAs or EAs so you know the work will be correct. Experience means no or fewer mistakes than if you did them yourself. Sure, you may know something about taxes, but small business tax filing can get complicated.

The last thing you want is to be audited by the IRS or have a lien put on your business to cover back taxes and penalties. And, even if the company does make a mistake, they should have some sort of coverage or guarantee to correct the mistake.

4. Keeps you organized.

Especially if you hire accounting services to handle all of your business paperwork, being organized is important. Being organized takes the time that you could use for doing something else. Maybe everything just piles up on the desk instead.

With a professional service, all of your paperwork will be filed away so that it makes sense and can easily be located. Even if the service is just temporary, they can set up a system for you which make payroll, timecards, vacation time, work schedules and employee records easy to reference.

Interview the company and know exactly what services you need. Do you just want your taxes done or do you want someone to work full-time and handle all of your paperwork? Verify the person's credentials and make sure you trust them. Hiring accounting services can really make your life easier and help your small business grow as long as you know what you need.

Louisiana accounting firm offers the services of highly-trained professionals who provide you with accounting services such as tax computing, sales, payroll etc for your small scale business on a monthly basis. To learn more about their practice, visit http://www.asu-llc.com

28 Agustus 2009

Birthday Party Entertainment For Kids

Face it, paper hats and pin the tail on the donkey are pretty lame for today's birthday party. Kid's have "been there, done that." If you want to make your child's party special, think entertainment.

Just sending a group of kids screaming into a party room for 2 hours is a pretty dull and unimaginative way to celebrate one of the biggest days in your child's life. While it's fun, it's hardly special. Kids go to these party factories every day and some are so impersonal and noisy there's not much to enjoy.

Having a birthday part for your child in a restaurant? That's a lot more special, but make sure you plan out the entertainment. Kids get bored fast just sitting at a table. Having the party at home certainly makes the party more personal than a loud and crazy party room. But again, make sure you have some entertainment planned. Here are some ideas.

Inflatable Bounce Rides. Rent an inflatable at any good party rental location. but be aware that every year children get hurt on these rides and you are personally liable for any bodily harm they cause. You need to keep a very close eye on the children and insist that children not be left unattended. Parents of children under the age of five must stay and supervise their kids. If you have the room and adequate supervision, the children will enjoy these rides for a while. But, be aware that in the event of rain these rides may not be suitable for indoor use. Have a backup plan.

Clowns. Not all clowns are scary, some are downright cute. Look for a clown who does not wear too much makeup. A "white-face clown" is too shocking and abstract for young kids and may actually frighten your guests. Choose a clown who has a friendly and human appearance for very little children. Be sure your clown has plenty of activities.

Magicians. Magic shows are by far the best type of entertainment for children ages 5 and up. For younger audiences we recommend a combination of magic, juggling and other goofy activities. A magician will make the birthday child star of the show. The birthday child will get to help the magician perform tricks and help make the magic happen. When your birthday child gets to be the star assistant and make magic it will create a life long memory. You'll cherish the photographs of your child helping the magician and the children will be thrilled by the experience.

Only book a birthday magic show if you have at least 45 minutes of time for the show and a quiet, well-lit environment free from distraction. If the show is to be held outside, be sure to provide seating in the shade.

To find a great party entertainer for your birthday party, call Hijinx Entertainment at 877-688-3133. Check out http://hijinx.tv for lots of party entertainment ideas. You'll find great DJ's, bands, and musicians that will get your party going.

Choosing The Right Clown For Your Child

Nowadays, having plain birthday parties will not make your kids give out those toothy smiles. You just have to prepare something special for them. And the first thing that comes to mind is hiring a clown. That is definitely a good idea. But looking for a clown that is right for your child's party can take you ages.

ClownsForHire.com is an online directory, or you can also call it the online "yellow pages" for the commercialization of clowning services, that are offered by independent clowns whom you can hire. They have clowns in almost every state in the United States of America and also in numerous countries worldwide. All you have to do is to indicate there in which place you are from and it will narrow your view of choice in that area only.

You would think that there is only one type of clown, and that is the one that makes the kids laugh with the red nose, over-sized shoes, and magic tricks that purposedly fail. You are dead wrong. There are various categories of clowns.

Services that are offered by the clowns who advertise themselves on ClownsForHire.com are inclusive of balloon twisting and sculpting; different sorts of clown magic; specific clowns for Christian and other faith-based ministries; simply for the sole entertainment of the kids; corporate events clowns; the thing that clowns are good at, general clowning around; juggling; face painting; multicultural clowns; puppetry; party clowns; special events clowns; storytelling for the kids; unicycle riding; rodeo clowns; as well as other kind of services.

Now how would you know if you chose the wrong clown for your child's party? Here are 18 signs that you have been unfortunate in choosing the right clown for your child. The first sign is when by the end your child's party, he or she has got every kid riled up on his or her "pull my finger" trick.

Second, you would know that this clown is an awfully bad clown when his or her car has to be started with a breathalizer device.

The third is very obvious for he or she would be screaming around that his or her name is BO-zo and not bo-ZO.

Fourth, he or she keeps referring to Kierkegaard and Nietzsche, and the kids just keep getting lost in this.

Fifth, he or she gets himself ready for his or her "disappearing" trick, using your wide-screen television and a moving van.

Here is the next batch of the signs you need to familiarize yourself with to be able to know about hiring the wrong or right clown. You would know if the clown you hired is not right when he or she scares the holy hell out of the kids during his "severed limb" magic trick.

Seventh sign is when he or she tells the children that Barney's blood was spattered on his or her hands during a blood match in Newark.

Eighth, he or she did not bring any ballons, but still does goos in twisting your dachshund into different animal shapes.

Ninth, he or she prefaces every trick with, "here is a little trick I got from the joint."

Tenth, everytime he or she tries to impress Peewee Herman, the kids have a big question mark plastered on their faces.

The eleventh sign is when he or she wears a t-shirt that states "drug-free since March."

Twelfth, he or she is more interested in squirting seltzer into his Scotch drink rather than into his trousers.

Thirteenth, when his or her oversized ears seem to be too much life-like, and his or her entire act consists of showing charts and complaints about the deficit.

Fourteenth, he or she spends the whole party with a gun directed to his or her temple.

Fifteenth sign is when the only balloon animals he or she can come up with are snakes and a "snake on acid."

The top three signs are when his or her business cards are inclusive of the phrase "From the Mind of Stephen King"; when his or her price list includes an "around the world" and a "lap dance"; and lastly, when every one of his or her balloon animals are lubricated and ribbed.

Get the perfect clown for your child's party now. http://www.ClownsForHire.com is made just for that purpose. What are you waiting for? Get online on http://www.clownsForHire.com and select your clown!

Low Jeremy maintains child-party.articlesforreprint.com. This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included.